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China’s wrong, the US can kill off Huawei. But here’s why it won’t

Tan KW
Publish date: Sun, 27 Oct 2019, 07:43 PM
Tan KW
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Tom Holland

Published: 7:00am, 27 May, 2019

  • Chinese claims that Huawei can prosper without the US are given the lie by Beijing’s past attempts to foster innovation
  • But it’s in Trump’s interests to reach a deal


IF STRICTLY ENFORCED and sustained, the United States government’s ban on sales of US technologies to Huawei will drive the Chinese telecoms equipment giant out of business.
And if extended to a broader range of Chinese companies, as rumoured, Washington’s export controls will do great economic damage not just to China, but also to US and international businesses. In the long run, they could even split the world into two incompatible – and hostile – technological blocs, with potentially catastrophic effects for future international relations.
But the US-China tech cold war has not yet become an economic ice age, and there are still good reasons to believe these troubling scenarios can be avoided.
Chinese President Xi Jinping speaks with Huawei CEO Ren Zhengfei. Photo: Reuters
Chinese President Xi Jinping speaks with Huawei CEO Ren Zhengfei. Photo: Reuters

Huawei’s network equipment and smartphones are heavily reliant on US components, notably semiconductors, and software. Some of these components cannot easily be replaced by non-US parts. And where others can, for example by Korean or Japanese products, the substitutes are typically manufactured using US intellectual property.

This means Korean and Japanese suppliers would be subject to US penalties if they sold to Huawei, which explains why Panasonic and Hitachi last week halted shipments of key components to the Chinese company.

Much has been said about Huawei’s supposed ability to survive export controls because it owns its own semiconductor company, HiSilicon, making it independent of US-made chips.


It’s not. HiSilicon’s products rely on foreign design. For example, its “system on a chip” uses a processor designed by ARM of Cambridge in the UK. Indeed, pretty much every smartphone in the world runs on ARM designs. And last week ARM suspended all links with Huawei, because its designs contain US intellectual property.

Chinese officials claim to be untroubled. Faced with US export controls, Beijing is planning to pour vast resources into a “long march” programme to develop its own home-grown designs, semiconductor chips and software.

But China’s record in this area is not promising. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, the Chinese government pursued a programme of “indigenous innovation” to design and fabricate its own chips, investing billions in companies like Grace Semiconductor, headed by no less than Jiang Mianheng, son of China’s then president Jiang Zemin.

However, not even a bottomless purse and political backing at the very highest level could make a success of Grace, which has long since been folded into an equally uninspiring competitor.

Memory chip parts of US manufacturer Micron. The US has banned Huawei from buying US technologies. Photo: Reuters
Memory chip parts of US manufacturer Micron. The US has banned Huawei from buying US technologies. Photo: Reuters

Attempts to build national chip champions based on foreign technologies have also struggled. DRAM memory chip hopeful Fujian Jinhua Integrated Circuit collapsed last year after being hit with US export controls following allegations it conspired to steal designs from US chip giant Micron.

And more than 12 years after it was set up to produce NAND memory chips, would-be Samsung competitor Yangtze Memory Technologies remains at least five years behind the Korean giant. Sceptics say the Chinese company’s bosses have made more progress in real estate development than in chip-making.

China has not had any more success in software development. After almost 20 years of state-backed effort, China has yet to come up with a home-grown operating system for personal computers to challenge Microsoft Windows. Its best attempt to date looks a lot like Windows XP, which Microsoft discontinued more than 10 years ago.

And despite frequent bold statements over the last decade, success in building a smartphone operating system has proved similarly elusive.

President Donald Trump speaks during a meeting with Chinese Vice Premier Liu He as part of the US-China trade talks. Photo: Tribune News Service
President Donald Trump speaks during a meeting with Chinese Vice Premier Liu He as part of the US-China trade talks. Photo: Tribune News Service

Huawei founder Ren Zhengfei admitted as much last week. “China cannot succeed if it is entirely dependent on indigenous innovation,” he told mainland media. “It will waste a lot of time on indigenous innovation.”

Ren’s point was that reinventing the wheel – no matter how lavishly funded the attempt – is a poor substitute for the open international exchange of know-how.

In the long run, the most China could achieve by pursuing such a policy would be technological isolation. It might create a bloc of allied countries using its systems, standards and software. But cut off from the rest of the world, the countries of that bloc would forever be technological poor cousins – at an enormous opportunity cost to their economic development.

Happily, this grim fate may yet be avoided. While there are hawks in Washington who would like to drive Huawei to the wall, this would hardly be to the US’ advantage. Huawei and other Chinese tech firms are major customers for US companies, which would suffer greatly from a rigorously enforced export ban. Moreover, it would still be in the US’ best interests to strike a deal with China on tariffs: a hope Washington can kiss goodbye if it drives Huawei out of business.

