RM350 million Heist - Protasco Bhd's Chong Ket Pen crime uncovered. What next?

死人了!富达公司犯罪内幕揭穿,财务【何春发】心脏病暴毙? OMG! Protasco Bhd's CFO demised! Ho Chun Fuat died heart attack ahead of Chong Ket Pen's July RM368mil fraud case trial?

Publish date: Mon, 27 May 2019, 08:07 PM



18 May 2019, Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia : Debt ridden JKR contractor, Protasco Bhd, is facing another round of probe from relevant authorities. This time with main focus is on Chong Ket Pen's hidden personal secret profits benefited from a 3 November 2012 Personal Shareholders Agreement. The agreement exposed Chong Ket Pen's bad intention and proof of Chong's first approach to investors, self pre-signed oil deal to impress and cheat investors, made up a fraud scheme to defraud investors, and his ill-intention to "kill his savior investors" who helped him gain control of Protaso Bhd. Such exposed material given the puzzled conspiracy of Protasco Bhd's failed Indonesia oil deal a key evidence breakthrough.

It was discovered that Chong Ket Pen and son Kenny Chong Ther Nen pre-signed those oil deal agreements and board resolutions before board meeting or shareholders approval, and even BEFORE investors buying over Protasco shares. Chong and son broke all the law, in order to impress and pressure Global Capital Limited's investors Mr. Tey Por Yee and Mr. Ooi Kock Aun to save Chong Ket Pen by buying over Protasco Bhd's largest (Malay) share owner's stake. Chong Ket Pen through Protasco Bhd told a totally different lie using Protasco Bhd as disguise. 

This is a big lie not ordinary person can bare or cover up, and yet can live with it carrying such sin without toxicating his own mind and soul .

The most relevant person in the cover up of entire Chong Ket Pen illegal power quest, fraudulent wrongdoings and money laundering ring, is the Protasco Bhd's Chief Finance Officer (CFO), Mr. Ho Chun Fuat.

Protasco Bhd announced that Mr. Ho Chun Fuat was suddenly "demised" on 18 May 2019. Ho Chun Fuat after just 5 years carrying Chong Ket Pen's big lies and guilt, and RM350 million illegal spending burden of truth, died of heart attack.





Can guilt kill you?

It usually disperses after a while. But it can stay if it is perpetuated somehow, like a partner constantly reminding you of when you cheated on them for example. Or if it's fully from an action horrible enough that you never forgive yourself for it.
Intense and persistent guilt can lead to depression, low self worth, despair, paralysis to act, and usually attracts it's fair share of shame.
And people who feel all that are unhappy. Sad people take efforts to end their sadness if it gets too bad.
They might jump. But I wouldn't say the fall killed them. It was the sadness.









Who is Ho Chun Fuat's greedy evil-boss Mr. Chong Ket Pen and his son Kenny Chong Ther Nen who cause the guilt-ridden CFO heart attack?


To learn more about who is Chong Ket Pen, Kenny Chong Ther Nen and the culprits involved in the RM350 million Protasco Bhd's conspiracy, criminal cheating, fraud and corruption. Read here:

富达公司3亿5千万“偷窃案”曝光,30May股东大会4千8百万抢钱“合法化犯罪”,谁骗走纳税人的钱?Protasco Bhd's RM350mil heist exposed, AGM RM48.6mil public CASH cheating to be “legalised?






Ho Chun Fuat - The false Polis Report complainant under criminal investigation?

Ho Chun Fuat was ordered by Chong Ket Pen to file false police report sometime in September 2014 to divert a deal Indonesia oil deal failure away from Chong Ket Pen himself. Such report was proven a sham conspiracy with sole purpose to misled and deceived PDRM to cause harm and damages on Chong Ket Pen's new bosses, Dato' Tey Por Yee and Dato' Ooi Kock Aun, in order for Chong Ket Pen to put blame on them with intention to take control of Protasco Bhd board from them.

