Koon Yew Yin's Blog

Why Can't PM Muhyiddin take bold steps to combat Covid 19? Koon Yew Yin

Koon Yew Yin
Publish date: Mon, 07 Jun 2021, 01:00 PM
Koon Yew Yin
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An official blog in i3investor to publish sharing by Mr. Koon Yew Yin.

All materials published here are prepared by Mr. Koon Yew Yin

Currently Malaysia has a total 610,574 Covid 19 cases and 3,291 deaths. These 2 figures are still surging. Malaysia holds the world championship of having the greatest number of Covid 19 cases per capita. We don’t want this championship trophy.

How did China stop the Covid pandemic?  

The Covid 19 pandemic first started in Wuhan in January 2020. China immediately lockdowned the whole region and started contact tracing all the people who were in contact with the Covid 19 patients 2 weeks before the incident. China took bold steps to stop the spread of the virus and within a few months China was free from the pandemic.  

Covid 19 in Malaysia

The chart below shows that in September 2020 Malaysia was free from Covid 19 virus. As soon as we had discovered Covid 19 cases, our government should have followed the Chinese well proven method of stopping the spread of the virus. Our government should have taken bold steps to combat Covid 19.  Since we failed to stop the spread of the virus, our PM Tan Sri Muhyiddin should have rung the Chinese Ambassador in KL or rung President Xi Jinping for the supply of Sinovac vaccines instead of buying the vaccines from Pharmaniaga who is the sole agent for Sinovac vaccines in Malaysia.   



What PM Muhyiddin did?

Parliament was suspended in January in the name of fighting the pandemic, allowing him to stay in power without a floor vote to test claims from legislators that he no longer commanded a majority. Back then, daily new Covid 19 cases could be counted with your fingers.

A crisis of political legitimacy is hanging over Malaysia's government just when it needs to make tough decisions to tackle a relentless surge in Covid-19 infections. It's hard to see the ongoing state of emergency ending in August as promised. The steady erosion of his government’s credibility was reflected in new measures announced recently.

Malaysia to enter 'total lockdown' from Jun 1 to Jun 14 as daily number of COVID-19 cases hits new record.


Malaysia will close all economic and social sectors by implementing a "total lockdown” throughout the country. The first phase of the lockdown will last from Jun 1 to Jun 14. This move was announced in a media statement posted on Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin’s Facebook page on Friday (May 28) night.  Only essential economic and service sectors listed by the National Security Council will be allowed to operate during Phase 1 of the lockdown, said the statement issued by Prime Minister's Office (PMO).

“This decision was made after taking into account the current situation of COVID-19 transmission in Malaysia with daily case numbers exceeding 8,000 and active cases exceeding 70,000,” the statement read.

Currently Malaysia has a total 610,574 Covid 19 cases and 3,291 deaths. These 2 figures are still surging.

The recent steps look half-hearted. Despite skyrocketing infections, Muhyiddin was subjected to vigorous, even open, lobbying to avoid a full lockdown. His decision indicates he never had the strength to even get close. Muhyiddin sounds like a man pulled in different directions. “Life is important; I also don’t want the economy to collapse,” he told the state-owned broadcaster RTM on Sunday. “If the economy collapses, I may have to spend half a trillion (ringgit; $121 million) now. … We have to balance. The government’s decision is based on the situation.” 

His own situation was precarious going into the state of emergency. Muhyiddin came to power in March 2020 after a group of lawmakers left a coalition government led by Mahathir Mohamad. Subsequent procedural votes showed the prime minister with a majority of only a couple of MPs — at best. Last September, opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim claimed he had the support of most parliamentarians, but was never given the chance to prove it. Meanwhile, the United Malays National Organization, which led every government from independence in 1957 until 2018, isn't happy with its junior role in Muhyiddin's bloc and will campaign against him when polls are called. 

The longer this pandemic and the government persists, the harder it is to take bold steps to combat Covid and eventually, end economic haemorrhaging. Gross domestic product fell for a fourth consecutive quarter in the first three months of the year. 

If the state of emergency is prolonged, which looks like a fair bet, then Muhyiddin needs to find a way to broaden his appeal. A government of national unity might be in order. Invite Anwar's People’s Justice Party and perhaps its partner, the Democratic Action Party, into a much broader coalition. This would acknowledge political weakness, but once inside the tent, it would be hard for opposition parties to keep sniping. Such a move carries its own risks. The Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party, or PAS, which is part of Muhyiddin’s existing bloc, regards the DAP as too multiracial and urban and views Anwar, though he comes from the ethnic Muslim Malay majority, with almost as much scepticism. Parts of UMNO also resist Anwar and the DAP. 

