has orange88/championcw/downjones11 gone mad

is this the correct cyber behavior in a mature environment????

Publish date: Sat, 10 Feb 2018, 10:36 PM

as everyone can see, orange88/championcw/downjones11 has been posting non-stop.


now this brings into the question, is this a forum for stock discussion or for crazy people like orange88/championcw/downjones11 to behave like children??


cour country is alrdy in such a mess and alot is to do with crazy plus stupid pple like orange88/championcw/downjones11.


pls think abt what is the rite behaviour in a mature cyber environment. 

1 person likes this. Showing 14 of 14 comments


upz as food for thoughts

2018-02-10 22:46


market is coming back next week !
Dont want to be distracted maa !

Good excuse for both of u to quickly, let bygones by bygones, shake virtual hands n focus back on making money ...hahaha

let it develop to a non-ending feud is lose-lose, go for win-win or at least draw-draw..

my 2 sen

2018-02-10 22:53


i alrdy bot more last dec when mkt was at 1710.

this time rd, placed some orders but prices were not attractive enough.

i just needed a punching bag to pass the time.


2018-02-10 23:03


Well done in your effort to expose any of them

.....and please continue to do everyone a favour by listing them here.

(Lots more I come across.........they sound more like disruptors than investors/traders........lots of their postings are more terrorizing than sharing.........really annoying and despicable)

2018-02-10 23:03


thats why i trying to provoke him into posting in every sub-forums to expose the identity.

we need some quality discussions.

2018-02-10 23:04


I support you on disruptive that include joetay. If he doesn't like Parkson post 1 time there enough but repeat posts after posts means he is terrorizing.

EngineeringProfit Well done in your effort to expose any of them
.....and please continue to do everyone a favour by listing them here.
(Lots more I come across.........they sound more like disruptors than investors/traders........lots of their postings are more terrorizing than sharing.........really annoying and despicable)
10/02/2018 23:03

2018-02-11 03:41


theres a difference and it seems to all that u urself cant see it.

this idiot doesnt provides any numbers or proofs and is a nuisance while me, i provided numbers, proofs and facts.

so how can i be disruptive???

u, on the other hand, just blindly support parkson without providing numbers and proofs. dont forget, u and other feverish parkson supporters r unable to rebut me on the points i brought up.

and bear in mind, parkson went down from 60sens when i commented to the current 50 sens in a matter of 3-5 mths.

hence, i m corrrect in my opinion of parkson.

this just shows ur lack of ability to analyze.


2018-02-11 07:36


What numbers you mean? If CalvinTanEng always said NTA as basis of his investment choice why Parkson NTA 2.24 not good enough? If you talk about liabilities pls check AirAsia, Tenaga or MRCB debts before you condemn Parkson.

2018-02-11 09:22


DRB also in heavy debts why joetay never condemn there?

2018-02-11 09:24



Know your good intentions, but are u seriously , want to b sheriff of I3 ?
It an investment jungle, got all kinds of animals n dangers . Everyone knows not to accept blindly views at face value bcause each got own agenda here.
The really pro conmen , work in tag teams, they are so suave, u dont even suspect !
Let’s b charitable, make peace n move on.
Or u may find yourself , diverting frm your original purporse here, to make money, share useful views n have a friendly experience .
Happy CNY !

2018-02-11 09:25


@parkson8888, it using nta can helps earn money, then clown @calvintaneng will be very rich. but fact is that all his calls based on nta went south.

drb is becos of political backing and the area of bizs they r in.

so @parkson8888, i just exposed ur stupidity again.

any more questions????


2018-02-11 09:38



i make fun of these jokers to validate my views.

since mkt is so boring, must make fun of these stupid idiots.

i cant stand stupidity.

2018-02-11 09:39


upz for orange88 and his many clones.


2018-02-11 14:22


More spotted by Superpanda, joetay......for your collection

Posted by SuperPanda > Feb 14, 2018 08:51 PM | Report Abuse

all these k-pop singer will stop singing after 14 days.. he he


1257 posts
Posted by SuperPanda > Feb 14, 2018 08:54 PM | Report Abuse

the song they sing is

red red red..people throwing
never listen.. crap crap crap

2018-02-14 22:20

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