The Board of Directors of RCE Capital Berhad ("Company") wishes to announce that all the resolutions asset out in the Notice of the Seventieth Annual General Meeting ("AGM") of the Company dated 29July2024("Resolutions")were duly passed by the shareholders of the Company at the AGM held today.
All the Resolutions were voted by poll and the results of the poll were validatedby Commercial Quest Sdn. Bhd., the independent scrutineer appointed by the Company.
Details of the results of the polling in respect of the Resolutions at the AGM are set out below.
This announcement is dated 5September 2024.
Voting Results |
1. Ordinary Resolution 1 |
Description |
To approve the payment of Directors' fees of RM593,750 for the financial year ended 31 March 2024. |
Shareholder’s Action | For Voting | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Shareholders | 302 | 42 |
No. of Shares | 482,847,070 | 62,302 |
% of Voted Shares | 99.9871 | 0.0129 |
Result | Accepted | |
2. Ordinary Resolution 2 |
Description |
To approve the Directors' benefits to the Non-Executive Directors of the Company up to an aggregate amount of RM850,000 for the period from 6 September 2024 until the next Annual General Meeting of the Company. |
Shareholder’s Action | For Voting | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Shareholders | 294 | 50 |
No. of Shares | 482,735,125 | 174,247 |
% of Voted Shares | 99.9639 | 0.0361 |
Result | Accepted | |
3. Ordinary Resolution 3 |
Description |
To re-elect Puan Azura binti Azman who retires pursuant to Clause 103 of the Company's Constitution. |
Shareholder’s Action | For Voting | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Shareholders | 320 | 30 |
No. of Shares | 484,364,835 | 50,535 |
% of Voted Shares | 99.9896 | 0.0104 |
Result | Accepted | |
4. Ordinary Resolution 4 |
Description |
To re-elect Encik Shahman Azman who retires pursuant to Clause 118 of the Company's Constitution. |
Shareholder’s Action | For Voting | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Shareholders | 313 | 37 |
No. of Shares | 484,128,632 | 286,738 |
% of Voted Shares | 99.9408 | 0.0592 |
Result | Accepted | |
5. Ordinary Resolution 5 |
Description |
To re-elect Tan Sri Mazlan Mansor who retires pursuant to Clause 118 of the Company's Constitution. |
Shareholder’s Action | For Voting | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Shareholders | 312 | 38 |
No. of Shares | 483,810,832 | 604,538 |
% of Voted Shares | 99.8752 | 0.1248 |
Result | Accepted | |
6. Ordinary Resolution 6 |
Description |
To re-appoint Deloitte PLT as Auditors of the Company to hold office until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting and to authorise the Directors to fix their remuneration. |
Shareholder’s Action | For Voting | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Shareholders | 317 | 35 |
No. of Shares | 484,064,434 | 364,736 |
% of Voted Shares | 99.9247 | 0.0753 |
Result | Accepted | |
7. Ordinary Resolution 7 |
Description |
Authority to Issue Shares Pursuant to Section 75 of the Companies Act 2016. |
Shareholder’s Action | For Voting | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Shareholders | 303 | 45 |
No. of Shares | 463,163,379 | 21,241,391 |
% of Voted Shares | 95.6150 | 4.3850 |
Result | Accepted | |
8. Ordinary Resolution 8 |
Description |
Proposed Shareholders' Mandate for Recurrent Related Party Transactions of a Revenue or Trading Nature |
Shareholder’s Action | For Voting | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Shareholders | 299 | 37 |
No. of Shares | 52,261,564 | 56,244 |
% of Voted Shares | 99.8925 | 0.1075 |
Result | Accepted | |
9. Ordinary Resolution 9 |
Description |
Proposed Renewal of Share Buy-Back Authority |
Shareholder’s Action | For Voting | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Shareholders | 317 | 33 |
No. of Shares | 484,306,527 | 101,044 |
% of Voted Shares | 99.9791 | 0.0209 |
Result | Accepted | |