Sslee blog

Fairness, Justice and The Truth

Publish date: Tue, 03 Jan 2023, 09:10 AM
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This is my blog
Posted by Philip ( buy what you understand) > Dec 31, 2022 11:01 AM | Report Abuse
Sslee, let's just admit facts for once and stare at the mirror together.
Why do you invest? I was once like you many decades ago when I first started buying stocks.
I wanted to be proud that I spent enough time researching and find a misplaced stock that no one else noticed or mispriced.
And then when I found it and bought the stock, the market would notice and I would make millions as the prices soared then I could tell everyone how smart I was buying a great company at its beginning.
This is pure hubris and ego speaking.

In investing you can make tons of money being safe and you actually make better returns by avoiding the "value traps" of "under valued" companies which seemingly no one noticed and buy them at cheap prices which fail to move long term.
I find that investing is more about emotive control rather than intellectual ability. Being able to pay fair prices for excellent companies, you actually go further in the long term versus paying cheap price for cheap companies.

Posted by Integrity. Intelligent. Industrious. 3iii (iiinvestsmart)$€£¥ > Dec 31, 2022 8:36 AM | Report Abuse
I had another misadventure on HRC and my profound apology if my comments in HRC had led some to lose their money in HRC. But let's ensure I will be there at the next AGM to hold BOD and Management accountable.
Why did you choose this company to invest into?
It is a refinery?
Do you understand the business of an oil refinery?
What are the challenges facing this industry? Regulatory measures can be extremely costly.
How is its profits affected by the price of crude oil?
What is its capex (maintainance) requirement?
What are its potential for future growth?
Historically, how has its revenues, earnings, free cash flow, and capital expenditure requirements looked to you?
Look at its capital structure, what are its debt levels, its ability to service the debt (profit before tax/interest rate ratio) and others?
Why did Shell decided to sell it? If Shell did not sell it, Shell was going to abandon this refinery, why?

Why try to jump over a 10 feet hurdle, instead of a 3 feet one? Did you understand all the risks first, and then look at the reward side, before investing into this company?
Also, why do you spend so much time being an investor activist? It is probable easier and more productive just to save your time and walk away from such company.
Posted by CharlesT > Jan 2, 2023 11:26 AM
Most people (99.99%) seeks for profit fm stock mkt while SSlee seeks for fairness, justice n truth.
By making tens of thousand USD a month fm remote Indonesia, SSLee certainly afford to have this hobby
He is the first of such rare species I have seen in Bursa, hopefully he will not be the last.
Not sure if my above statement is sarcasm or compliments......
Posted by qqq47660 > Jan 2, 2023 12:52 PM | Report Abuse
Activism is a thankless job
A job smart people avoid
Smart people do business not do activism
Philip, 3iii, CharlesT and qqq3 are right about me but then again I am what I am.
By the way anyone of you can be an activist by just attend the AGM and hold BOD and management accountable and answerable.
Another letter I just send out.
Dear Datuk Muhamad Umar Swift,
CEO Bursa Malaysia
First and foremost please allow me to wish everyone at Bursa Malaysia a Happy New Year 2023 and please pardon me for writing this letter to you uninvited on the first working day of 2023.
My intention in writing this email to you is with the hope that Datuk can/will reset and reboot Bursa to make investors protection a priority for year 2023. Bursa can only be great again if investing public have confident that their investing in Bursa listed companies will not be short-charged or scammed by insiders fraud (Serbadk) and market manipulators (“Hidden Hands Behind Penny Stocks Surge Under Scrutiny” April 12, 2021 and “Hidden Hands Behind Penny Stock Surge” September 21, 2020)
Wednesday, 28 Dec 2022 SINGAPORE: John Soh Chee Wen, the mastermind of Singapore’s biggest case of stock market manipulation that wiped out nearly $8 billion in market value in October 2013, on Wednesday was sentenced to 36 years in jail, while his co-conspirator Quah Su-Ling was handed 20 years.
The court case spanned a record 349 successful charges in some 200 days of trial over nearly four years.
Prosecutors had sought a jail sentence of 40 years for Soh, and 19½ years’ for his co-conspirator Quah.
The pair were found to have manipulated the share prices of Blumont Group, Asiasons Capital and LionGold Corp – known collectively as BAL – between August 2012 and October 2013, through 187 trading accounts held with 20 financial institutions in the names of 58 individuals and companies.
 I can’t help but agree with The Edge Headline: Singapore gets it right- Severe punishment is the best deterrent against future commercial crimes.
Finally justice is being served and the ghosts of yesteryear Omega Securities scandal can now Rest in Peace.
KUALA LUMPUR: Azam Aris, the editor emeritus of local business newspaper The Edge, was Tuesday acquitted and discharged of one criminal defamation charge after being sued for defamation over two articles on penny stock manipulation published in 2020 and 2021.
However, Azam was given a discharge not amounting to an acquittal (DNAA) for the second charge, The Edge reported.
Azam was charged in September with two counts of criminal defamation at the Magistrate’s Court against a Malaysian businessman and four firms over two articles titled “Hidden Hands Behind Penny Stocks Surge Under Scrutiny” (April 12, 2021) and “Hidden Hands Behind Penny Stock Surge” (September 21, 2020) that exposed stock manipulation on Bursa Malaysia
Luckily for Malaysians, common sense prevails otherwise we will be a laughing stock of international investing communities as a country that charged an investigating reporting editor/reporter for criminal defamation instead of bringing the market manipulators to book like what Singapore did.
I just wonder if the case happens in Malaysia, will Bursa/SC and AG have the capacity, determination and political will to go to the length and depth of Singapore SC and AG “investigating through 187 trading accounts held with 20 financial institutions in the names of 58 individuals and companies to secure a conviction of stock market manipulation”
I am guessing so far no investigation was carried out on market manipulators on the “Hidden Hands behind Penny Stocks Surge under Scrutiny” (April 12, 2021) and “Hidden Hands behind Penny Stock Surge” (September 21, 2020) that exposed stock manipulation on Bursa Malaysia.
What really saddened and angered me the most were despite clear cases of Bursa Listed Red-Chip companies CEO/Directors committed accounting fraud and abscond/runoff with hundreds of millions of Malaysians hard earned money and for reasons only knew to SC/Bursa no action were taken to recover the stolen money nor to bring Red-Chip China CEO/Directors to Malaysia Court to face Justice.
I can only hope things will start to change this year when we have a new government that promises to uphold justice, bring all crooks to book and recover the stolen money. The reformasi, reset and reboot are long overdue but it is better late than never.
Thank you
Have a good day
Best Regards
Lee Soon Sheng
How to make Bursa Malaysia the choice of investor and capital market?
In order to make Bursa Malaysia the choice of investor and capital market something needs to be done by Bursa and SC to ensure high level of trust and integrity among their public-listed companies and to be seen in going after those who break the rules with the full force of the law. Only then the confidence and the crowd will return. As investors, what we can do now while waiting for the confidence to return is to attend the AGM and demand good governance and transparency from the BOD.


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