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DJI Is On Red Alert

Jack Kong
Publish date: Tue, 11 Dec 2018, 01:34 AM

刚刚才写完了这篇文章后,惊讶的看见道琼也随之跌破大颈线,而一个大约两年的大头部明显的快要成型,如果今天或这周内不能收复,再加上一旦跌破关键支撑 23364,我大胆的预计两万点的道琼指日可待,甚至两万点以下都不是问题。

所以,如果今天道琼真的在收盘前还是维持这个走势,那么明天或日后的 KLCI 又会如何发展呢?我想这应该是手上满仓的朋友需要考虑的事情了。

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If your TA works, you should become a millionaire by now. The fact that you are still writing rubbish post on i3 suggest otherwise

2018-12-11 08:02

Goh Kim Hock

I have ever seen a person with such thick-skinned in my life.

2018-12-11 08:15


Things you don't know nor understand ,doesn't mean it's rubbish.One should open his eyes and ears before valuable knowledge can be acquired.On the contrary,I do find his technical skills rather good.I used to trade more than 20 yrs ago for many yrs without using charts but I still look at the newspaper daily for vol and price/vol.I don't believe in charts either then till I open my mind to it.During the bear markets after 2000,I started to learn charts and I have never looked back.It's a tool for you to gauge the market upside/downside hence manage your risk.I still have lots to learn and still haven't acquire the knowledge of elliot wave. Am I talking rubbish?It's entirely your right to think so but it's your lost in my opinion to continue shutting your mind.

2018-12-15 06:23


Crisis is coming...

2018-12-15 07:19


If break 23000 i think is time to sell all my shares as well.

2018-12-15 07:21


According to one technical chartist whom I had been following,in his analysis,he said s&p will eventually hit 2100-2200 before a rally of a few yrs that will likely hit new high probably even beyond 3200 between 2022-2024 before a major top in place that will have bear market of at least 8-10 yrs.In my opinion 2100-2200 is not impossible as it was the high before the correction to 1800.As I have no in depth knowledge of elliot wave theory,I cannot gauge the possibility of the massive rally that follows then the super bear that follows according to him possibly more painful than the one in 2008/2009.Before the 2100-2200 level,there is a possible rally from 2450-2480 that will likely stalled at 2600-2630.In stockmarket,it's important to know the direction of the overall market analogy of the forest.If you just focus on stocks(trees),trees will eventually be burnt down if the forest is on fire!Technical analysis will allow you to gauge possible upside/downside so that you can manage your risk.In stockmarket,you can possibly lost all or even more than the gains you have accumulated thru the yrs no matter how much it was if you don't manage your risk!You can analyse the fundamental aspects of the counter till cows come home like hengyuan and petronm shareholders,ultimately when the price of the counters came down will leave many shareholders in puzzlement!If you examine the stock price of all the counters in Bursa,it is telling you the market is super bearish and it's not a normal correction that you have seen for the past few yrs.Again it's all up to you whether you want to open your mind to the possibilities.

2018-12-15 10:59

Jack Kong

It take time to become millionaire or even billionaire. Well, as long as you are on right path, then it just matter of time for your dream come true. Perhaps, one day i will be a millionaire which I hope so, but i still will keep my writing. haha...

Is technical analysis works? Maybe we can ask differently, If technical analysis is a rubbish, then why technical analysis was still survive till today?

In fact, my technical analysis skill is not any secret skill, it just a simplest one called chart pattern on price/volume analysis. In actual fact regardless fundamental analysis or macro-economy analysis, all are still a kind of prediction to the stock market, so this is nothing different when we analyse using technical way.

2018-12-16 18:17

Jack Kong

So, i just trying to be more forward-looking on stock market.

2018-12-16 18:23


I have been trading for an institution > 10 years and I fully support Jack Kong

2018-12-16 18:56


Please continue with what you had been doing,at least it might possibly gives some thinking caps for some who might save lots of money in this super bearish market.

2018-12-16 19:05


DJI is now falling down fallin down fallin down, DJI is now fallin down jeng jeng jeng jengggg

2018-12-16 21:21

Jack Kong

@Annetan, Definitely, I will keep doing it :-) and thanks for encouragement.

2018-12-17 22:39

Jack Kong

@moneypedia, Let's see tonight how DJI perform! if continue down, then what I said is happening... Well, I had clear my stock position since jun of this year... Hope everyone can avoid the major correction in stock market.

2018-12-17 22:41

Jack Kong

Today NASDAQ break the neckline, and this means after DJI and S&P500, NASDAQ is the last member turn to bearish.... Well, there is something worst will happen soon when 3 major stock market turn to bearish.

2018-12-21 00:42


Gg we all dead tomorrow

2018-12-21 00:53


is true .. all broken their supports alrdy ...

2018-12-21 00:56


run run

2018-12-21 01:05


As I see it,it's likely that there will be a bounce at 2362 level for a few days.

2018-12-21 07:03

Jack Kong

DJI Close with -600 point in Xmas eve and I think this is the first time i saw DJI drop so much in a day....

2018-12-25 17:39


oct 10,2018 drop 831pts
by the way Nikkei drop 1010 pts today

2018-12-25 18:06


11 out of 20 biggest dow jones drop happened in 2018

2018-12-25 18:09


those who proclaim to have a crystal ball to future usually end up eating cow grass. I hope tonight toto open 5999+ xxxx.

2018-12-25 18:20


Very typical republican presidency

Open with a big bang, and then followed by bear market

Bush did that as well

2018-12-25 18:39

Jack Kong

@cheoky, At least we can avoid from this major drop if you have US stock.

2018-12-25 18:47

Jack Kong

Probably I think i am one of the earliest one who warn.

2018-12-25 18:49


Jack Kong, how deep do u foresee this drop will be?

2018-12-25 18:52


5999? 5199 is hibiscus number lah….hehe

2018-12-25 18:53


ok,turkey and wine time.....merry xmas everyone

2018-12-25 18:58

Investor 999

Technical analysis does survive but technical analysts do not survive

2018-12-25 19:01


Nino nino nino...where the fund flow...hehe

2018-12-25 19:09


will sink to 11000

2018-12-25 19:17

Jack Kong

@lizi, DJI will be around 20820.

2018-12-25 22:47

Jack Kong

@Investor 999, Technical analyst still can found in oversea investment institute like US, HK, Taiwan, and SG.

2018-12-25 22:49

Jack Kong

Merry Xmas Everyone

2018-12-25 22:49


limbeh really really hope it drop... even tho I still suffering loss now, its a chance for me to revenge and get back up...
guess its time to do some refinancing and prepare... wahaha

2018-12-25 23:00


As I see it,I would take profit on S&P at this level.

2018-12-27 09:46


latest update by that technical chartist I referred above,he says as long as s&p holds above 2400,it will rally to 2800 by spring before another leg down to 2100-2200 then multiyr rally to 3200-4000 before a crash of a 8-10 yrs bear market that you only witness once in a decade.

2019-01-12 06:46


I meant in a century

2019-01-12 08:42

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