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we need someone that are more reasonably paid to get the job done. Currently, all the profits have been used to pay the management team

2024-04-03 17:57


Haha. Conned jobs.

2024-04-03 21:12


Company is shit til ceo resigned

2024-04-03 21:12


Collecting at 0.25 upside potential to be sold.

The digital strategy has failed.
Lost hundreds of millions to buy distribution but not substantially breaking even.

New CEO will be hired to do 2 things only

Pivot back to agency. Which needs a ton of cash. Or doubledown on more marketing and digital channel distribution acquisition spend.

Either way, it's a dark black hole.

2024-04-05 09:58


Every quarter, the main task of management is to give reasons why it is making losses and keep hoodwinking shareholders of the great potential ahead. The share price trajectory clearly tells that investors are not buying it.

The only jewel in the crown of this hopeless company is the insurance licence.

2024-04-05 10:30


On new group CEO.
If it's new from the street - then divestment chances are lower.
If the new CEO is promoted from within, then there's higher chances the protect will be divested from capital A.

2024-04-09 07:36


I was wrong about Rohit not leaving, but the news of him leaving allowed price to fall and let me get in at a lower price. I'm sure others will have a better entry price. This is a speculative trading position (hence small).

2024-04-12 22:23


Tune as a Group, is a small company, with Gross Written Premium (GWP) of only RM400 million or so average the past 5 years. You can't get that much profits from such a small GWP, the problem is relatively high fixed expenses compared to allowances and profits that can be priced in the GWP. Shareholders need to have a longer term plan, otherwise, new CEOs that brings with them short term "tricks" may show good result in the first year or two but inevitably sets the company back. Both Ms Khoo and Rohit (ex-CEOs) took short term views but after 5 years combined, has not really changed Tune fundamentally at the business level.

As they say, when there's blood on the streets, odds are better than 50/50 that we'll see a surprise on the upside.

2024-04-12 22:32


Agree with Sheldon, that in the hands of the "big boys" who can afford to take a longer term view to fundamentally grow the business, that insurance license will come in handy. Problem with Tune is its shareholder who is not willing to wait to do what's necessary to grow its insurance business. If you keep demanding your new CEO to turn a profit in the first year, and not invest in the longer term, you can't grow sustainably in the mid term.

2024-04-12 22:35


Divestment is probably going to be good news for Tune, as current shareholder is the problem with its unrealistic expectations on its CEO. It needs both proven Management, Board and proven Shareholder to make Tune successful.

2024-04-12 22:37


@donny, it's the same pattern with past CEOs, Rohit isn't the first. The problem is CEO do what shareholders want them to do. They are creative people to extract short term results as what shareholder wanted, but insurance business doesn't work like that when constantly extracting short term results. Insurance is predicated on a large enough size insurance pool, small pools like 400 million GWP have huge hurdles long term.

2024-04-12 22:42


@ambrose, Malaysia ageing population is not a factor at all. There are many other older (ageing) countries with successful insurance industry.

2024-04-12 22:46


@warchest, @bbc, it's not about individual who can handle/cannot handle. CEOs and senior management by nature are resilient people. Typically Rohit and other CEO quit in the past likely due to "differences in views" masquerading as "personal reasons" / "better opportunities". It is unlikely that all these CEOs are wrong and the shareholder is right after so many CEOs. More likely, the shareholder demand is wrong / not suited for this line of business.

2024-04-12 22:59


Tunepro before the current trade and industry minister was ceO had a super low cost base. Server room was practically a bunch of PCs and everything was auto-opt-in. Making money like mad. Then listing came; and empire building era under the lady ceo. That’s when the cost base went nuts. For such a tiny outfit; the ceo needed a head of strategy and head of distribution to manage the other channel heads. That’s just recipe for disaster.
Aside from that rohit’s hiring was a huge bet for digital distribution.
Digital distribution can be just as expensive as agency given spend on digital partnership; non digital partner distribution, search keyword, ; social media personality (Tunepro didn’t even invest there) etc.

Except you lower the risk of dodgy agency behaviour scamming the company of commissions

Changing topic a bi. That’s why I sense BNM’s noble idea of targeting B40 with digital insurer license will fail.
Only sufficiently large incumbent insurer can take the losses; or at least can leveraging marketing spend for 2 purpose.