Through a blame Chong Ket Pen ordered Ho Chun Fuat to fabricate evidence through fraudulent misrepresentation fooling the Indonesia oil company staff to file false statements. Such scam by twisting a deal Chong Ket Pen and his son Kenny Chong Ther Nen deceived and cheated Tey and Ooi to save Chong Ket Pen's career in Protasco Bhd, eventually lead Chong Ket Pen to find excuses to kill the deal at Protasco's cost, in order to fool the media, authorities and investors to cast vote in Chong Ket Pen's favor. Chong Ket Pen successfully rob the power of Protasco Bhd and the money looting campaign never turn back ever since.

Such drama started with a false allegation, followed by series of dubious events, such as false reports to PDRM, Bursa and SC, stealing and using of illegally obtained Polis investigation papers, and even fabricated criminal charges on the supposed Protasco Bhd new owners Tey and Ooi without statement taking or evidence. The character assassination scam continued with series of corporate blackmail which link to Chong Ket Pen and his team. Ho Chun Fuat knew and facilitated all these scams.

The bad intention and ill-minded power robbery was busted when the court through AG Chamber's decision granted acquittal to the 2 former Protasco Bhd largest shareholders Tey and Ooi after review of all evidence in totality. This means that Ho Chun Fuat is now proven lied and filed false police reports. Reporting false allegation itself is a criminal offence and such report fooled PDRM and relevant authorities to supressed the victims Tey and Ooi in order for Chong Ket Pen to take control of Protasco Bhd. The misuse of PDRM and authorities power to cause harm is another criminal offence. Chong Ket Pen's reward in such scam is that Chong Ket Pen gets to control the Protasco board and self-drawing RM4.1 million yearly salary, a huge jump from his RM600,000 yearly salary, and paid his 3 sons to sit inside Protasco with luxury perks, including buying 3 sports cars for the 3 young brothers, made up false accounts on PPA1M, De Centrum Mall, JKR contracts, etc, siphoning out and spent over RM350 million from year 2014-2019.

Such money looting crime including the fake PPA1M housing project which churned UOB Bank's cash to fund Protasco Bhd's unrealistic dividends. The suspected transfer pricing from Protasco Bhd to parties related to Chong Ket Pen and former prime minister Najib Razak's government cronies is in the hundreds of million. The estimated RM350 million was looted directly and indirectly by Chong Ket Pen ended up in Chong Ket Pen's own pocket.





Chong Ket Pen's ill-gotten money and power a result of Predicate Offence. Ho Chun Fuat felt cheated and guilt?

Chong Ket Pen's Ill-gotten Money started from RM10 million "kick back" he calls LOAN taken from Protasco Bhd itself into Chong's personal account, which bought him ill-gotten Protasco shares resulted in gaining ill-gotten power and control of Protasco, and ofcause more ill-gotten money from power abuse. Such recycle of illegal money resulted in a snow ball of RM350 million spending in Protasco Bhd across year 2014-2019, all by Chong Ket Pen himself.

In other words, everything that Chong Ket Pen owns are ill-gotten, just like proceeds from Wolfs of Wallstreet, luxury yacht, Picasso, all belongs to 1MDB, How could Ho Chun Fuat bare such burden secret all by himself? Ho Chun Fuat knew his boss is actually a criminal, and he is equally guilty for covering up all the criminal trails. Perhaps for Ho Chun Fuat, answering to God is better than the Devil. 






Ho Chun Fuat's Cover Up of Chong Ket Pen's ill-gotten power and illegal money taken from Protasco Exposed?

Bursa Malaysia and Securities Commission are among the authorities which questioned Ho Chun Fuat, when evidence were found linking Chong Ket Pen to suspected fraud to defraud the 2 former Protasco Bhd largest shareholders. 

