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Xi Jinping vows to crush attempts to thwart ‘complete reunification’ with Taiwan

Tan KW
Publish date: Sat, 03 Jul 2021, 12:44 PM
Tan KW
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Chinese President Xi Jinping has vowed to crush any attempt that gets in the way of “complete reunification” of the mainland with self-ruled Taiwan.
In an address marking the centenary of the Communist Party in Beijing on Thursday, he said “resolving the Taiwan question and realising China’s complete reunification is a historic mission and an unshakeable commitment” of the party.
“It is also a shared aspiration of all the sons and daughters of the Chinese nation,” Xi said.
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Beijing regards the democratic island of Taiwan as its territory and has not renounced the use of force to bring it under mainland control. But Xi on Thursday also called for “peaceful reunification” based on the one-China principle and the “1992 consensus” - an understanding that there is only “one China” but each side has its own interpretation of the meaning.
Xi called on all Chinese people, including “compatriots” across the Taiwan Strait, to unite and “take resolute action to utterly defeat any attempt towards ‘Taiwan independence’, and work together to create a bright future for national rejuvenation”.
“No one should underestimate the resolve, the will and the ability of the Chinese people to defend their national sovereignty and territorial integrity,” he said, drawing loud applause from the audience.
Taiwan’s policymaking Mainland Affairs Council responded by saying there was no way the island would agree to cross-strait unification under the totalitarian rule of the Communist Party.
“Cross-strait relations should be based on mutual respect and conciliatory understanding. The 23 million people of Taiwan have long rejected the [party’s] unilateral adoption of the one-China principle and 1992 consensus,” it said, adding that Taiwan would do its best to safeguard its sovereignty and freedom.
It called on Beijing to respect public opinion in Taiwan and stop its military intimidation of the island. Beijing has stepped up pressure on Taiwan in recent years, including by staging military drills nearby. “Only by taking note of our peace, parity, democracy and dialogue initiatives will the two sides be able to have amicable interactions and sustainable development,” it said.
Analysts said that while Xi’s comments reiterated the party’s stand, his call for a peaceful process could have been aimed at rising nationalist pressure on the mainland for military action.
“He repeated his warning that no one should underestimate the mainland determination to crush any attempt towards ‘Taiwan independence’ and to bring about unification of the two sides, but it’s worth noting that he reiterated cross-strait union by peaceful means,” said Stephen Tan, president of the Cross-Strait Policy Association, a think tank in Taipei. “That ‘peaceful means’ appears to be a response to the growing voices [in Beijing] calling for military reunification in the past year.”
Wang Kung-yi, head of the Taiwan International Strategic Study Society, another think tank, said Xi’s vow to defend China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity was a warning to Washington - which has moved closer to Taipei, angering Beijing - not to interfere.
He also noted the absence of any reference to using a “one country, two systems” model for cross-strait unification. “This could be a dangerous signal to the government of President Tsai Ing-wen as it might mean that Xi is now looking at a ‘one country, one system’ model,” Wang said.
Xi in 2019 proposed a “one country, two systems” framework - based on the Hong Kong and Macau models - for cross-strait unification. But the proposal was rejected by Tsai, from the independence-leaning Democratic Progressive Party, who said it would mean the island would end up losing its freedom and democracy, like Hong Kong.
Zhu Songling, a professor at the Institute of Taiwan Studies at Beijing Union University, said Xi had sent “a very clear warning to the world - that ... China will never compromise on the Taiwan issue”.
Xi’s speech also aimed to reflect consistency and continuity, according to Ji Ye, a cross-strait relations expert at Xiamen University. “It was also a declaration and promise of what the party will do in the next 100 years,” he said. “The applause [after Xi talked about defending national sovereignty] truly reflects the mainstream opinion on the mainland and their desire and expectation for reunification.”
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come on la, kawan

2021-07-03 14:38


Taiwan not same like HK la, wey

2021-07-03 14:39


you want to go inside xjp arse also you go la, nobody cares one leh

2021-07-03 14:40


2050............that will be nice target for reunification with Taiwan, provided US / Taiwan play the cards well. They make mistakes the time table will be brought forward.

2021-07-03 14:42


by 2050........what can Americans do?

2021-07-03 14:43


How do you know actual global scenario in 2050 leh

you watching graph worshipping graph only loh

2021-07-03 14:50


You think graph is god kah leh

2021-07-03 14:50


Boris Johnson says he will do "whatever it takes" to protect the territorial integrity of the UK, after talks with EU leaders over Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland conflict, began in the late 1960s and is usually deemed to have ended with the Good Friday Agreement of 1998. Most of the violence took place in Northern Ireland between the supporters of Republic of Ireland and England.