2024-04-19 17:45


The tenang vouchers. As outside person looking in; also likely due to pressure to meet kpi. I’m guessing there’s incentives that led to agency like behaviour from the team.

Being in corporate for 3 decades now. The lesson learned is, if there’s a incentive based KPI, there’s bound to be a scammer that can bring down the company due to greed.

2024-04-19 17:48


@drkervokian - Rohit is leaving on very good terms with both Air Asia and the BOD. The post wasnt meant at Tune or him. Read a few posts before and you will know clearly which portfolio he refers to. Easy to malign people as keyboard warriors

2 months ago


Celaka payment 1.2 million for Director.
Payment so high yet company loosing money.
Shouldn't get pay if company no profit.
Tenang program also can lose money.

2 months ago


Hi everyone and DividendGuy67,
Tune still not off the ground.
How come Lpi doing so well but Tune struggling. Tune has broadened to other insurance areas BUT after a few years still struggling...
So what's the difference between LPI ( share price $12 and dividend of 66c for FY)..
I got out of Tune about more than a year ago with small profit.
Won't get in to this struggling

2 months ago


Due to inflation the value of money depreciate year by year. If anyone invest in Tune Protect for more than 5 years without any profit should pull out from this stock, and Look for a great company (opportunity) to invest. Time is $$$$.

2 months ago


You are correct ambrose123..👍...
I am newbie..
Can you tell me where and which stocks you are investing now?
Thank you.

2 months ago


something is brewing.. looking at the recent volumes

2 months ago


Since the highly paid CEO is out, hopefully Tune will start to profit.

2 months ago


yes yah CEO CEO

2 months ago


Was previous CEO highly paid. Co's need to pay for good calibre management..
Tune, dunno whether can get in now ?

2 months ago



Tune Protect Group 1Q24 Analyst Briefing on this Friday

2 months ago


When to turn profit ???

2 months ago


Loss again.

1 month ago


Boom! Shit again and again. Investors love shit! Con jobs.

1 month ago


Who is their new CEO ah? Macam no announcement

1 month ago


Poor results expected. As usual - it tries to sugarcoat losses with vague praises.

Will this co turn around? If not then better be a takeover target. Some other co will be able to make money out of this license

1 month ago


giving up on this company

1 month ago


New CeO ok boh

1 month ago


Why TA announce BUY CALL for Tunepro even though Tune is loosing money ???

1 month ago


No idea, do u believe in TA?

1 month ago


Suddenly Buy Signal blinking everywhere...

1 month ago


When everybody buy, it's time to buy. There's strength in numbers

1 month ago


goreng season?

1 month ago


Yup. Kasi Che kuey tiaw! Kasi tiaw sama dia.

1 month ago


TUNEPRO is one of 14 of my speculative trading stock where the goal is price gains. My average entry price is 30 sen, so, sitting on 20% unrealized gains. However, it is an extremely small % of my stock portfolio relative to dividend income. This is to cure boredom.

1 month ago


Based on trade details, looks like some one is collecting tunepro share last one week plus; but that buyer is not chasing the stock, mere buying what's available for sale. Hopefully something good is on the way!

1 month ago


Price has moved up a little bit, but volume expanded to 3m+. No news or rumours in the market but increased trading activities seem to indicate something is brewing. There could be several posibilities: pure goreng; appointing a seasoned CEO; new joint ventures; or some strategic corporate moves. Nobody knows; wait and see if there is any new development in the coming weeks.

1 month ago


There are only two listed companies in the airline industries. What else can you choose

1 month ago


Siapa CeO baru yeah

1 month ago


Dr. pun tamat contact

4 weeks ago


Volume increase.
Good sign.

2 weeks ago


new management new hope

2 weeks ago


Watch out for the new management team especially the new CEO; that will determine the direction of tunepro. There seems to be a persistent buying of tunepro shares in the last few weeks, which augurs well for the company.

2 weeks ago


General insurance is a viable business; look at Allianze and LPI, they are doing very well. In the hands of a right CEO, tunepro can do equally well, just has to wait patiently

2 weeks ago


Ini CeO apa brand

2 weeks ago

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