KLSE (MYR): MUH (9539)
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Friday , 20 Nov 15 luke warm activities on the prices of MUH noted. Time and opportunities are Right NOW !!! after a long hibernation. go go go!
2015-11-21 19:05
any comments for the counter's performance so far?
Stop monitoring for this counter for quite some time.
2017-12-15 15:47
Mikecyc 连consolidation 都不懂从2018 年讲到现在!
怎样知道公司有没做都不懂!连交易所 bursa 条规都不懂就来这边 sek siew siew ban dai biao 广东话...笑死人... 哈哈
2020-04-16 08:52
shares consolidation 要先给通告通知所有股东,然后才跟交易所 proposed 先,然后一定要开股东大会 (EGM ) 给股东 voting ,只有通过 SPECIAL RESOLUTION 才能批准做shares consolidation...大家都知道唯独只有mikecyc 一人不会所以"不知道自己不知道 " 那么叫笨咯..讲了两年还在讲那么就叫犯傻 !不然你就问你理买射(remisier)他会跟你讲的如果他不会我看你需要来cheung kong center 找我...连基本berhad公司规则都不懂, 假厉害sek siew siew ban dai biao 广东话 笑死人...自己打自己脸... 我来教你啦..
2020-04-16 08:52
都没公告....只有 mikecyc 一人在2018 时候自己以为!2019的时候 又在那边自己以为! 今天2020还是自己以为,就好像根本没世界末日都没发生也没这回事...mikecyc 自己在想世界末日 ! mikecyc 总是自己以为...在幻想...又幻想...搞到自己神经兮兮...不用活那样 ! 大家都知道等Netx有通告的时候..大家才来做决策!
2020-04-16 08:52
We are unable to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence to determine the nature and extent of relationship that may exist between the Company and its Relevant Subsidiary Companies and the Special Purpose Vehicle ("SPV") by virtue of the said transactions and the debt restructuring exercises. Consequently, we were unable to determine whether the Company had control over the SPV; and the completeness of the comparative disclosures relating to the related party transactions between the Group and the SPV.
2021-10-27 19:32
Run ! Qualified Opinions !!
2021-10-27 19:33
There is no big deal for such announcement. I ever seen more than 20 times such announcement made by Bursa throughout the a year.
Davidkkw, are you new to the market?
2021-10-27 21:03
The Ghost is back at this... good Q to Q results, Y vs Y, share cap only 56m. The Ghost is never wrong, this will go back 65cents region. Company need to raise funds to finance it's property development projects, so rights issue with free warrants is on the way. With it's cash pile above rm15m, possibility of bonus issuance as well. You need a couple of million to bring yourself into a major shareholder and ask for board seat. All for the taking.
The Ghost.
2022-02-24 21:50
The Ghost is revisiting sleepy counter again....this time, entries from 40+-50+ cents. Many investors are angry with the old shareholders, not giving way to younger generations to lead and make this company exciting and great again....
Shall i jampi-jampi and visit the key shareholders and make them jump? They would love to meet me when their time is up...
The Ghost.
2022-12-29 21:47
The Ghost Predicament @ MUH @ 2023....
Baby Observations -
1. Market Cap - RM33mil
2. Shares - 57mil
3. Receivables, Deposits, Bank & Cash Balances - RM34.5mil
4. Debt - RM5.8mil
5. GP Margin - 50%
6. Growth Rate - 17%
Main Shareholders - Mr Ang KC/father, Mdm Cheong/mom, Mr Ang HC/son & Ms Ang AW/daughter
- Ang Family controls about 38% of the company
Top 30 Shareholders - controls 60.83%
Free Float - 39% @ 22.2mil shares
Total shareholders - 2,200 + (why so many?) - 22.2mil shares/ 2,170 shareholders = 10,244 per shareholder.
based on RM580 per share / so each shareholder is holding RM5.9k.
Historically - movement of about 3m-5m shares/daily = Increase in about 5-20cents.
- so roughly daily 300-500 shareholders will be trading to increase share prize value.
Next Direction - TA
2020 - rangebound 30cents
2021 - exciting - from 30cents > almost RM1!
2022 - rangebound from 45cents to 65cents
2023 - rangebound from 55cents to 75cents (because lots of ppl got stuck @ 70cents region in
2021, they will cut loss or just eventually even to get out)
- TARGET - HIT RM1 again
Potential to go RM1 again? or former glory RM2.10 in 2014?
The Ghost will share more as we move into 2023..... need to have more dinners with the Ang's family.
Always remember - the company is doing pretty good, cash pile almost equivalent to its market cap and the share base is so small.
Raiders whom have RM15mil will get Ang's family scared... why?
Assumed 1lot of share is RM700 (since many stuck at that price range)
To buy 1m shares will cost me RM700k.
To buy 10m shares will cost me RM7mil and you get 17.55%
To buy 20m shares will cost me RM14mil and you get 35%
With just RM15m (SGD only 4m+), you can potential takeover the company - access to its cash of RM35m, landbank, say RM15m, listco entity value RM30m @ Total in the region of 80m. Declare bonus (1for2 etc) and dividend. Drive up the share prize.
Cost at 70cents > share prize shoots up to RM1.4. Your investment double from RM15m to RM30m. Your RM80m will continue to adds up.
Simple mathematics and actions. That is why the controlling shareholders MUST drive up their share prize to make the RAID harder. If not, bye bye to their hardwork.
Signing off 3am
The Ghost.
2022-12-31 02:48
And mind you, their landbank is in Penang mainland, near to Kulim (new international airport).
2015-07-01 10:36