Invest Made Easy

Convenient Investing? Choose the Fundsupermart Way!

Shane My
Publish date: Sat, 19 Jan 2013, 12:30 AM
Shane My
0 271
Like many of us, we seek for financial security and ultimately financial freedom. This blog is intended to act as a journal of investment as I journey towards that dream. At the same time, I hope that the articles written here would also benefit many others who share the same vision as me.
In this post, I'm going to write about something that would benefit both you and me. Before continuing, if you're an existing Fundsupermart account holder, you can chose to skip this article and spend the next 5 minutes of your life doing something beneficial. If you're not a member yet, read on!
I've always love convenience partly because I'm lazy not the type that likes to waste time over petty stuff like paying bills over the counter. Instead, I look for services that allows me to pay my bills, purchase gold, make transactions, send money and more conveniently. For that I have online banking to thank for!
But when it comes to investing, I was a novice in what I term as "convenient investing". I remember 15 years ago, my parents used to check share prices over the Teletext on our 30 inch CRT television followed by phone calls to the remisier in order to make a buy or a sell call. 
Holy shit...teletext! Wootss...
As for the internet, a page took minutes to load and the Internet speed at that time? Good old 56k dial-up with that strange eery tone while dialing up. 
 Holy shit again...this article made me search for something which I have not seen for the past 10 years.
In fact, I doubt the term "online trading" was even coined yet. 
Within the next short 15 years, our internet speed grew from 56kbps beeping dialup to 2Mbps (or higher) fiber to your home. That contributed hugely to the revolution of investment as well. The generation of working adults today need not depend anymore on remisier to trade shares! All that is required today is a few clicks of the mouse, a few taps on the keyboard and've successfully traded. 
Hence that led to the emergence of what we call "convenient investor" whom:
1) Prefer to have instant access to his/her investment! 
2) Prefer to invest in the comfort of my own home!
3) Prefer auto debiting their bank account to purchase investment such as insurance or unit trust!
4) Prefer to see their portfolio with just a click of a few buttons!
If you share the same sentiment as above, then read on!
In this article, I'm neither blogging about share trading nor reminiscing about my past. Instead the whole introduction earlier was to bring you to the point about becoming a convenient investor and ultimately enjoying the convenience of investing unit trust online! 
These days, online share trading platforms are a dime a dozen, but how many of you have heard of an online platform that allows investors to  manage their unit trust investment? The answer is shown below:

I first discovered Fundsupermart when I was searching for investment opportunities in Malaysia. That was  about a year or two ago. My first initial impression of Fundsupermart? Probably some scam site designed to cheat my hard earned money. It did not look further on about Fundsupermart and all was forgotten then.

Then recently, I stumbled again upon Fundsupermart when I was searching about unit trust. After exploring the site, I realized that I've discovered a gem, a gem that allows me to become a "convenient investor"  in unit trust. Fundsupermart did not sell me a great unit trust fund, instead they sold to me Convenience!

Opening an account with Fundsupermart is totally free with no annual fees and no hidden charges. To register an account all I had to do was to fill in my particulars, print the form, place my signature, scan the form, scan my IC and finally email to them. Oh by the way, you can fax the forms to them as well. If your work place does not have a printer, scanner and/or fax machine and that your unit trust  agent is some pretty hot babe / handsome young hunk, you may continue with the conventional way of purchasing unit trust with an agent. 
I know I'm ruining the sales for agents by selling the idea about Cst onvenient Unit TruInvesting via Fundsupermart, but this is very much the truth that's going to come knocking down an agent's throat. But...but...I must insist that if you have been approached by an agent that taught you the value of investment and personal financial planning, then you should seriously consider becoming a customer for that agent. What he/she has taught you is could and would have saved you from a difficult retirement.
On getting started with Fundsupermart, you can check out the site's Getting Started Section HERE. It's quite informative and easy to digest. 
I would also take the opportunity here to highlight a couple of benefits which I have gained from  purchasing Unit Trust via Fundsupermart:
1. Enjoy Sales Charge Fee of 2% or lower. What is sales charge fee, read my previous article about Sales Charge Fee
2. Free investment analysis and recommendations sent regularly to your mail box.
4. Enjoy 1% Sales Charge Fee for the first month upon your account activation.
4. Enjoy a selection of various funds to invest in.
5. Obtain detailed information about each fund with just a click of a button.
6. Download fund prospectus and annual reports directly. 
7. Super friendly customer service personnel who will satisfy all your needs and queries...about Unit Trust Investment of course (what were you thinking??)
8. Perform Auto Debit on your bank account to purchase Unit Trust.
9. Investing in unit trust via EFP services
10. Investing in PRS.
11. Checking your portfolio to see if all your funds are making money.
Basically, Fundsupermart is the embodiment of Convenient Unit Trust Investing. I've yet to find another that could offer so much with so little effort on my side. 
Earlier, I did mention that this post is about creating a win-win situation for both you (the reader) and me. Ok here's the deal! If you're interest in registering an account with Fundsupermart and you'll like to thank me for  introducing you to Fundsupermart, this is what you need to do:
1. Send me an email at with the title "Thank You for Introducing Me to Fundsupermart"
2. I will then submit your e-mail to Fundsupermart, making you my referral.
3. Fundsupermart upon receiving that email will send you an invitation to open an account with them, after which you can register and open an account via that link.
WHAT'S THE CATCH?? <- Malaysian tend to ask this question alot
Well what I'm getting for referring you is a token from Fundsupermart. That token allows me to get a 1% discount for my unit trust purchase. One token is eligible for only one purchase. You can consider that token as my agent fee for introducing Fundsupermart to you. How's that sound?? Read more about Fundsupermart Referral Program HERE
Once you've become an account holder, you can do the same by spreading the goodness to your family members and friends. In return, you too will get a token for each successful account activation. 
Alright, that's all for this article! Cheers and Happy Investing!
P/s : Till today I'm still banging my head for not starting with Fundsupermart a few years earlier. Imagine how much I would have saved and made if I've started back then. Point to ponder for readers!
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How much commission do you get ?

2013-01-19 09:14


Buying unit trust from FSM is easy and hassle free. Selling even easier. In fact, I am going to sell all my holdings in FSM in the next few days. Should take no more than 5 mins. It is that easy.

2013-01-19 09:43


How about switching in Fundsmart ? I understanding your switching is charged the same as "Selling& buying back" ! appreciate your explanation.

2013-01-20 09:43

Shane My

lotsofmoney : I don't get any commission, only a token for referring which entitles me to a 1% discount for my next purchase on any fund.

Bruce88 : I've not explore the switching charges. Regardless of that, I believe the fee is dependent on the fund house you purchase from. I doubt FSM charges extra for switching.

2013-01-22 02:14

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