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[转贴] 股市 | Monkey Market, Deer Market & Wolf Market - Angel

Tan KW
Publish date: Wed, 02 Sep 2015, 05:34 PM
Tan KW
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就上网查了下,哇~ 不只有猴市,还有鹿市和狼市呢!

长知识了~ 不过,不管熊市牛市猴市鹿市或狼市,投资也不是一朝一夕的,我们要学习和它们和平共处,才不会咬得遍体鳞伤。




股市上涨叫牛市,下跌叫熊市,善于创造名词的人们把这二者之间的运作状态称之为猴市,也就是说从大盘来看没有一个明确的上涨或下跌方向,市场分化比较严 重,展开的波段也较多,反复的大幅震荡,猴子总是蹦蹦跳跳的,所以就用它来比喻股市的大幅振荡。猴市形容股市的大幅振荡的情况。



Neither a bull or bear market, a deer market is characterized by low activity, with timid investors waiting for a sign of which way the market is going to end up moving.


The term is used to illustrate when investors who are unable or unwilling to move due to uncertainty - like deer who freeze when "caught in the headlights" of a vehicle.



The wolf market is characterized by a tight trading range, increased volatility, high stock correlations and quick reversals. Choppy trading makes it hard to pick stocks based on fundamental qualities, leaving shorter-term options and technical analysis better tools for navigating its bounces.


Its coiner, Michael Purves, chief global strategist and head of derivatives research at BGC Financial said a wolf is clearly a smaller animal than a bull or a bear, but it's very quick and decisive.

这个词的创造者,美国BGC Financial投资公司首席全球策略师、金融衍生工具研究主管迈克尔•普尔夫斯解释说,跟牛和熊相比而言,狼的体型更小,但动作迅速,决断果敢。

The wolf market may be here to stay, at least until the economic recovery accelerates or another catalyst prompts the market to find footing. Mr. Purves believes the wolf market will last into 2011.



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"Monkey Market, Deer Market & Wolf Market" - Author Tan KW

This is purely my PERSONAL view. I do not mean to offend anyone or anybody.

Are we going to have "Pig Market" then?

No. Never. Only 3 animals to describe our share market is sufficient i.e. Bull, Bear & Camel (Yr 1977 was broadly described as a Camel Market and that was why it was subsequently chosen as a basis year for the later evolved KL Composite Index) .....

Any other animals to describe our share market are just noises to me.

2015-09-04 07:35

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