With allegations ranging from diamond rings to black magic, Rosmah Mansor has always hogged the limelight for the wrong reasons.

Behind closed doors, even BN leaders murmur in protest of her being an albatross around her husband Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak and the ruling coalition's necks.

This week, Rosmah once again made news when it was revealed that she had used a government-funded jet for a trip to Qatar to attend a function there, which also included a fashion show.

NONEBut when quizzed on the brickbats she had received over this, the self-styled First Lady of Malaysia was unfazed and refused to be drawn into a mud-slinging match with her detractors.

"I'm happy, I'm just going to do my work," she had told reporters after attending a function in Kuala Lumpur this morning.

"I don't talk, I don't comment, I don't go down to that level," she added.

According to a FMT report, she then directed reporters to her special officer Siti Azizah Sheikh Abod.

'It was for national interest'

Commenting on the recent controversy, Siti claimed that the trip to Qatar was done in national interest.

"It was not for personal reasons. She was invited by the International Women’s Association. She does not represent the government, but she went there for the sake of the government's interest.

"She is the prime minister's wife, she went to give the keynote address. So she made the address not as a government representative, but in national interest," she was quoted as saying.

Siti also dismissed that there was conflict of interest since the cabinet had given the green light for Rosmah to use the jet.

"The issue is that according to the government circular, usage of private jet [is allowed for] any VIP depending on cabinet approval.

"The paper was submitted to the cabinet and the cabinet approved it. So that's it," she added.

Asked who had chaired the cabinet meeting, Siti termed it as a non-issue.

"We presented it before the cabinet. Do not ask who chaired the meeting. That is not the issue. The issue is that the cabinet gave approval through a consensus," she said.

Criticisng the use of the jet, opposition MPs had said that the prime minister's wife should have paid for the trip herself instead of relying on taxpayers' monies.

It was pointed out that the government spent RM15 million for fuel and RM160 million for maintenance of its executive jets, while a single trip costing around RM470,000.

Previously, Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Shahidan Kassim also came to Rosmah’s defence, stating that the cabinet had agreed to her representing Malaysia at the forum.

He also said that the disgruntled MPs could take the matter to court to.