Posted by Speedy Boy > 2018-10-05 22:36 | Report Abuse

This week we saw foreign funds slowly buying in! It's not much but it shows that they have no issue with bursa unlike few months ago! The political uncertainty no longer an issue! The doubt and fear among foreign funds after pulling 11 billion has subsided! What i see is, foreign funds has no issue of doubt and fear! They are willing to flow back in to bursa! And it's very apparent from out currency despite super strong dollar, they actually willing to buy ringgit compare to region currencies which suffer heavy devaluation! We are fortunate in this regard as our ringgit is supported by strong price in crude oil and palm oil! As long as crude oil above usd70, we should be don't okay for the next 5 years! Especially by next year once Petronas major refinary in RAPID start to kick in! So there's plenty of feel good factors going forward for our bourse and capital market! Dollar will continue to strengthen! US treasury will remain darling of hedge funds! However, eventually rotation play will kick in as well! I think half a year time, most bourses in Asia region will be in party mode!

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