RM350 million Heist - Protasco Bhd's Chong Ket Pen crime uncovered. What next?

富达公司3亿5千万“偷窃案”曝光,30May股东大会4千8百万抢钱“合法化犯罪”,谁骗走纳税人的钱?Protasco Bhd's RM350mil heist exposed, AGM RM48.6mil public CASH cheating to be “legalised

Publish date: Fri, 24 May 2019, 03:44 PM
24 May 2019. Without prejudice, this is a true story from within Protasco Bhd, exposing one of the most corrupted public listed company in Bursa Malaysia still operating under wide scale money laundering scheme. Answers to what every Malaysian should know, especially about where your tax payer money goes and ended in who's personal pocket, could all be found here.
Protasco AGM 30 May 2019. The Protasco Bhd "Annual Graft Meeting" is celebrating Malaysia's top kleptoCRAZY, corruption and organised-crime.
How a bunch of crooks and criminals control and loot RM350 million from the public company Protasco Bhd from year 2014-2019, and officiate another RM48.6 million cash cheating scheme through artificial votes derived from ill-gotten money and power, all under 1 man's greed and craze. Who is this devil?
Detailed evidence which exposed the circles of organised-crime that is taking "your money" for their personal secret profits, is still happening everyday. Who are these culprits?
Circle of fraud & (public) money-looting ring:
UOB Bank (Which heads will roll?)
Protasco Bhd (Which board and senior management will go behind bar?)
PPAM (more heads to roll?)
JKR (Money laundering circles bank-roll from Barisan Nasional to Pakatan Harapan?)
List of "legitimized criminals". The 1+7 members corporate-gangsters led by CKP: 
Chong Ket Pen (CKP) - Mastermind & King of Fraud (1st defendant) 
Tan Heng Kui - patner of CKP 
Ho Chun Fuat - Slave of lies, conspiracy & money laundering for CKP
Kenny Chong Ther Nen - Prince of Fraud (2nd defendant) 
Lim Yew Ting - Butler to King of Fraud 
Tan Yee Boon - Joker & cheerleader for CKP 
Augustone Cheong Kwok Fai - Joker & cheerleader for CKP 
Tjoe Yudhis Gathrie - muppet to CKP's fraud scheme 
List of "hired assassins" and "TRAITOR OF THE NATION" paid by CKP under Protasco bill to cover up CKP's crimes:
Hadenan Abdul Jalil - Most corrupted MACC "advisor"
Salleh Mat Rashid - cover up PDRM on CKP's CBT, fraud and cheating trail. 
Firdaus Abdullah - fool Pakatan government, cover up CKP's Najib Razak graft & corruption trail. 
Sivaneindiren - LAW BREAKER from Cheah Teh & Su (tell lies through soul selling stories)
Robert Low Choon Chong - LAW BREAKER from Ranjit Ooi & Robert Low (design fraud & conspiracy to defraud for CKP)
Lionel Lau Kuan Yew - MILLENNIUM ASSOCIATES SDN BHD (soul dignity for fraud & defraud scam for CKP)
TRAITOR OF THE NATION are here to stay, since JKR's RM4.2 billion road maintenance contract would provide enough illegal money to cover up not only the traitors, but to cover up mouth and eyes of potential bribe from Barisan Nasional to Pakatan Harapan?
The "under table norm" of 10% mark up is an open secret meant for "legalised" money laundering, aka Transfer Pricing to cover up the massive organised crime. This fat RM420 million illegal money is exposed naked on the table for grab. These money belongs to MALAYSIAN, and yet Pakatan Harapan have not procecuted the culprits while the country suffers financial deficits? 
As a TAX PAYER, use your back side to think how corrupted CKP can be when comes to organised crime. (illegal) money can do wonders in this wonderful country.
Beneficial of the RM350 million Protasco Heist - CKP Father & Sons
Chong Ket Pen (father, 1st defendant)
Kenny Chong Ther Nen (CKP's son, 2nd defendant)
Benny Chong Ther Vern (CKP's son, taking blind salary in Protasco Bhd)
Denny Chong Ther Shern (CKP's son, taking blind salary in Protasco Bhd)
Protasco's HUGE FRAUD COVER UP is evidence from facts and numbers exposed in its own financial reports. These 100% true and authentic criminal evidence speaks for themselves. If the Protasco's financial hole of -RM350 million were looted and taken by CKP and will be paid from JKR's contracts whom "you" paid your tax to the country to fund these JKR's payments, if you are 1 out of 32 million Malaysian, that's your "RM10" stolen by CKP in a nut shell.
Origin of RM350 million Protasco Heist, CBT & Money Laundering by CKP from 2014-2019: 
CKP which held only 15.5% of Protasco Bhd shares (worth RM35mil in year 2012), had stolen Protasco for his personal secret profits, and had caused Protasco to "spend RM350mil" by adding RM324mil DEBT into Protasco Bhd balance sheet, majority of those money taken from UOB Bank. Majority of such gigantic money went to CKP & sons personal pockets, including recycling of these ill-gotten money to buy more Protasco shares.
Because of the huge secret profits and reckless spending by CKP, Protasco Bhd suffered -RM44mil net poss on December 2018, and added RM324mil DEBT during CKP's 5 years sole possession. 
Protasco Bhd 30 May 2019 AGM mark the END of Bursa Malaysia credibility, FAILURE in legal system, and celebrate the SUCCESS of kleptocracy, organised-crime, and corruption. 
Another RM48.6 million is guaranteed another SUCCESSFUL HEIST, to be openly and publicly TAKING from Protasco Bhd and PAID to CKP himself, voted using ill-gotten shareholding, with shares bought using CASH illegally siphoned from within Protasco Bhd, through abuse of ill-gotten power, in the up coming AGM. This is the most complete re-cycle of CBT proceeds and clear cut predicate offence to the maximum in this country. 
On top of such crime, CKP is also covering up the JKR corruption using transfer pricing, to KEEP ON TAKING secret profits from the RM4.2 billion JKR contract across the next 8 years. 10% of such contract value for "under table corruption", or about RM420 million, will be pocketed by CKP and cronies, and Pakatan Harapan seems to be compromised. It's not surprising that CKP's paid "TRAITORS OF THE NATION" would continue to cover up such crime to fool or "made compromised" with current government. These machineries fees are paid using these ill-gotten money. Barisan or Pakatan, what's the difference?
What have Chong Ket Pen & sons stolen from Protasco Bhd out of RM350 million "DEBT-DRIVEN-SPENDING"? Check your Protasco Bhd annual reports, do your homework, before attending Annual Graft Meeting (AGM) to witness the success of organised-crime. The crime scene was publicly announced at:

