In Search of Excellence: Investing in good companies - kcchongnz

In Search of Excellence: Investing in good companies [P&O] - Pass

Tan KW
Publish date: Mon, 12 Aug 2013, 12:50 AM
Tan KW
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Posted by kcchongnz > Jun 16, 2013 07:58 AM

Is P&O a good comapny? Is it a good investment? 

Posted by Darren Kho > Jun 15, 2013 02:33 PM | Report Abuse 
Please have a look at P&O, is it a good company and worth for long term investment? Appreciate your comment so much and thank you for that :) 

Sorry Darren, I don't know how much about insurance business. But that won't stop me from giving an opinion too, will it? 

Warren Buffet acquired a good insurance company in Geico. It gives him a lot of money paid upfront to invest and earns great return for Berkshire Hart away. So I guess insurance business is a durable one. But once and while insurance company get hit badly too when there is a natural disaster. 

P&O makes good ROE and ROIC too and so this is a plus as a good company. However, I don't expect much growth. don't know why cash flows is not good. So this is a minus. 

So overall i guess P&O is ok lah as a company. Lets look at whether it is a good investment. 

Screens for investing
ROTC ok 17% >WACC 
P/B Yes 1.5 <2.0 
PE ratio Yes 10.0 <20 

apparently P&O meets my requirement as an investment as shown above.


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kcchongnz, thanks for writting on this blog. May i know how did u count the ROE or ROIC?

2013-12-28 19:34


forex, good that you are interested in these thingies as ROE and ROIC and would like to know about them. However, these stuff is all over the net and in i3, also put up by the same gentleman, Tan KW.

It will be a much better learning experience for you if you could goggle them. There are many good articles bout them, heaps. Only if you can't understand then may be then you ask. There are many others who may help you too in i3.

2013-12-29 05:35

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