Koon Yew Yin's Blog

Don't be afraid of old age - Koon Yew Yin

Koon Yew Yin
Publish date: Mon, 06 Feb 2023, 10:30 AM
Koon Yew Yin
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An official blog in i3investor to publish sharing by Mr. Koon Yew Yin.

All materials published here are prepared by Mr. Koon Yew Yin

In 2020, population aged 90+ years for Malaysia was 39.43 thousand persons. Population aged 90+ years of Malaysia increased from 3.53 thousand persons in 1971 to 39.43 thousand persons in 2020 growing at an average annual rate of 5.72%. There are 36.5 million people in Malaysia. That means 1 aged 90+ in 36,000 people.  

I am 90 years old. You may like to know why my brain is still functioning quite efficiently. I found this useful article to share with you.

The director of the George Washington University School of Medicine maintains that the brain of an elderly person is much more practical than is commonly believed.  At this age, the interaction of the left and right hemispheres of the brain becomes harmonious, which expands our creative possibilities.  That is why among people over the age of 60 you can find many personalities who have just started their creative activities.

Of course, the brain is no longer as fast as it was in youth.  However, it gains in flexibility.  Therefore, with age, we are more likely to make the right decisions and less exposed to negative emotions. The peak of human intellectual activity occurs around the age of 70, when the brain begins to work in full force.

Over time, the amount of myelin in the brain increases, a substance that facilitates the rapid passage of signals between neurons.  Due to this, intellectual abilities increase by 300% compared to the average.

Also interesting is the fact that after 60 years a person can use 2 hemispheres at the same time.

This allows you to solve much more complex problems.

Professor Monchi Uri, from the University of Montreal, believes that the elderly brain chooses the path that consumes less energy, eliminates the unnecessary and leaves only the right options to solve the problem.  A study was conducted in which different age groups participated.  The young people were very confused while passing the tests, while those over 60 years old made the right decisions.

Now, let's look at the characteristics of the brain between the ages of 60 and 80.  They are really pink.


 1. The neurons of the brain do not die, as everyone around you says.  The connections between them simply disappear if one does not engage in mental work.

 2. Distraction and forgetfulness arise due to an overabundance of information.  Therefore, you do not need to focus your whole life on unnecessary trifles.

 3. From the age of 60, a person when making decisions does not use only one hemisphere of the brain, like young people, but both.

 4.  Conclusion: if a person leads a healthy lifestyle, is mobile, has viable physical activity and is fully mentally active, intellectual abilities DO NOT decline with age, they simply GROW, reaching a peak at the age of 80-90 years.


 1) Don't be afraid of old age. 

 2) Strive to develop intellectually. 

 3) Learn new crafts, make music, learn to play musical instruments, paint pictures!  Dance!

 4) Take an interest in life, meet and communicate with friends, make plans for the future, travel as best you can.

 5) Don't forget to go to shops, cafes, shows.

 6) Don't shut up alone, it's destructive for anyone.

 7) Be positive, always live with the thought: following: "all good things are still ahead of me!"


 *SOURCE: New England Journal of Medicine*

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In addition, an optimistic person has chances of living longer and healthier than a pessimistic person.

2023-02-06 18:27


Everyone came to this world with a "jug" and it is not surely referred to the jugs that are used in the pubs.

When we committed sins, the level of sins in the jug will increase and on the contrary, the level of sins will be reduced when we did the will of God such helping the poor/widows (Charity), honest in our business transactions, honor our parents, avoided the transgression against our neighbours/colleagues, watched our eyes, maintain even a few grams of holiness in our daily lives...

Whenever the level of sins in the jug is overflowed, the person will just have to died immediately despite all the experiment, analysis, studies and statistics that have been compiled by the universities professors. This is because the soul in the body has to be snatched away to face the Creator right away even before the sun rise. Once the sins have been overwhelmed, the soul will be expired and the owner of the soul will recall the soul from the body.

Some sinful people have lived their long lives maybe because there could be an event/incident where their sins were taken out from his/her jug massively by one huge reward/mitzvot...like president Hosni Mubarak (Egypt), who lived until 92 years.

The similar kind of mitzvot also gotten by Assad, where the LORD just out Putin behind him and Assad is protected even though there were many countries wanted to destroy him. Assad is not a good man either but his jug is far from the overflowed level.

2023-02-06 19:04



2023-02-07 17:47


that's right! if u know ur next right is going to be much better than this life then u can die peacefully w/o any worry (心经: 菩提萨埵,依般若波罗蜜多故,心无挂碍。无挂碍故,无有恐怖,远离颠倒梦想,究竟涅盘).

2023-02-08 09:54

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