2021-07-03 15:01


2050 nice target, long enough for adjustments to be make by all parties, long enough for China to grow so much, the cost of reunification will be so small to be irrelevant.... and short enough to be realistic, short enough for people to hope and see reunification in their live times.... and hope still lives on.

2021-07-03 15:18


without hope, people can take radical actions

2021-07-03 15:18


Post removed.Why?

2021-07-03 15:22


surely a better planet we live in if Taiwan is reunited with China. .....much less stressful world.

2021-07-03 15:27


the tame hypocrisy of the declared allieds over UK, Northern Ireland, Ireland couldn't be more stark to their poking posturings in the Orient.

2021-07-03 15:29


To a bunch of descendants of thieves and crooks, what is stolen by them is hard to cough out and returned.
When it comes to others', they are pretentiously righteous.
The motive and intent is just purely being shite stirrers.

Posted by Sslee > Jul 3, 2021 3:01 PM | Report Abuse

Boris Johnson says he will do "whatever it takes" to protect the territorial integrity of the UK, after talks with EU leaders over Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland conflict, began in the late 1960s and is usually deemed to have ended with the Good Friday Agreement of 1998. Most of the violence took place in Northern Ireland between the supporters of Republic of Ireland and England.

2021-07-03 15:31


Posted by L2 > Jul 3, 2021 3:29 PM | Report Abuse

the tame hypocrisy of the declared allieds over UK, Northern Ireland, Ireland couldn't be more stark to their poking posturings in the Orient.

takes in Malaysia, still a lot of people still think British still rules the world

2021-07-03 15:31


2021, UK is little mouse next to the dragon.

2021-07-03 15:32


little mouse still want to send aircraft carrier to support America in asia..........its so funny.

2021-07-03 15:35


if Boris smart. UK need to do more business with China not fight with China.

2021-07-03 15:38


2025 is a year mark in China's calendar.

China is just buying time, time in peace to develop economy and her defense, Beyond 2025, China at her own words, she would be unstoppable.... beyond 2025, no matter how many fleets of aircraft carrier USA has, none will dare to venture beyond the 2nd chain....some where in the pacific.

Taiwan would be reunified before 2030. Many here would not like to believe, but it is a fact that they have to face.

Posted by qqq3333 > Jul 3, 2021 2:43 PM | Report Abuse

by 2050........what can Americans do?

2021-07-03 15:39


so fast? I only hope so

2021-07-03 15:44


2050 is gonna come, for sure

2021-07-03 15:47


but whether something wished by China but not desired by Taiwan is gonna happen by 2050, is still completely out there

2021-07-03 15:50


and whether ccp is still gonna be up & around come 2050, is also still out there

2021-07-03 15:51


as for xjp, come 2050, he's gonna be 97 years old, IF he were still around that time

2021-07-03 15:52


anyways, have fun with your wet dreamings, guys

2021-07-03 15:56


When ceding to the military mid last century, the colonial Brits did not follow through on the Burmese states that had rights to self determination who were supposed to be independent within a certain time frame, eg Shan State. Coerced unity but disarray resulted to this day and seasia's nine are toothless against it. The west...?

2021-07-03 15:58


The Myanmarese just have to sort out their differences steps by steps.
Hoping on others will never get their problems solved.
The problems are those economic sanctions imposed by the western nations to ensure the government in need to toe certain lines. Refusal in doing so, lead them to wallow in a quagmire, like presently. These fits the military just fine.

2021-07-03 16:26


when America sanction here and there, they are spreading misery around the world....

2021-07-03 17:27


bad karma

2021-07-03 17:28


chins will never do such things

2021-07-03 17:29


Asean too will not do such bad karma things.

Asean prefer to talk to Burma quietly

2021-07-03 17:30


The CCP was formed 100 years ago due to many unequal treaties forced to sign by China with other countries because it was too weak to fight the imperialists Western countries plus Russia and Japan .China was occupied and colonised by 8 countries then . The compensation by China was enourmous which was equivalent to few years of GDP . These unequal treaties had improvished China for decades . This 100 years celebration by China is a reminder to all its citizens that China need to be strong and able to stand any bullying and colonizations by the Imperialists who will try to break up China again by intentionally supporting seperatists in Taiwan, HK, Xinjiang or Tibet . Taiwan was ceded to Japan after China lost the Sino Japanese war during the Ching Dynasty . Taiwan was part of CHina and USA plus almost all countries in the world recognised the One China policy . Although on one hand US recognise the one China policy , as usual US like to play Taiwan card to get its own interests by selling second hand weapons to Taiwan with 2 to 3x the prices . It also " promised " to defend Taiwan if CHina try to unify Taiwan by force . When pressed further by Taiwan authorities, US will keep mum or non commital . It is obvious that US will not sacrifice its citizens to fight with China in case China unite Taiwan by force .

