Ong Mali - Come, Let's Talk $Money$

Could 2016 turn out to be a Mouse Trap Year For Investors?

Publish date: Mon, 02 May 2016, 04:24 PM
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I had wanted to write this in the beginning of the year but on second thoughts ...why not wait a few months and see the developments ...

...And what I am seeing is ...could 2016 be a mouse trap year for investors ?? ....

Recall in Jan 2016 ....RM was projected to drop and drop ...and the hottest theme was export theme stocks ....but look what happened now....those who bought and kept these so called super star stocks are all trapped! ...

Then those who thought the KLCI Index was going south to 1,500 points shorted the market but then around Feb 11 the market headed north instead ....another mouse trap ...

Same with OIL  ....many thought that was 110% guaranteed to going down to US$20 with all the pumping and glut but hey presto ...its' $46 now !

And not forget GOLD ...many experts say it's doomed to US$1,000 the funds shorted their asses on the metal ...but today it's US$1,295 ...

And the short-lived Sarawak election plays ....unless you hit-and-run ....would be a trap too! ..

Sell in May and go away ....hard to tell ....but there are 2 major sports events coming ....European Championship Football Tournament in June 10 2016 and the Summer Olympics in August 5 2016 the better advice would be ..."Sell in May and come back in Sept "...after these sports events ...Lol ..

So ....would 2016 turn out to be a mouse trap Year for investor ? A year full of unexpected twists and turns ....? After 4 months I am beginning to think so.

Just some ramblings on a holiday ya ....


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Recall in Jan 2016 ....RM was projected to drop and drop ...and the hottest theme was export theme stocks ....but look what happened now....those who bought and kept these so called super star stocks are all trapped!

These were Calvin's Calls

1) Ringgit will be the Best Performing Currency in the world. It was a Chun Chun call

2) To sell all high flying export furniture stocks due to ringgit rise against US Dollar. Another "Chun Chun" Call.

3) To Switch to Oil Palm Stocks as others might underperform.

Palm OIl Stocks Rose in 1997/8 (Asian Financial Crisis). Palm OIl Stocks also rose in 2007/08 (Lehman Brothers' debacle)

This Round El Nino will power up Oil Palm Stocks through 2016, 17 & 18

Therefore, you MUST be Contrarian of Mr Market. Always go against the crowd.

Got it?

2016-05-02 17:28

Hiu Chee Keong

Market is just a big gaming place, no up down where got fun :)

2016-05-02 19:25


Gotcha ...another mouse trapped hahaha

2016-05-02 19:31


I can't predict the market trend. So I always buy cheap. If I can't buy cheap i rather keep my money in bank. What if it gets a lot cheaper after I bought? Jump ship lar. I m not the captain of the ship n I don't have to sink with the ship. Say bye2 to El Niño. Going to rain cat n dog soon. CPO can hardly hit $2700 even ffb production deteriorated to 35-40%. Say bye2 to $3800. It'll never happen again. I've waited for 4yrs.

2016-05-03 06:23


o shit liao ..

2016-05-03 09:49


may is mouse trap ..

2016-05-03 10:23



2016-05-03 10:24


,,another mouse trap coming ....gosh

2016-05-04 21:26

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