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Valuation vs Company Type - kcchongnz

Tan KW
Publish date: Wed, 04 Dec 2013, 03:37 PM
Tan KW
0 481,222


I agree with you that it is better to be conservatively safe than sorry in investment decision...I would assume that you allocated 20% to 30% of initial investment capital in cash investments (FDs) and the balance portfolio in core investment stocks where the selection criteria are based on graham net net intrinsic valuation , EV or Gordon growth. 

The main reason you held on to these Investment stocks besides the capital appreciation is that these stocks provide higher dividend yields relative to fixed deposit rates...You will dispose these stocks once its market price exceeds the intrinsic valuations or you find a new stock with much better intrinsic valuation with better margin of safety.. 

Graham net net , EV, Gordon will give different values based on assumed mandatory input info for stock valuation....however risk profile varies across industry types, among stock investors... 

What is the basis of your decision to select investment stocks and to dispose invested stocks ....which values will you use assuming the stock price appreciates and nears the upper price limit..and which of the three upper limit valuations (graham, EV,Gordon) has the over riding decision on targeted stock disposal and new stock selection? 

In essence...Which valuation methodology will be the governing criteria in stock disposal and stock selection....what are the mandatory artful input info to utilize in arriving at valuations.. 


Thanks for your advise on the above..




Posted by tsurukame at Dec 3, 2013 06:46 PM



Each valuation method is suitable for a particular type of company. I don't use Graham net net valuation for company like Prestariang, Datasonic, JobStreet etc because they are basically asset light company but make high earnings and cash flow. For them I will use discount cash flows methods. PMCorp type of company has negligible earnings at the present moment and hence earnings based such as private market comparable valuations, DCFM are not suitable. Of course unless you can estimate its future earnings with confidence. Some companies have a lot of cash in the balance sheet and good amount of cash flows but may not earn much earnings may be suitable to use Gordon dividend growth model if the dividend is stable and growing. Some companies like Daiman, Plenitude, Gromutual have a lot of quality assets but also steady earnings and cash flow. So you can use many methods to counter-check, such as net-net, DCFM, EV/Ebit etc. 

Whatever method you use, you will get the estimated intrinsic value. Make sure the right method is used. Buy if the price is way below the intrinsic value, say 30% or more; and sell if the price rises close to intrinsic value, or if you need money to buy other better stocks. 

That is my personal preference.


Posted by kcchongnz at Dec 3, 2013 06:55 PM

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Kcchongnz can you pls let me have the full list of Graham net Bursa counters or provide me with a link Thanks

2013-12-06 14:29


ysleong8, I don't have a list. I am just a small time retail investor living far far away from home. I am not a professional analyst nor working in any investment bank.

I normally get tinkers from the forumers in i3 and do some net net valuation for fun. You can refer to some of them at the link below. There are some good comments lately there too.

2013-12-06 15:07

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