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Dr M makes sole decision: Wear shoes of any colour to school

Publish date: Sat, 18 Jan 2020, 12:48 PM

KUALA LUMPUR: Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, who has temporarily taken over the Education Ministry portfolio, says he is not bothered about the colour of shoes worn to school.

The Prime Minister said that the briefing he was given by Education Ministry officials on Thursday (Jan 16) had left him "a little confused".

"I had a long briefing. I am still digesting the items that they had briefed me and I am still a little bit confused because of so many facts given. I am studying them.

"One thing I have decided is that you can wear brown shoes, black shoes, grey shoes, white shoes – any shoes will do," said Dr Mahathir on Friday (Jan 17).

Former education minister Dr Maszlee Malik had introduced the controversial black-shoe policy.

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don't be silly , schools are the place ,to help student to develope individual ability and creativity, and not deciplined them into liked dead woods, just know to following order from dictatorial superiors only.

2020-01-18 14:42


White shoes was just fine. WTF wasting time fixing things that are non issue.

2020-01-18 14:53


that is why, people saiy :any color will do.and "free to choose".

2020-01-18 16:31


yup any colour will do..make the child more spirited to school as they can wear oneday one colour shoe to hello kitty,

2020-01-18 17:06


thankz.. tun.m giving free style school shoes......

2020-01-18 18:42


hope coming next for free style wear.shirt and pants

2020-01-18 18:43


school time table must b change to 8am to 5pm

2020-01-18 18:44


easy for.momy and dady both work, pick sons after 5pm when finish their job..

2020-01-18 18:45


sarcastic la, it means shoes color policy is a joke.

2020-01-18 18:46


enning22: don't be silly , schools are the place ,to help student to develope individual ability and creativity, and not deciplined them into liked dead woods, just know to following order from dictatorial superiors only


Very true. Why still need to do study? Or no grey matter left inside the skull?

2020-01-18 18:48


TrippleZ : White shoes was just fine. WTF wasting time fixing things that are non issue


Very true. Just decentralize trivial stuff- leave to individu school admin/PTA, etc

2020-01-18 18:50


enning22: that is why, people saiy :any color will do.and "free to choose


Let the colour be an individual expression. Let's end irrelevant delusional herd mentality of the past millenium

2020-01-18 18:52


freddiehero : hope coming next for free style wear.shirt and pants


Yes. Teach them how to make good decision for life, and we don't see rising unemployment rate in the near future

2020-01-18 18:54


freddiehero : school time table must b change to 8am to 5pm


This should be flexible too. Kids can come and learn and go as an individual (as consented by parents, of course)

2020-01-18 18:56


Still need more and more and endless study??? : Man's talk - STRAIGHT TO THE POINT

When the people choose NAJIB's party over pH, something must be very, very damned wrong. They would rather swim in a pool of poop than to be belittled with the rubbish that Mhathir and his bodoh sombong gang are throwing at them. The PM's arrogance has reached breaking point and pH's supporters ARE FED UP.

2020-01-18 21:32


True. It's not the quantity of time for structure learning....

.....but the quality of the texts and teachers (and VCs)

2020-01-18 21:42


Put first thing first - DO NO HARM

........not to feed them with delusion from young (Dawkins)

2020-01-18 21:50


Only Rukun Negara should be recited on regular basis in school assembly.

Only scientific thinking, moral principles and lawful awareness have to be 'installed' (like computer softwares), taught and cultivated in schools during formal schooing hours.

Others oughta be chucked to 'after school' activities

2020-01-18 21:53


3 major upsets of Malaysian education system :
1) Students disciplines gone.
2) Teachers qualities gone.
3) Too many religious schools

2020-01-18 21:59


Very true. So obvious but fir the blind, deaf and dumb, still need to procrastinate by taking own sweet time to 'do more study'

2020-01-18 22:04


Time to get my child a Prada Black

2020-01-18 22:29


As the world changes from flat to spherical to borderless....

.....our school children's shoes change from white to black and now may be pink

2020-01-18 22:34


kids studyinh in morning time, after afternoon time learn something new, like some ball, club, ofcoz learn something new berdiri kari.. cook ka, cuci baju ka, gotong royong ka, tanam nanas ka...

2020-01-19 07:55


110% agress with you. For a Optimal brain development, kids need a balance structured and unstructured learning time

2020-01-19 08:07


Outdoor fun yes......2 hours of this every day will spare them glasses too

(and risk of grow up as a crouch potato or digital addict)

2020-01-19 08:09


tun.m ever said doktor too full in the market.. then train la from now, doktor tanaman

2020-01-19 08:44


.......The U-turning Nerd in full form

Where ICERD, ROME, free toll, Lynas-free, etc

2020-01-19 08:54


tak imposible la, if u got chance can do more income will u pudh it away?

2020-01-19 08:58


hear only lo.. wat they hav talk

2020-01-19 08:59


our country not canadian everything must green.. wan green..

2020-01-19 08:59


all camical doin from outside

2020-01-19 09:00


recycle also can earn moreny, if malaysia wan do more income.. bring all rubbish coming to malaysi

2020-01-19 09:01


School shoe sellers die for the 2nd time.

2020-01-19 12:34


Thoughtlessly inconsiderate bunch

2020-01-19 12:54


U org memang susah nak layan... cakap wear black shoes, complain.. now say any color, complain... sampai bila x nak complain?

2020-01-19 13:46


gemfinder not dare to come JAKS anymore? kikiki

2020-01-19 14:15

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