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Saudi Govt admits Khashoggi was killed in consulate; King fires top officials

Tan KW
Publish date: Sat, 20 Oct 2018, 06:16 PM
Tan KW
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(Oct 20): Saudi Arabia admitted that a journalist and government critic was killed in its consulate in Istanbul, offering an explanation that distanced the royal family from a case that has sparked global outrage and roiled the kingdom’s ties with the US.
Saudi authorities, who had first denied any involvement in Jamal Khashoggi’s disappearance on Oct 2, said on Saturday an initial probe showed that the Washington Post contributor died after "discussions" between him and unspecified people at the consulate developed into an argument. A person with knowledge of the matter said Khashoggi died after he was placed in a chokehold after the dispute became physical.
Turkish officials had said that the journalist -- a Saudi citizen and US resident -- was killed and his body dismembered.
President Donald Trump, speaking at a defence roundtable in Arizona on Friday night, called the Saudi report a "good first step." He added, "I think we’re getting close to solving a very big problem." Several US lawmakers, however, were quick to cast doubt on the Saudi narrative.
The public prosecutor said 18 people have been detained in connection with the case, without identifying them. Almost simultaneously, King Salman issued royal orders removing Saud al-Qahtani -- a top adviser to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman -- from his position. The monarch also relieved deputy intelligence chief General Ahmed al-Assiri and ordered the formation of a committee headed by Prince Mohammed to restructure the kingdom’s intelligence agency.
The results of the investigation could potentially ease strains the case has created between the kingdom and the United States. But it leaves lingering questions about the extent of Prince Mohammed’s role in and knowledge of the incident -- especially given the removal of Al-Qahtani, one of his most trusted aides. The crown prince had no specific knowledge of the operation that led to Khashoggi’s death, the Saudi-owned Al Arabiya television reported.
"To say that I am skeptical of the new Saudi narrative about Khashoggi is an understatement," Republican Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina said on Twitter.
"First we were told Khashoggi supposedly left the consulate and there was blanket denial of any Saudi involvement. Now, a fight breaks out and he’s killed in the consulate, all without knowledge of Crown Prince. It’s hard to find this latest ’explanation’ as credible."
The Saudi public prosecutor didn’t disclose details on the whereabouts of Khashoggi’s body or who was involved in the altercation. Another official statement said the suspects attempted to “conceal and cover” Khashoggi’s murder.
Diplomatic crisis
The episode had threatened to create a diplomatic crisis with the US, which sees its alliance with Riyadh as the cornerstone of its Middle East policy, and Turkey, which has tenuous ties with Saudi Arabia. By acknowledging that Khashoggi was killed without taking direct responsibility, Saudi leaders could give Washington and Ankara a way out of an unwanted confrontation with the Persian Gulf powerhouse.
“The official Saudi account of Khashoggi’s death is targeted to satisfy exactly two audiences: a domestic audience, and more importantly, President Donald Trump,” said Hani Sabra, founder of Alef Advisory, a New York-based consultancy.
The statement “had to thread a needle, it had to demonstrate that senior officials were being held accountable for Khashoggi’s death,” Sabra said. “However, the official account could also not implicate figures at the very top that the U.S. perceives as critical to the US-Saudi relationship.”
Biggest shock
The case has also created a rift between the Trump administration and some members of the Congress. It has also spooked foreign investors who would be key to the prince’s grand plans to overhaul his country’s economy to wean it from oil.
“Saudi ‘explanation’ leaves most questions unanswered. Raises more questions. Makes no sense. Can’t be believed,” Republican Representative Peter King of New York, a member of the House Intelligence Committee, said Friday on Twitter.
Khashoggi moved to the US a year ago fearing he’d be arrested in Saudi Arabia. He was last seen entering the Saudi consulate in Istanbul to pick up a document he needed to marry his Turkish fiancee.
Among Saudis, one of the biggest shocks will likely be the removal of Al-Qahtani, a larger-than-life figure who’s known for using his Twitter account to slam those he labels the kingdom’s enemies.
Al-Qahtani handled a wide range of issues from media relations to cyber security and was Prince Mohammed’s shadow in interviews with international journalists. He was also one of the most public faces of the Saudi-led boycott of neighboring Qatar, voicing support for the idea of digging a canal to turn the neighboring peninsula into an island.
Following the king’s order, Al-Qahtani tweeted that he would remain a “loyal servant for my country forever.” He updated his Twitter bio to indicate that he will retain his cyber security position, while removing his title as royal court adviser. - Bloomberg
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Bad role model.....

......synonym to culture of lying, dishonesty and inhumanity

Any country try ar_bisation would easily end up with endless countless poor ppl, cheated with low quality education (if qualify to be called education) and an upside down nation from mismanagement short, kleptocracy will flourish, where shameless stealing, corruption and breach of trust by all sorts of infamous jantanless so-proclaimed leaders (if ever had the necessary integrity, sense of humanity, conscoence and justice)

'Cash is King' masquesrades as 'God-loving'

Greed cultivation (for both 'worlds') masquerades as 'Religious propaganda'

2018-10-20 19:36


even atheist would not kill a person in the manner the so-called holy men did...

decapitating alive

2018-10-20 19:41


what is even more disappointing is...Trump who represents U.S, who is respected as the World Leader, a role model, is supporting such acts for the sake of monetary benefit for the country...

cash is king concept

they forget, once you compromise on the basic principle of destroy an immeasurable amount of value to the human society..

the world would be ruled by the powerful & bullies then

it would then easily enter into chaos...

2018-10-20 19:52


The world is shrouded in hypocrisy. One Saudi dissident was killed and the world is in an uproar. Meanwhile it is all right to sell weapons targeting and killing defenseless civilians. Where is the condemnation and outrage?

2018-10-20 22:18


Indian buys Russian weapons, so India is dead.

2018-10-20 23:24


China bought Russian weapons, so China Generals get sanction.
Not dead yet, but all money in US gone.

2018-10-20 23:25


Tesla set up factory in Shanghai.
Tesla is no more a US company.
Electric car sell by Tesla will be taxed at 45%.
So Tesla also dead.

2018-10-20 23:27


Why blame only US, what have you got against them? Weapons manufacture can be an important industry for a long list of countries. When bombs are rained down on thousands of helpless civilians, blasting them to pieces, are their lives worth less than that of the Saudi activist?

2018-10-20 23:28



2018-10-20 23:33


Time for real education with positive impact......

.....putting a stop to the widespread culture of lying, dishonesty and

Not more spreading FITNAH, false accusatiom and lies that the new government try to execute political prosecution

Time to stop those shamefully, sinfully despicable act

2018-10-21 08:15


all about kuasa and money..

2018-10-21 15:31


if systembater where wil like tis

2018-10-21 15:31


Ok. luckily, we are not living in Arab who cut fingers of dissidents. MY is much much better. wakaka

2018-10-21 15:37


Now, Trump is a 'paper' tuan. SA ask Trump if he wants oil price to go up to USD400. Trump chickened out.

2018-10-21 16:00


Every country have their own way of getting rid of their dissidents. MY way is considered gentle compared to others, black eye considered.

2018-10-21 21:50

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