Investment Idea Sharing Board

What is a PN17 company? Do you sell or buy its shares

ray jones
Publish date: Thu, 21 Aug 2014, 07:27 PM
The main function of this INVESTMENT IDEA BOARD is to sharing investment idea and investment information among investors in order to become a better investor. Here are some strategies and concepts that have been repeated used by smart investor to achieve their financial goals. If you are new investor, hopefully it will assist you expose in investment world. If you are existing investor, hopefully this board information can complete your existing investment strategies. The aim is to help you reac

PN17 stands for Practice Note 17/2005 and is issued by Bursa Malaysia.

In general, PN17 companies normally have some financial difficulties. As such, investors get quite worried when some fo the shares they hold are for PN17 companies. They usually face a dilemma of whether to cut losses or hope for a rebound for such shares.

Here are some reasons for companies to be classified under PN17:  companies' shareholders' funds are less than 25% of their total paid up capital; receivers have been appointed to take control of the companies' assets; the winding-up of some of thier subsidiaries and associated companies; the auditors have expressed adverse opinions on the companies;default in loan interest and principal repayments; the companies have suspended or ceased their operations; and companies do not have any significant businesses or operations.

A rational investor will look for companies with good business fundamentals to invest in and we believe that most investors know which companies have good fundamentals.

Unfortunately, investors sometimes do not buy into these companies because they want to make quick money from the stock market.

As a result, they tend to listen to market rumours and buy into companies with poor fundamentals or are speculative in nature.

We may wonder why some companies turn into PN17 companies. However, if we scrutinise them carefully, we will see that these companies are usually poorly managed or do not have good track records.

There are a few reasons why investors continue to hold on to these PN17 companies. One main reason is that they seldom keep track of the companies financial performance.

Based on our observations, some investors are not aware that they are holding on to stock of companies that have been classified under PN17. In some cases, the investors do not even notice that these companies have been delisted.

We need to understand that a key difference between intelligent investors and normal investors is that intelligent investors always remember that there are chances they may make mistakes in their stock selection. Therefore, they are careful to monitor the performance of their stock.

Once they discover that the companies they have invested in are experiencing declining performance or showing early signs of financial difficulties, they will make quick decision to cut their losses.

Unfortunately, not all investors have the courage to admit their mistakes.

Even worse, some of them even believe they will never make mistakes in their stock selections and the poor performance is just a temporary situation. This type of investors usually end up getting stuck with poor performing stocks.

It is said of the stock market that "what goes up will come down, but what goes down may not go up"

The earlier investors admit their mistakes, the lower the losses they have to bear.

Unfortunately, most investors believe that the stock price will recover one day. They will only cut losses when the companies are about to be delisted.

During an economic crisis, companies with good planning manage to avoid the adverse impact from the crisis whereas some companies just cannot escape from the financial difficulties.

Lately, we notice that the owners of some companies are getting less committed to their businesses.

They give up their businesses quite easily after encountering some financial distress. If they discover that the loans amount is higher than the value of their assets and they do not foresee any prospects in their current businesses, they give up the businesses and let the companies fall into PN17 and later go bankrupt.

According to the Cockroach Theory, whenever a company announces some bad news to the public, like default in loans repayments, some accounting issues or delay in releasing their financial results, there may be more bad news that have yet to be revealed.

This is because whenever we see one cockroach in our cabinet, there tends to be many more cockroaches hiding at the back of that cabinet.

Even though some companies will try their best to regularise their businesses, unfortunately, not all their owners have the commitment to pull these companies out from PN17.

Hence, we should cut our losses and never average down our purchase prices on these companies!

We need to remember that it is always safer to buy stock at higher prices than average down on our losses.


Article from Mr Ooi

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6 people like this. Showing 25 of 25 comments


very good article..if one company come out from pn17 status, is it worth to consider buy?Why? Thank you

2014-08-21 19:59


99% PN17 companies going to delisted,,,why want to take this kind of risks?

2014-08-22 09:19


Think of Ho Hup.