As a result, the US administration is likely to be aiming not to destroy Huawei, but merely to clip its wings. By enforcing a partial ban on sales of advanced US technologies, Washington would make the Chinese company less attractive as a partner for US allies around the world and leave it significantly weakened. This may be enough to satisfy the US intelligence community, which regards Huawei’s international prominence as a threat to US national security.

And by requiring Huawei to plead guilty to outstanding US criminal charges over its business links with Iran, as a condition of any relaxation, Washington could place monitors inside the company to ensure compliance with resulting US penalties, allaying long-standing concerns about Huawei’s opacity.

Of course, all this might be too much for proud Chinese officials to swallow. But let’s hope not. It’s probably the best outcome for everyone involved: Huawei, China, the US and the rest of the world.

Tom Holland is a former SCMP staffer who has been writing about Asian affairs for more than 25 years 

1 person likes this. Showing 18 of 18 comments


Let's hope in the next few days, Xi will announce his successors, go easy on hong kong, Taiwan and admit the trade deal is done.

Then Chinese may prosper, for real.

2019-10-27 20:35


Tom Holland can go Holland

If trump dares to kill Huawei, China will rare earth them


2019-10-28 04:19


You know Tom Holland is Spider Man in disguise right?

2019-10-28 08:18


Anyway this article was dated June 2019


Huawei has since survived and is now thriving

And yes, Spider-Man actor is also Tom Holland

2019-10-28 08:54


I feel that the people in the picture are like puppets.

2019-10-28 16:06


Dont why old article is appearing.
US has raise many wars around the world since Korean wars.
US lost Korean wars, however keep making fake heroes movies for decades to spread propaganda that US win the wars.
US, China and many countries suffered due to the trade wars triggered by US. Eventually US will lose the trade war, however many years later US will still sell the propaganda US win the trade wars.

2019-10-28 18:08


It might come as a surprise to many that SCMP, like segments of HK society, has been infiltrated by American/CIA propagandists to undermine and contain China.

2019-10-29 12:22

Haw Liao

dont underestimate white ppl...

when they angry like a mad dog they will bite and chew u till bone left...

see all those sorchai opposed white ppl either got bombed or self bombed in tunnel like a rat wimping and crying...

but the chinese wont be intimidated...

because its in the genes of chinese, to fight to the end...

u choose... win-win or all go hell

2019-10-29 12:31

Haw Liao

chinese have 5000 years of history...

chinese is not your typical lap dog

2019-10-29 12:32

Haw Liao

lai lai mau lawan...

lai lai...


2019-10-29 12:33

Haw Liao

chinese will screw u first

2019-10-29 12:33


5000 years of history and only invented paper. USA invented electricity, light bulbs, telephone and semiconductor. Chinese medicine is a big scam. No insurance company want to cover chinese medicine. Not in taiwan or Hong Kong. Stupid Malaysian chinese still believes in Chinese medicine but none want to send their chidlren to study Chinese medicine.

2019-11-02 05:48


On average, people who don't use Microsoft software in the world today will earn much less than those who know how to use Microsoft software. Only some old stupid Chinese Uncle in Malaysia still believes CCP will create world beating company. This old Chinese uncle in Malaysia are losers and kept on losing money in stock Market. Even their own children has no respect for them.

2019-11-02 05:51


There are a lot of Malaysian Chinese uncle losers who lose a lot of money in stock market who loves to be communist but have no balls to migrate back to China. Kept on bitching around. These CCP sympathizers are loser and has the lowest morale of any human being on earth. Even their own children don't respect them.

2019-11-02 05:55


CCP is the evil of all Chinese people. CCP is the taliban of Chinese and their religion is forceful reunification of Hong kong and Taiwan. These religion is no different from Taliban who uses Islam to inflict fear among the communities and control their mind. CCP loves to control Chinese mind. I dont' know why stupid Chinese in Malaysia can believe a government control Chinese media.

2019-11-02 06:06


In USA, you can make a career out of making fun of the President and criticize the President. In China, they torture and harvest your organ for sale. And any Malaysian chinese who supports CCP are no different from animals in the lowest form.

2019-11-02 06:07


There is no archaeological evidence of Chinese 5000 years history. All Scientist including Chinese scientist agrees that there is only 2500 years of archaeological evidence. The other 2500 years are all Chinese propaganda because they can't match Egypt's 5000 years history. Chinese only cares about Face and rarely they care about evidence. That is why these blind Chinese still eat Chinese medicine.

2019-11-02 06:11


Haw liao is a saw hai and tai lan ngong and a disgrace to all Chinese race in the world.

2019-11-02 06:12

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