Bright and smart

after unity government what next?

Publish date: Wed, 07 Dec 2022, 05:30 PM
no further introduction needed

Anwar is now PM . Unity government as blessed by the Agung.

PN in opposition.

Malaysia unity vs Malay unity. An ideal situation that suits the Chinese, the Dap and the progressive forces. 

Anwar has a good start, a dream start. Smooth sailing from here.  Plenty of good will. 

What can go wrong?

I tell what can go wrong. 

Anwar announced that PN can join the unity government  if they so wish. Anwar's dream is not your dream. 

When out in the wild, Anwar needs Dap to be back in power. Dap needs Anwar to gain power.  Its I scratch your back you scratch mine. of mutual  dependence .  Now, that Anwar is PM, things can change. 

Next, watch for announcement of exit from politics by Muhidin. Its check mate for Muhidin and he chooses to retire. Followed closely by announcement of PN joining the unity government. 

The 20% will always be victims not victors. This is Malaysia. And that is what I  fear. And I don't trust the judgement of Anwar. 

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Muhidin to annouce exit from politics.

2022-12-07 17:39


Anwar has say he welcome pn to join unity government..... grassroots of pn surely want to be part of government

2022-12-07 18:33


Soon Anwar become PM of unity government with every party inside..that is Anwar dream not my dream

2022-12-07 18:34


Election for show only after that

2022-12-07 21:45

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