Sslee blog


Publish date: Sat, 15 Dec 2018, 03:23 PM
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This is my blog

Dear all,

I started my first blog in i3 on Feb 13 2018 with blog title: CNY SHARING: RESPECT. Where I answer self question; “Is respect/trust earned or given?”

Trust is earned by your track record but respect is by your manner and not earned by your past achievement, your academic qualification, your high position in your career, how rich you are or how philanthropist you are?

Respect is something that we choose to give because you value people. If you value someone, you will want to tell them the truth. You will want to share your opinions or your vast experiences and knowledge with them honestly and completely. Your sharing should be done without berating the person, without insulting them or their opinions and without causing hurt, shame, bitterness, animosity or resentment.

We can always practice give and take (give more than you take/give thanks and take nothing for granted) or agree to disagree with respect and dignity.  No need for hurtful name-calling. Treat people the way you want to be treated. Talk to people the way you want to be talked to. Write to people the way you want other to write to you or remember you. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Respect is given to those who show respect for others and not earned by achievement, position or wealth.

Since then I had shared a total of 54 blogs on (Life, Politics, Human Relationship, Shareholder Activism, AGM, Rebuttal, Critical, Compliment and etc) generated 134,158 views, 1,615 comments and 120 likes.

In my previous blog JAKS “The Conspiracy Theory” Part (II) I wrote P/S: I derived no pleasure in writing this friction story because Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn’t. What is truth now? Who can I trust now? My dream of redwood community is my fiction (possibilities) pipe dream that seem so near yet so far now as I wake up to the reality that i3 is a jungle out there full with quicksand trap please navigates with care. I now only trust KC, OTB, Alex, Choi and CharlesT in i3, how about you?

The question has drawn some mischievous comments thus allow me to explain: “Trust is earned by your track record” and the 5 gentlemen I quote above have a track record of consistency and persistency in defending their belief and stand firm on their un-waving principle to the extent they drawing in some envy or people with hidden agenda to attack them.

Respect is something that we choose to give hence I choose to respect all the Sifus in i3 with exception “You-Know-Who” and I humbly accept all your criticism and mistrust on me with open minded and humility. I thank you. I believe in below quote;

“Everyone should be respected as an individual but no one idolized” - Albert Einstein and “Everybody deserves a second chance, because life is too complicated to get it right the first time”- SkyLug.

GIVING: It’s Christmas and holiday season, season of giving, shopping, holidaying, self reflection, resting the tire body and rejuvenate. In this festive season everybody loves Santa Claus because Santa Claus will leave presents under the Christmas tree for the house occupants. Giving is the life purpose of Santa Claus which bring so much joy to the recipients and to himself too as he seem to be so happy with his trademark laughter: “Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho……..”. I wonder why this day giving is such a rare moment rather than a norm. Have we lost our little Santa Claus inside us? Do we need to grab everything for ourselves only? Haven’t we learnt the meaning of life is not all about receiving but also about giving? There’s joy in the giving. Start today bring out our little Santa Claus inside us, start giving: a friendly smile, a warm greeting, a helping hand, a listening ear, a kind words, a caring thought, a sincere thank, a sincere apology, a healing prayer, a nod of encouragement, a supporting shoulder, a seat in the crowded bus, a little praise, a little times for charity work, a little donation for worthy causes and etc. The world will be a better place when people start giving and believe me the more you give the more you will receive because people will reciprocal. A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year “Ho, ho, ho, ho……….” to all.

Thank you

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No wonder OTB, KC Chong need subscription money. That's for sure money to make.

2018-12-15 16:20


ironically, the crooked qqq3 has become my Best Friend recently

We are partners in crime for Jaks

2018-12-15 16:44


stock market...what trust? what respect?
make money or lose money, that's all

trader or buy and hold. that is all

share market...10 years to build 1 year to destroy.....well, markets have always been like that. ..for corporate owners and major shareholders, they have no choice but to live with it.....for traders like me....I do have choices....................that is why...for me...when is more important than how.

2018-12-15 18:17


well...Jaks is a true wallen bufalo pick at this level....but the fake bufalos in this forum would not recognise.

2018-12-15 18:19


jaks...some interesting pointers

Currently bears dominant and no chance for trading….but this is also the time for the next generation of warren bufetts.

Whether the bottom is 45 or 30 , no difference in the final analysis if the IPP is successful.

A few hundred million in EPCC profits not yet recognised , so P/L wise...this company nothing to worry these depressed prices.

2018-12-15 18:34

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