"With evidence proven Tey and Ooi are in fact victims of Ho Chun Fuat, and Ho Chun Fuat is under Chong Ket Pen's instruction for all the blames and Protasco lawsuits, it's not surprise Ho might have no choice but to name Chong Ket Pen and son Kenny Chong Ther Nen being the masterminds of all these fraud to defraud. It's either Ho goes in or Chong eventually. What you think how Ho will ends?", quoted Protasco Bhd senior management refused to be named.

Being a perfect traitor and betrayal to Protasco former owners Tey and Ooi, Ho Chun Fuat was also rewarded by Chong Ket Pen to be named CFO of Protasco Bhd after Chong's succeeded in the power robbery and money looting in Protasco Bhd. Thereafter, Ho Chun Fuat arranged and knew all the money siphoning activities done by Chong Ket Pen which linked to some total RM350 million additional debt incorporated into Protasco Bhd balance sheet from year 2014-2019, all under Chong Ket Pen’s instructions. These gigantic debt paid to cover Chong Ket Pen's unrealistic personal salaries, share dividends, feeding of cronies through transfer pricing, and of cause the series of cost paid on behalf of Chong Ket Pen involving the set-up of Tey and Ooi and their businesses, all on Protasco Bhd's bill. Majority of such money are borrowed from UOB Bank, and went directly to Chong Ket Pen and sons personal pocket, as per reported in Protasco Bhd's year 2014-2019 quarterly and annual financial reports. 




Ho Chun Fuat sudden death due to Heart Attack. Pressure or Guilt?

What Ho Chun Fuat did, and what will Chong Ket Pen and sons do to Ho Chun Fuat, knowing that Ho Chun Fuat is under Chong Ket Pen's instruction involved in fraud to defraud by misleading PDRM, Bursa Malaysia and SC, and knew too much of Chong Ket Pen's personal wrongdoing and ill-gotten money?

Would Ho Chun Fuat took all the blame for Chong Ket Pen and risk himself behind bar when judgement day came upon himself in the name of Justice & Guilt?

17 May 2019 is a case management of the July 2019 RM368 million lawsuit upon Chong Ket Pen personally, with evidence proven Chong Ket Pen lied on Protasco Bhd's lawsuit against Protasco Bhd's former largest shareholders. The evidence proven Chong Ket Pen cheated on the plaintiff, deceived and induced the plaintiff into the deal, and later made up excuses to scuttle a deal that Chong Ket Pen purposely don't want to honour. If the Protasco's oil deal was carried, Chong Ket Pen would lose out on Protasco Bhd's control, and Chong Ket Pen would not have the chance to cause Protasco to take RM350 million debt in order to pay for Chong Ket Pen's expenses, including big portion of such cash paid to Chong Ket Pen personal pocket, lawsuit and evil blackmails with intention to discredit and cause harm to Protasco's former owners Chong Ket Pen needed an alibi when the sky falls, with or without a “talking mouth”. The key witness to all these sinful deed would be Ho Chun Fuat. 

18 May 2019, Protasco Bhd's CFO Mr. Ho Chun Fuat, died at age 52, claiming heart attack. The position is replaced by Mr. Jason Chai Chin Chan, the Group Financial Controller.

Maybe Protasco shareholders can ask Mr. Jason Chai Chin Chan (the next Ho Chun Fuat), or straight to the Protasco Bhd's controversial executive director Mr. Chong Ket Pen, how a 52 year old Mr. Ho Chun Fuat died (as a result of prolonged sleepless nights in fear and guilt)? Such a horror tragedy for the exchange of Chong Ket Pen's power and money stolen from Protasco Bhd is the perfect question you may want to ask in the upcoming Protasco Bhd upcoming AGM on 30 May 2019, 11am, at De Centrum Tower, Kajang, Selangor.




More Sin!Ho Chun Fuat to cover up yet another RM48.6 million money-looting scheme paid from Protasco Bhd to Chong Ket Pen?

