Invest Made Easy

HLA Cash Promise, What's All The Fuss About?

Shane My
Publish date: Mon, 09 Dec 2013, 02:02 AM
Shane My
0 271
Like many of us, we seek for financial security and ultimately financial freedom. This blog is intended to act as a journal of investment as I journey towards that dream. At the same time, I hope that the articles written here would also benefit many others who share the same vision as me.
Most recently, a blog reader of mine highlighted this product by the name of Hong Leong Assurance (HLA) Cash Promise. This product has generated quite a buzz over the past 1-2 years due to its annual guaranteed cash benefits, paid on the first year of subscription. In addition the policy subscriber is only required to deposit a fix amount over a period of 6 years to enjoy the annual guaranteed cash benefit  payout (approximately 20% of the annual fix amount deposited) for 25 years. 
In fact the HLA Cash Promise is intensely debated in a thread at as shared below:
Click HERE to read the full post!
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