My proposal

To stop the Covid 19 pandemic, we must have a strong Prime Minister with the majority support of parliamentarians to be able to take bold steps to combat the Covid 19 pandemic. Parliament must re-convey as soon as practical

to find out if back door PM Muhyiddin has the support of most parliamentarians. If he failed, Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim might be the next PM since he claimed he had the support of most Parliamentarians. Only a vote of confidence can stop the Covid 19 pandemic.      




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To stop the pandemic, we must ensure smooth supplies of vaccines and escalate the vaccination rate. Also we must mobilize the necessary resources such as clinics and private hospitals to help vaccination rates. All these are now on the way. To suggest a change of government during this period? Make sense? Come on, a vote of confidence can change the Covid landscape? This is nut. Stop bringing politics into healthcare and pandemic issues when the nation is trying very hard to stop Covid.

2021-06-07 14:27


The Covid 19 pandemic first originated in Barcelona, Spain in early, 2019 ?


2021-06-07 15:34


Let say give an incentive of rm100 for anyone getting fully vaccinated. I'm sure even the anti-vaxxers would show up. And Muhyhiddin can claim all the credit for himself. Job done and pandemic over, thank you!

2021-06-07 15:48


y OnTime > Jun 7, 2021 3:48 PM | Report Abuse

Let say give an incentive of rm100 for anyone getting fully vaccinated.

but still more people want than the government is able to supply the vaccine.

2021-06-07 15:50


a bit too slow and disorganis3ed. the vaccination.

2021-06-07 15:51


Finally, our Pak Din shall become a NATIONAL HERO ?

2021-06-07 15:52


PM MahaiDin is scared to meet the press. How do you expect a leader who depends on his macai MPs to answer properly.

2021-06-07 15:55


The solution to this pandemic is vaccination. However the current government simply does not have the direction, capability and efficiency. Decision making are done without planning and consultation. Instantaneous decision are costly which the country cannot afford.

2021-06-08 10:02


It is the ONLY solution to this pandemic - fastest vaccination possible, please.

2021-06-08 10:50


Since we failed to stop the spread of the virus, our PM Tan Sri Muhyiddin should have rung the Chinese Ambassador in KL or rung President Xi Jinping for the supply of Sinovac vaccines instead of buying the vaccines from Pharmaniaga who is the sole agent for Sinovac vaccines in Malaysia.

Please ring NOW the Chinaman to get the vaccines for us. We want the vaccines now.


2021-06-08 10:52


MahaiDin lost control of his macais.

2021-06-08 14:01


I though under the state of emergency, anyone who criticises the government for mishandling the emergency will be fined 100k?

2021-06-08 14:28


Not criticise but offering learned advice to Pak Din to protect our rakyat lah.

2021-06-08 17:18


Malaysia’s Covid-19 vaccination rate has overtaken the average rate across Asia, with latest data showing the country is fast outpacing other major countries with vast populations in the Asean region.

Statistics on vaccination rates compiled by global data site Our World in Data placed Malaysia at the top in Asia as the only country whose vaccination rate is above the continent’s average.

It also showed a sharp upward trajectory as of May 30 in the rate of people given at least a first dose, in a sign of hope that the government’s goal of achieving herd immunity this year might be easily met.

Hidup Malaysia !!!!!!

2021-06-08 22:34


Our Abang Besar is working veri hard.

Hidup Abang Besar !

2021-06-08 22:37


Aldy admit bodoh ,so shd letak jawatan cos we Malaysian don't want bodoh one loh!
How share market can achieve BOOM market with bodoh one leh?

2021-06-09 09:42


NEW YORK (AP) — A new analysis of blood samples from 24,000 Americans taken early last year is the latest and largest study to suggest that the new coronavirus popped up in the U.S. in December 2019 — weeks before cases were first recognized by health officials.

The analysis is not definitive, and some experts remain skeptical, but federal health officials are increasingly accepting a timeline in which small numbers of COVID-19 infections may have occurred in the U.S. before the world ever became aware of a dangerous new virus erupting in China.

“The studies are pretty consistent,” said Natalie Thornburg of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


2021-06-15 22:46


" Since we failed to stop the spread of the virus, our PM Tan Sri Muhyiddin should have rung the Chinese Ambassador in KL or rung President Xi Jinping for the supply of Sinovac vaccines instead of buying the vaccines from Pharmaniaga who is the sole agent for Sinovac vaccines in Malaysia. "

Hishammuddin turut menyatakan kesyukuran dengan hasrat China menyumbangkan 500,000 dos vaksin SinoVac-CoronaVac kepada rakyat negara ini seperti dimaklumkan Menteri Luar negara itu, Wang Yi, semalam.

2021-06-16 21:51


How can you expect a racist dimwit freeloader and bench warmer to lead a nation?

2021-06-16 21:53

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