Type of Meeting Annual General Meeting
Indicator Notice of Meeting
Eighteenth Annual General Meeting
Date of Meeting 30 May 2019
Time 11:00 AM
The Function Room, 9th Floor, De Centrum Tower @ De Centrum City, Jalan Ikram-Uniten, 43000 Kajang, Selangor Darul Ehsan
Date of General Meeting Record of Depositors 21 May 2019

Please refer attachment below.

Who is Chong Ket Pen, and his 3 sons sitting inside Protasco Bhd spending 32 million Malaysian's money?
Reference of PPAM news from public information CKP don't want you to know: 
= Protasco Insider Report =
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张吉平又再偷 PROTASCO 的钱,这次RM48.6 million? 简直无法无天。

PROTASCO BHD 坏人坏事干太多,除非除牌清盘后再抓妖怪,不然鬼还在里面做鬼作怪,“贪得无厌”的毒瘤是清除不完的。魔头张吉平 CHONG KET PEN 父子4 人一日没被执法当局拖进去坐,PROTASCO BHD 小股东不必想翻身。癌症毒瘤末期等死吧。

股票交易所 BURSA 和 SC 就休想它们能做什么。这两个饭桶只是被牵着鼻子走的牛和驴,天天只会见高就拜,见低就踩,被魔鬼“抛了个石头”追石头去了,一路殃及所有不相关的人搞到股市天天跌,魔鬼依然逍遥法外。牛头马面悟性低,就是看不到真正魔鬼在哪里,把鬼当人,把人当鬼,真是鬼遮眼。等它们畜生开眼看见真正魔鬼了,PROTASCO 也应该早死了吧。

像张吉平 CHONG KET PEN 和同党等败类,就算直接拉进去正法削皮,把偷的骗的统统吐出来,再打30大阪,街头示威后再终身监禁,也救不了千疮百孔的 PROTASCO。干脆直接枪毙更省事,免得浪费国家资源白住白吃。

魔头干掉了,其他帮凶和拉拉队员得一并拉进去坐,抄家抄斩。给后人树立一个教训例子。 马来西亚股市就是要这个劲。

对付张吉平 CHONG KET PEN 这类人渣,BURSA 和 SC 难道有春带迅速把张吉平捉拿归案,就地正法?美国和中国打来打去还是比拳头。可惜 BURSA 和 SC 没有武警部队,不然打坏人轻而易举,先打后咒,股民看到了成绩,股市可能已经回复信心,冲到2,000点了。

别梦想了,这是不可能的。有票的股东,30 May 2019 去 PROTASCO AGM 看张吉平 CHONG KET PEN 老妖怪表演“吃人”表演吧。真人真秀,好不精彩,BURSA 和 SC 应该也会捧场,可能还是拉拉队呢。可爱不,马来西亚的股市?

2019-05-26 15:50

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