Naive Share Investor

MLAB: Money Tree Full of Hidden Serpents

Publish date: Thu, 13 Jul 2017, 11:45 AM
I write because I feel that I have to write. My not-so-often used mail address - but you can still get to me through this e-mail. I welcome feedback and comments regarding my posts. If you need me to write nonsense, do let me know too. I turn nonsense into substance.
Image result for money tree with snakes
Wanting to Grab the Money but Avoiding the Serpent at the Same Time

It may seem like this blogger is too obsessed with MLAB that the blog has more postings of MLAB than any other counters. Well, in actual fact, the blogger is more obsessed with his/her daily tasks and work commitments that he/she has totally forgotten about the existence of this blog. All the posts up to the previous one were actually done not because I have certain sponsors asking for my write-ups but more because I need to show certain people that I have some sort of financial knowledge. The amount of knowledge cannot be quantified over here or anywhere but just imagine that this is like a fashion designer newbie trying to impress his/ her new boss with his/her portfolio. 

Anyway, I don't intend to put all my postings about this counter here and in totality since I don't have much luxury of time to pen my thoughts here. Let's cut the nonsense but go straight to the counter, a counter that nobody cared to look at or even know what that is all about up until the week starting 10th July 2017. Let's make a symbolic representation of the counter as an apple tree in the olden days. 

Of course, I need to specify here that the run up these few days doesn't have anything to do with the fundamentals of the company. Looking at the last count, Q12017 and all the previous quarters, the counter looks like it is just waiting to be delisted or taken over by another company. 

None of that happened up until these last few days. So, what gives? 

The last few days were filled with suspense and excitement for those people whom the investment community coined as small fish, small fries, anchovies, retail investors or more suitably pronounced as gamblers. Yes, you got it right, gamblers hoping to get a small sum or catch knowing that the whole world is watching their moves and actions. This is no longer a counter that is worth putting your hard earned money in. The syndicates have taken over the counter and conquered it. Oh, let's bring back our apple tree and serpents into the story. The apple tree has been chosen by serpents for reasons that we don't have the privilege to know. When the tree has serpents guarding it, do you still need to show your hands out and grab an apple from that? The snakes are very sensitive to human movement, any wrong moves may result in the human having to face death. Of course, this comes in the form of loss of money, much better than the loss of lives.

In real life terms, unless you have a better software that the syndicates have, you are just trying to swim naked. 

"Only when the tide goes out do you discover who's been swimming naked." Warren Buffett

I do not wish to continue with the specifics. It suffices here. If you think that this has helped you in some ways or another, please do leave a comment or send me a message. I do value that. Do visit my blogspot directly here

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