Koon Yew Yin's Blog

China's Plan to Replace the U.S. Dollar - Koon Yew Yin

Koon Yew Yin
Publish date: Wed, 26 May 2021, 09:39 PM
Koon Yew Yin
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An official blog in i3investor to publish sharing by Mr. Koon Yew Yin.

All materials published here are prepared by Mr. Koon Yew Yin

China wants its currency, the yuan, to replace the U.S. dollar as the world's global currency. That would give it more control over its economy.

As China's economic might grows, it's taking steps to make that happen. A slim majority of institutional investors see it as inevitable, but don't say when. Could we see a switch from a greenback to a redback-dominated world? If so, how and when would that happen? What would be the consequences?

Before the yuan can become a global currency, it must first be successful as a reserve currency. That would give China the following five benefits:

  1. The yuan would be used to price more international contracts. China exports a lot of commodities that are traditionally priced in U.S. dollars. If they were priced in yuan, China would not have to worry so much about the dollar's value.
  2. All central banks would have to hold yuan as part of their foreign exchange reserves. The yuan would be in higher demand. That would lower interest rates for bonds denominated in yuan.
  3. Chinese exporters would have lower borrowing costs.
  4. China would have more economic clout in relation to the United States.
  5. It would support President Jinping's economic reforms.

How the Yuan Is Becoming a Reserve Currency 

On December 1, 2015, the International Monetary Fund announced that it awarded the yuan status as a reserve currency. The IMF added the yuan to its Special Drawing Rights basket on October 1, 2016. This basket currently includes the euro, Japanese yen, British pound, and U.S. dollar.

Why did the IMF make this decision? China’s leaders want to improve the standard of living and increase its economic output The Chinese have “pegged the yuan” to the US dollar but via an adjustable peg or “managed peg”. This floating peg has generally been on a downward trend since 2015 implying that the yuan has been steadily devaluing against the dollar, making Chinese exports relatively more competitive against dollar prices around the world. That allowed China's economic growth to soar thanks to low-cost exports to the United States. As a result, China's share of international trade and gross domestic product grew to around 10%. This has been a source of trade friction between China and the US.

As trade grew, so did the yuan's popularity. In August 2015, it became the fourth most-used currency in the world. It rose from 12th place in just three years. It surpassed the Japanese yen, Canadian dollar, and the Australian dollar.

Central banks should increase their foreign exchange reserves of yuan to provide funds for that level of trade. Central banks alone should purchase about $700 billion worth of yuan. But banks never purchased all the euros they should have, even when the European Union was the world's largest economy. Most international transactions are still done in U.S. dollars, even though its trade has dropped.

The IMF requires China to liberalize its capital markets. It should allow the yuan to be freely traded on foreign exchange markets. That allows central banks to hold it as a reserve currency. For that to happen, China's central bank must relax the yuan's peg to the dollar.

China must have clearer communications about its future actions regarding the yuan. That's what the Federal Reserve does at each of its eight Federal Open Market Committee meetings.

Instead of a fixed exchange rate, it would set the yuan's value to its closing value on the previous day. Instead of rising, as many expected, the yuan fell 3% over the next two days.

The PBOC stabilized the rate. It now has the freedom to allow the yuan to be a stronger tool in monetary policy. The drop also silenced critics of China's reforms, many of whom were members of the U.S. Congress.

In December 2015, the Bank announced it would begin to shift the dollar peg to a basket of currencies. That basket includes the dollar, euro, yen, and 10 other currencies.

The Yuan Is Slowly Being Traded in Foreign Markets

Chinese leaders are beginning to make it easier to trade the yuan in foreign exchange markets. To do this risks more open financial and political systems. On March 23, 2015, China backed the Renminbi Trading Hub for the Americas. The renminbi is another name for the yuan. That makes it easier for North American companies to conduct yuan transactions in Canadian banks. China opened up similar trading hubs in Singapore and London.

Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is Chair of the Working Group on U.S. RMB Trading and Clearing group. It is creating a renminbi trading center in the United States. The group includes former U.S. Treasury Secretaries Hank Paulson and Tim Geithner. Such a center would lower costs for U.S. companies trading with China. It would also allow U.S. financial companies to offer yuan-denominated hedges and other derivatives.

On June 8, 2016, China granted the United States a quota of 250 billion yuan, the equivalent of $38 billion, under China's Renminbi Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor program.

Can the Yuan Replace the Dollar?

The level of trade is not the only reason the U.S. dollar is the world's reserve currency. The strength of the U.S. economy instils trust. Most important are the transparency of U.S. financial markets and the stability of its monetary policy. 

On the other hand, Stuart Oakley, managing director of Nomura, pointed out in a 2013 article that China owns $4-5 trillion of unallocated central bank reserves and these could be in yuan. As more bilateral swap lines are set up and China moves further down its path of capital market liberalization, central banks' appetite to own this currency will grow.

Could China's ambition to make the yuan the world's currency lead to a dollar collapse? Probably not. Instead, it will be a long, slow process that results in a dollar decline, not a collapse.


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don't be silly, ccp is just another ussr, bye,bye

2021-05-27 20:35


If that happens - Pax Americana is good bye , the end of an Empire. World war 3 is in horizon- Mutual Assured Destruction.

2021-05-28 10:01


don't be silly , ww3 has already been started, it began with trade war, then biochemical weapon, you are in the midst of it.have you taken the jab of vaccine.

2021-05-28 10:24


Can yuan replace US Dollar ? Not until at least another 20 years . The Russian & IRan oils using Yuan as exchange is the first step towards accelerating USAGE of Yuan . The Sanctions by US against IRAN has forced IRAN to sign a 25 years trade deals with China using Yuan as trade denominations. . While Iran sells oils to China in Yuan , China can sell most of its products to Iran in Yuan too .The next areas possibly Yuan can be used is RCEP which accounts for one third of world trade . Yuan must shows stability over a period of time before more countries have confidence . IF US dollar keep declining with US govenment keep doing unlimited QE , it will depreciate and slowly lost its shine because nobody wants to keep US dollar as deposit if it keeps depreciating . China also begin to set foot in Middle East . The active participation by China in recent Palestinian Isreal conflict is China strategy to win over the hearts of Middle East muslim countries .Once these countries start to use Yuan to trade with China , the world geopolitics will shift .Hope they wont be any world war due to such shift .

2021-05-28 21:57


Yuan alone may not replace USD in world trade. Yuan and several other stable currencies may cause the USD to lose its predominant position in world trade. Assisted in the process by the digitisation of currencies.

2021-05-29 00:40


ykloh. Yes . I think what KYY meant was Can Yuan REplace US Dollar current position where about 50 % of world trade is using US Dollar ?
The EU will promote and ensure the Euro remain relevant unless EU breakup. The British pound will go downhills as Britain 's economy continue to go downhill .

2021-05-29 12:45

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