White-collar Crime : Chong Ket Pen Liar and Cheater And Get Away?

Protasco Bhd board of criminals? How a betrayal owns the company he works for? Lie, cheat, rob and steal is not enough. You need a brother in crime.

Publish date: Sat, 24 Feb 2018, 03:08 PM
Reportedly coined in 1939, the term white-collar crime is now synonymous with the full range of frauds committed by business and government professionals. Crimes are characterized by deceit, concealment, or violation of trust and are not dependent on the application or threat of physical force or violence. The motivation behind these crimes is financial—to obtain or avoid losing money, property, or services or to secure a personal or business advantage. How Chong Ket Pen breaks it all is classic

Inspired by a comprehensive research report: https://chongketpentruth.wordpress.com/2018/02/05/chong-ket-pen-bites-the-hand-who-feeds-any-hope-for-protasco-bhd-why-epf-sold-translation-%E5%BC%A0%E5%90%89%E5%B9%B3%E8%BF%87%E6%A1%A5%E6%8B%86%E6%9D%BF%E8%AF%81%E6%8D%AE/


Who is Dato Sri Chong Ket Pen? The media and investors today already knew his only intention is to enrich himself as evidence from abnormal salaries crossing RM4 million per year, and sickening fake dividend by accounting engineering in order to take bank loan and payout, which Chong Ket Pen though could "legalize" his criminal motive. It's beyond the breach of trust but purely criminal instinct.

Besides having an evil mind and heart, Chong Ket Pen needs a brother in crime to fulfill the money laundering and siphoning self-drama. The Tun's longtime loyal "guard", Tan Sri Hadenan Abdul Jalil becomes the perfect scapegoat and alibi. 

Guess what have they done in the last 4 years?


Chong Ket Pen and Hadenan - brothers in crime


Dato Sri Chong Ket Pen works for Protasco Bhd which owns by Tun, cheated new Protasco Bhd owners and turn himself the "owner" of Protasco bhd. Possession of Protasco Bhd under Chong have seen RM280 million cash dried up to less than RM6 million from the year 2013-2017, while his salaries and dividend paid from Protasco Bhd already exceed RM40 million. Media, investors, and authorities felt cheated with the truth and true intention of Chong Ket Pen telling lies over the years.


Chong Ket Pen hired media relation and lawyers to cover up his dark history and sweep his criminal activities as if he was stupid. Chong Ket Pen rejected Focus Malaysia interview and cannot have eye contact pertaining to questions on his "salaries" and "dried up cash flow" in Protasco Bhd, vs "self-consumed dividend" which mostly paid to himself, with the Protasco Bhd shares he owned using the questionable source of fund, which is beyond his income level as a salaried guy for former boss "Tun". If he did not steal from "Tun", would Protasco Bhd missing cash openly transfer RM40 million went to Chong Ket Pen the only source of the fund?


There is something cooking in Chong Ket Pen's criminal organization, as well as something brewing in Tun's kitchen in view of Chong Ket Pen's recent "show good" drama trying to ditch Tun to show loyalty to PM Najib. What would it be? Let's get our popcorns and soda ready.


Insider Protasco



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Where is our Securities Commission's surveillance unit?

2018-02-24 16:41


This article need to Delete. 人身攻击

2018-02-24 23:02


HopoShame, You lose alots hor? Come come, i feed u little Money. 可怜。输就输,别像个孩子啊。股票当然有输赢啊。

2018-02-24 23:04

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