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China holds ever-growing advanced technology trade edge on United States

Tan KW
Publish date: Fri, 06 Jul 2018, 10:02 AM
Tan KW
0 452,736
Getting a leg up in the ability to process volumes of information in short periods of time is key in a rapidly advancing technological world, and the United States is increasingly dependent on China.
America imported almost US$156bil (RM630.72bil) in advanced technology information and communications equipment from China in 2017 – an almost six-fold increase from 15 years earlier, according to US Census Bureau data.
China, meanwhile, has seemingly avoided the middle-income trap – the phenomenon in which middle-income countries fail to evolve into high-income nations because they do not move up the technology ladder. In recent years, China has increased the sophistication of the products they produce.
After a relatively stagnate period from 2013 to 2016, US imports of all types of Chinese-made advanced technology goods – some of which include circuit boards, modems, disk drives, solar cells, laser printers and robots – jumped 15.8% in 2017 from the previous year.
Ninety percent of US advanced technology imports from China are information and communications goods that include computer central processing units, peripherals and telephone switching components. But record highs for Chinese shipments were also reached in the biotechnology, electronics, flexible manufacturing, advanced materials and aerospace categories.
The strongest area of US advanced technology exports to China was in aerospace, dominated by Boeing aircraft. Still, at US$16.3bil (RM65.9bil), those US shipments to China amount to about a tenth of America’s imports of Chinese-made goods used for information and communications.
The United States exported US$35.7bil (RM144.33bil) in advanced technology goods to China in 2017, a four-fold increase in the last 15 years. The gap in such trade now stands at a whopping US$135.4bil (RM547.4bil) in favour of the Chinese. — Bloomberg
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Talking about stealing and pirating technology, now US is the thief of China's advanced technology rather than the other way round.

2018-07-06 10:43


US changed the goal post when they lost. The last time, they were talking about free trade n any nation that oppose free trade was deemed a pariah. Now that they find their dominance diminishing, they talk different things.

The technology they said China stole is actually from joint ventures with Chinese companies using a common platform to make money. All those ventures are handsomely rewarded with huge profits. WTO rules allow this. Now the US said WTO is unfair to them.

Talking abt military technology, some like stealth technology was freely given by US when one of its F117 stealth aircraft was shot down over Serbia using 60s Russian technology. Now US said China stole the stealth technology.

2018-07-06 11:47

J For Janice

Fake news from china media,US tech many folds more advanced compare with china.

2018-07-06 11:51





2018-07-06 11:52

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