Koon Yew Yin's Blog

Grateful People Are Happy and Healthy - Koon Yew Yin

Koon Yew Yin
Publish date: Mon, 30 Nov 2020, 09:18 AM
Koon Yew Yin
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An official blog in i3investor to publish sharing by Mr. Koon Yew Yin.

All materials published here are prepared by Mr. Koon Yew Yin

What are you grateful for today? Scientists have found that people who feel grateful more often are also happier, get better grades and are more satisfied at school or at work. They also have less pain and do not get sick as often. One explanation for this is that grateful people think about the world in a more positive way. Another explanation is that grateful people have better friendships, because they offer more help to people and receive more help in return.

Thinking more positively about things that happen to you and have better friendships can both increase your happiness and improve your physical health. The good news is that practicing gratitude is a skill that you can get better at by simply writing down a few things that you are grateful for each.  T

What are you grateful for today? This question will have different answers for different people, and your answers could change every day. You could be grateful for that delicious dinner you had, for having good friends, or for the fact that the sun is shining and you can spend time outside.

If you want to be happy and healthy, be grateful.

Gratitude is the emotion we feel when we notice that something good has come into our lives and we appreciate it. Some people feel grateful more often than others. For example, some people feel very happy and grateful every time the sun is shining, while others barely notice such things at all.


These are the 10 signs you are doing well in life

1 You have a roof over your head

2 You ate today

3 You have a good heart

4 You wish good for others

5 You have clean water

6 Someone cares for you

7 You stive to be better

8 You have clean clothes

9 You have a dream

10 You are still breathing

Finally, being kind and expressing your gratitude to others, will promote healthy relationships, which can really keep you afloat during difficult times. Don’t hesitate to send a message or even send a thank you note, in response to a kind gesture, or just to let your friends and family know they are seen and loved. 

What I notice

From my long experience, I notice that very few people are grateful for the help they have received. Up till now I have given more than 30 scholarships to help financially poor students to complete their tertiary education. Unfortunately, less than 10 of my scholarship recipients visits me during the Chinese New Year or send me New Year or Christmas card during the festive season. 

i3investors forum

I also notice in the i3investors forum that many of the commentators hiding behind some pseudonym or fancy names often make insulting and senseless comments of my articles. For example; In my last article namely AT Systemization: What investors should know: many said that I wanted to press down the share price so that I could buy back at cheaper prices to make more money. In fact, although I have drafted another article to point out that AT Systemization has already reported losses in every quarter in the last 7 quarters and why it will continue to report losses for another few quarters, I am afraid to post.

In any case, I would like to advice investors to remember that the big shareholder bought their shares at 3.5 sen with free convertible warrants as announced. 

On 27 February, the company issued 998 million shares at 3.5 sen per share and 748 million free convertible warrants to the shareholder. For every 4 shares held by a shareholder, he was entitled to buy 2 right issues at 3.5 sen per share with 3 free warrants which can be converted within 5 years and the conversion price is 3.5 sen per share.


In addition, under ESSO all company directors and employees are entitled to buy 328 million shares at 3.5 sen per share. 

That is why I sold all my shares and I will not buy it back even at cheaper prices.   

You must remember that the company has not produced 1 medical glove. Moreover, the company has reported losses in every quarter in the last 7 quarters.  




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2 people like this. Showing 7 of 7 comments


I guess the rationale of all bad comments are that you made contradict comments of AT just in the span of two days.

15 Nov 2020 - ATS is an exception to my stock selection rule (But in the case of ATS, I started buying it before I can see any actual profit. There is an old English saying “exception proves the rule”. If there is no exception there is no rule. If there is a rule there must be an exception. ATS is an exception to my stock selection golden rule.)

17 Nov 2020 - AT Systematization is losing support (I WhatsApp to all the people on my contact list that I will be selling my AT shares to buy Supermax.)

2020-11-30 12:43


I passby the factory everyday twice. I don't forsee they can sell any gloves in next three months. When I commented on AT forum they also shot me down. I said Esos is bad for the shareholders they called me apek!

2020-11-30 17:24


My koon I, as a long term investor, am not interested in the past losses. What I am interested or concern most is whether AT can make profit in the next 12 months. Why don't you highlight it's future potential?
Why talk about not producing even a single glove, knowing very well that AT is in its final stage of installing its machinery, and will be producing gloves next month !

Your analysis is selective and biased...trying to hide the
forthcoming good news while emphasizing the bad records of the past. Your article is highly misleading.

2020-12-01 20:36


Haha I am grateful I still can remember what I wrote many months ago but already forgotten have I help any people or give donation for charities.

2020-12-01 22:02

enigmatic [control your emotions, discipline your mind]

I like this article by Uncle KYY, especially the following quote:

What are you grateful for today? This question will have different answers for different people, and your answers could change every day. You could be grateful for that delicious dinner you had, for having good friends, or for the fact that the sun is shining and you can spend time outside.

If you want to be happy and healthy, be grateful.

2020-12-01 22:05


Uncle Koon of course very grateful! So many noobs to con! I mean, where else can you find new small fries to eat poops!

2020-12-05 11:59


As for AT, Uncle Koon was the first to promote it heavily only to turncoat in matter of seconds! So yeah, don't pretend to be victim here!

2020-12-05 12:00

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