2014-08-22 09:22


PN17 companies are denoted in red by Bursa as a warning to potential investors..but for many greed prevails over commonsense...hence their lost...they are the creators of their own down such can one blame others.i.e the authorities,the manipulators etc??

2014-08-22 09:25


u must differentiate the good & the bad PN17 companies. good ones are like Ho Hup & Sumatec. bad ones, there are many to name.

2014-08-22 09:42


Nice writing about PN17. There are good companies going to PN17 soon such as Jobstreet and it is because they are selling their main business. I think we should scrutinize PN17 companies and understand why they are in PN17 first before making any buying decisions.

2014-08-22 10:33


PN17 companies are what they are..!!There is no such thing as good PN17 companies...for the simple fact that they have been designated as such...for a reason..a PN17 company maybe perhaps becomes a ` good' company when they have fulfilled all the requirements attached to their upliftment!!...than an investor may consider buying these companies...buying into these companies based on all kind of rumours or statement coming from major share holders and interested parties is an act of getting one into a well setup trap..lets not greed prevail lest in the end one will end losing ones hard earned the process blaming the authorities of not protecting investors..bla..bla..bla!!

2014-08-22 10:33


there are many good companies listed in KLSE why must we go near those PN17 companies?. Who do we blame if we are holding delisted companies?.

2014-08-22 12:39


@buckbunny, may I know was is your source of 99% PN17 companies going bust?

2014-08-22 17:06



2014-08-22 17:06


What Lah, I bought PATIMAS 2 sen and sold 12 sen leh, (though not that 20 sen highest, 500% profit is good leh, Ayam Tua lagi hebat, dia beli PATIMAS 1.5~2.0 sen PATIMAS banyak-banyak lepas tu jual 14-19.5 sen. Lagi hebat daripada saya.

2014-08-22 21:37


Nice writing, but whatever it is; the choice is theirs.

2014-08-22 21:38


そして、Ayam Tua not put too much $$ there lah, dia meli manyak EAH @ 12.0 ~ 12.5 sen, nearly habis sapu semua EAH @ 12.5 sen hari tu, sekarangan, masih 16.5 sen walapun overshoot 19 sen.

Tak apa, mahu untung, TAK PERLU JUDI PN17 company. Buy good company stock if they were press down by Fam Jenny.

2014-08-22 21:39


Grace CSW I LOVE YOU like I love Ayam Tua

2014-08-22 21:39


Next PN17 entrant, Liihen

2014-08-23 08:10


This is an extremely simplistic treatment and analysis of distressed firms ... I'm really disappointed with the author ...

Not all PN17 companies are beyond redemption ... As many gallant white knights could readily attest to ...

A PN17 firm rescued by a experienced, responible tycoon and successfully turned around with an effective and credible turnaround strategy would give much vaster ROI much than a solidly performing company ... It's only logical ...

2014-08-23 16:07


As an author he should make a serious effort to present a more balanced view ... But what has done is just project himself as an out-an-out anti-PN17, anti-distresed-firm activist ...

2014-08-23 16:32


not necessary u cannot invest in PN17 company. If their turnover plan is good, u can buy it at low price. Let's say if the comany successfully transformed from PN17 to profitable company, you return will me very huge. Best example will be Ideal Suncity. Their shares soar more than 300% after uplift from Pn17

2014-08-23 21:51


Not all PN17 are bad. There are some good ones which managed to restructure to become stronger than ever, such as Sumatec & Ho Hup.

2014-08-23 23:14

Evkarti Evkarti

Tq info

2017-12-19 22:26


Sumatec is to die soon

2018-02-05 17:31


currently, there is 0% chance of armada in pn17 bracket. but, do you guys really know what is pn17?

2019-03-01 10:55

Goh Kim Hock

Normally I will stay away from PN17 companies. Protecting the capital is always important.

2019-03-01 11:07


I have DAYA pn17.

2020-09-05 14:47


no mater where is ur ship it doesnt mater as long as you steer it.

2020-11-03 02:09

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