2021-07-04 06:32

Bgt 9963

Post removed.Why?

2021-07-04 10:07


Human desire for a better life for themselve and their childrens are natural instinct.

Communism/Socialism are the result of class struggle between poor working class against capitalist or landless peasants against landlords. The have-not has nothing to lose/fear hence CCP able to defeat KMT and a united new China was born.

In term of gorverns China many mistakes had been made by CCP but fortunately in every crisis a new leader was able to turn crisis into opportunity for reform.

Whatever governs best is best. Or Deng Xiaoping in the 1960s – "Black cat or white cat, if it can catch mice, it's a good cat."

For forms of government let fools contest. Western world are still struggle with forms rather than substance that will spell the end of one mighty Western world.

2021-07-04 10:09


form over substance is when moral and virtue is lost. Lies become norm.... everybody expects lies and to be lied.

2021-07-04 10:35


Post removed.Why?

2021-07-04 12:40


Taiwan need to vote wisely

US cannot protect Taiwan

Taiwan cannot protect themselves

Up to Taiwan to decide themselves

2021-07-04 14:15


关于台湾和中国其实大多数国家都清楚知道台湾是一个主权完全独立的国家,只是大家因为利益而靠边站,中国一直 说台湾是中国的领土,那为什么现在台湾会有总统,有自己的军队,自己的律法?其实很多人都误解“中国”这个名字,这也是我用中文写的原因。 很多人都认为孙中山是现在的中国 国父,现在 的中国国父是毛泽东,天安门挂着的就是毛泽东的照相,现在的中国不是孙中山的那个中国了,孙中山的中华民国在1949年就被毛泽东统治了整个大陆,中华民国在大陆就被改名成‘中华人民共和国’, 中华民国军队败仗后就撤离到台湾,所以孙中山的中国现在只剩下台湾,所以台湾现在的国父照相还是孙中山。中华民国+中国【简称】,中华人民共和国+中国【简称也是用同一个名字】如果今天你说台湾是中国的一部分,我到觉得是中国之前是台湾的一部分才对,中国今年10月国庆是72周年,台湾今年10月国庆已经是110了,如果你说一个才独立了72年的国家在说一个已经独立了110年的地方在搞独立?那不是等于 在跟全世界的人说我72年前没有攻打下来的地方我现在有能力了我就要拿回来吗?如果是的话那么我们Sabah州也不是要给回菲律宾了吗?如果中国在几十年前说要拿回台湾肯定会有很多国家挺台湾,因为中国穷没有人会站它那边,这就是现实。

2021-07-04 18:48


having Taiwan outside is like having two quarreling brothers in the family. Surely not a permanent solution.

some more this little brother keeps giving damaging opinions of big brother. which is used by enemies of China.

2021-07-04 19:24


Dear Anthonyloh,
The world only recognised "One China" and that one China was Republic of China but unfortunately when the Western World need China to contain USSR they switch that "One China" to People Republic of China.

Now the Western World want to contain China and they will tell you, you are the true China because you will celebrate your 110 years old country come 10-10-2021. Ignoring you are once a colonial of Imperial Japan.

These are the history facts no matter how you twist and turn.

2021-07-04 19:37


hope Taiwan choose wisely. KMT is more acceptable to China and KMT do not go bad mouthing big brother.

When KMT opponents gains power, they go bad mouthing big brother because they see it as part of democracy vs communism. That is intolerable from China point of view.

2021-07-04 19:47


Post removed.Why?

2021-07-04 19:49


This is year 2021, that's not unification, its called invasion.

2021-07-05 01:26


the Taiwan people have every right to vote as they wish

nobody else has the the right tell them how to vote

2021-07-05 01:49

Bgt 9963

Post removed.Why?

2021-07-05 07:35


Yes do not play a fool...with China loh....!!

China is serious no play play mah!

2021-07-05 08:07


If China can overcome all the difficulties and obstacles it's currently facing or in the future as fabricated and hatched by the US and its allies, and eventually emerge much stronger and more powerful than it's now. Taiwan will have no place to hide its tail and its face. It has no choice but to kneel and kow tow to China, like it or not! Like what it did to the Japanese when it was its imperial master!

2021-07-05 11:29


Post removed.Why?

2021-07-05 11:36



2021-07-05 12:05

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