30 May 2019 Protasco Bhd AGM, followed by EGM to facilitate Chong Ket Pen to further siphone RM48.6 million cash from Protasco Bhd, by Chong Ket Pen himself selling a piece of land in Tampin to Protasco Bhd itself. Such 'legalised crime" by first illegally obtained Protasco control, and abuse his power as ED and pay more money to himself, and he uses such money to buy more Protasco shares, resulted in more shares and votes to facilitate this up coming CBT - a Related Party Transaction, to further load RM48.6 million into Protasco RM622 million debt balance sheet. Out of such, RM324 million was ADDED by Chong Ket Pen from the year 2014-2019. Who cover up all these trails?

Ho Chun Fuat is the CFO of Protasco Bhd. On top of up coming (criminal) based RM368 million lawsuit against Chong Ket Pen, the RM350 million debt loaded into Protasco from year 2014-2019 under Chong Ket Pen's instruction, Ho Chun Fuat is expected to cover up another RM48.6 million heist in up coming 30 May 2019 Protasco AGM/EGM?

What would you do if you are Ho Chun Fuat being questioned by authorities on (criminal) money flows and illegal activities within Protasco Bhd? What would you do if you are Chong Ket Pen which is in a rush to take another RM48.6 million from public listed company into his own pocket and Ho Chun Fuat knew about his secrets? While Chong Ket Pen loves and hates Ho Chun Fuat (the man who "knew too much"), it's unlikely Chong Ket Pen has a hand on Ho Chun Fuat's death.

We all wanted to believe that it's by "GUILT" that Ho Chun Fuat's depression and heart attack took his life. May god be with him, if he ever made it up there.

According to Protasco's insider information, the truth could be more ugly than we all wanted to believe. What do you think?




Why you should worry about a deceased man in Protasco Bhd?

As a tax payer, you should worry how your tax money going to end up in Chong Ket Pen's personal pocket. Protasco Bhd's JKR contract is taking "billion Ringgit" from "YOU", the tax payer, and the money laundering scheme within Protasco is enabling such public money to flow to Chong Ket Pen's personally.

If Chong Ket Pen can “bite the hands who feed” by making up blame to get rid of his saviors Tey and Ooi after he used their money to saved himself from Protasco Bhd's board room fight back in year 2012; what is the sacrifies of Ho Chun Fuat (the most important witness to all his suspected crime) a blessing to Chong Ket Pen when Ho suddenly died?

A death of the most important witness in the entire Protasco fraud and scam mega scheme might just be the begining of Chong Ket Pen's crumbling sand castle. However, until Chong Ket Pen and his cronies are prosecuted, the people of Malaysia will still have to suffer the huge leakage in the JKR's corrupted system within the country of Boleh Land.




The greedy puppets of Chong Ket Pen's Master Scam. Would Chong has a hand on all their (up coming) unfortunate faith?




富达公司3亿5千万“偷窃案”曝光,30May股东大会4千8百万抢钱“合法化犯罪”,谁骗走纳税人的钱?Protasco Bhd's RM350mil heist exposed, AGM RM48.6mil public CASH cheating to be “legalised?





= Protasco Insider Leak =






Change in Principal Officer



Date of change 18 May 2019
Age 52
Gender Male
Nationality Malaysia
Type of change Demised
Designation Chief Financial Officer


Major/Field of Study
Additional Information
Working experience and occupation
Family relationship with any director and/or major shareholder of the listed issuer
Any conflict of interests that he/she has with the listed issuer
Details of any interest in the securities of the listed issuer or its subsidiaries


Remarks :
The function of the Chief Financial Officer will be temporarily covered by Mr. Jason Chai Chin Chan, the Group Financial Controller.


Announcement Info

Stock Name PRTASCO
Date Announced 21 May 2019
Category Change in Principal Officer
Reference Number C04-21052019-00001


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CKP has a hand on this Ho?

2019-05-27 22:28


Ask Lim Yew Ting and Kenny Chong. They knew what CKP did.

2019-05-28 10:46


Ho died because of his own greed ended up heart attack. Dont blame ckp. Ho not greedy ckp wont have chance to use him for all the crime.

2019-05-28 12:36

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