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Can DAP deliver in GE 15?

Publish date: Fri, 21 Oct 2022, 05:04 PM
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Can DAP deliver in GE 15?

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DAP now has 42 seats

2022-10-21 17:07


How many parliament seats can DAP win?

2022-10-21 17:08


Last GE14, majority of Harapan lawmakers were non malays! Probably the reason why traitors especially Mahathir move for Sheraton Move!

2022-10-21 17:09


Sheraton call is any thing but Anwar and DAP.

How can PH defeat that? defeat the meme...............neutralise it, change it...have PH done enough? or it cannot be defeated?

2022-10-21 17:34


they are again going to work with Dr M i guess

2022-10-21 17:44


DAP has been doing it since 509 by holding Hadi's hand singing song for him and ceaselessly giving reason to for accepting Jawi learning and many many more pro Malay frens policies

2022-10-21 18:05


That's the problem with Harapan! Never admit their own short comings! Harapan 22 months squarely blame on Mahathir and LGE! Harapan should distant themselves over this two dumbass!
To convince voters, Harapan need to tell us that they are better government! That status quo remains!
If you scare the majority malays over demands of local chinese, they won't cross over!

2022-10-21 18:11


Remember GE14 result! Majority of Harapan lawmakers made up of non malays! Majority malays are scared! They afraid suddenly all their privileges will be removed!

2022-10-21 18:12


Somemore, Harapan leaders have no idea what to do once they are in power! Harapan won't implement GST! Harapan won't attract foreign investors! Harapan won't go for mega projects during downtime! And so forth!

2022-10-21 18:13


Before you guys shot me, i am telling you guys, my vote with Harapan! But will the majority vote for Harapan! Or will we see taliban government once again!

2022-10-21 18:13


Post removed.Why?

2022-10-21 18:13


Dap cannot be like our 'national car'! Slap Proton Perodua and then claim it's made in Malaysia! Just admit Dap is a chinese party! That Pkr is multiracial party! And Amanah is purely islamic party! All must work together and form a solid vision of Malaysia!
You cannot scream and shout like last time! You cannot claim traitors pull Harapan down! I mean, until today still want to work with Mahathir proxy parties!

2022-10-21 18:22


Sadly i already heard and read those Dap supporters throwing insults like majority malays are too depended on 'tongkat'! If this degrading remarks are rehash again, do you think those who may want to vote for Harapan reconsider! Be careful what you say!

2022-10-21 18:41


golden goose for Pakatun is Najis is slaughtered. no goose liao

2022-10-21 18:42


PH think they can recreate GE14 scenario when capture Putrajaya with Mahathir help and that time they said they going to take Johor for them. But PH forgot that last time in GE14 people never try PH before and they dont know whether it is working or not. They have fate for PH and Mahathir alliance that time. But now voters already know how PH govern the country and it is not a good report card for PH. So do you really think this time it will work the same as before?

2022-10-21 18:50


by chinaman > 13 minutes ago | Report Abuse

golden goose for Pakatun is Najis is slaughtered. no goose liao

haha....find new goose

2022-10-21 18:57


PN & BN going to have lovely time and got so many bullets to attack the alliance between those two because they know everything what had happen before during 22 Month PH rule. If Malay really love Mahathir he already wont landslide in Johor state election. But what happen in Johor state election, Pejuang lost all seat and all seat lost deposit. Can imagine that. That is how low Mahathir and its party now in the eye of voters and Malay. So if PH really want to work with Mahathir again....they only booking their early ticket to lost even for their big name especially in Perak. Goodluck.

2022-10-21 19:01


Post removed.Why?

2022-10-21 19:02


Post removed.Why?

2022-10-21 19:04


Post removed.Why?

2022-10-21 19:05


find time to find a goose?

2022-10-21 19:06


find more jokers to poke fun at gomen, give ceramah. but, dapig all too serious, stressed face that's why no one can match najis's comedy king, likeable by malays

2022-10-21 19:18


gelakan used to be popular in pen.why? still remember Lim Keng Yaik? quite good at sarcastic funny statement

2022-10-21 19:23


Lim made the statement "How could rubber tappers be given monthly wages
when nobody knows what they do behind the trees"

2022-10-21 19:26


“Marilah kita semua menderma dara,” ungkapan itu dilapor diluahkan oleh S Samy Vellu pada suatu majlis derma darah, berdekad lalu. Namun ia masih diingati dengan senyum melebar oleh sebilangan besar rakyat hingga hari ini

2022-10-21 19:28


“Toll naik sikit, marah sama saya. You ingat ini semua toll saya punya bapak punya kah?”, adalah antara reaksi Samy yang sering dipetik wartawan (termasuk yang sudah bersara sekarang) apabila mengimbau pengalaman mereka bersama mendiang semasa beliau menteri kerja raya.

2022-10-21 19:29


you know what they say when fail try again so vote ph try again

2022-10-22 10:46


DAP will be losing out big chunk of chinese votes this time around.

2022-10-22 15:16


Now rural Malay make decisions for Malay future.
Don’t talk coke . No use

2022-10-22 16:09

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