看了这个video - https://klse.i3investor.com/blogs/pgtrader/125528.jsp 真的不吐不快。
第51分钟的邓先生啊。。。 冷眼见你三次指点你,你应心存感激吧。。 而不是拿冷眼来说事。
冷眼前辈无私的分享,无收分文。 卖课程的收了你多少钱?十来千可不是一个少数目。 自己反省反省吧!
影片里的老先生。 卖课程就卖课程, 为什么要找个学生踩冷眼来抬高自己?
Chowhongping, 举手举脚赞同!
i3 是个很好的投资分享平台,但就是有很多人都滥用了这平台,搞到很多真心想分享投资资讯的人都不敢在这里分享,因为无论你分享什么,都会招到很多无理和不必要的攻击。
2017-06-16 18:49
先搞清楚,分享这video的绝对不是这位老师本人或是和他有关系的人。你口里所说的这位“老先生”已教育出了不少投资高手,单单在 i3 这平台已有好几位 active poster 是这位老师的学生。这位老师曾经说过他最尊敬的本地投资者就是冷眼前辈。当冷眼前辈出新书时,他还特地搞了一堂课是研究冷眼前辈的新书和读后感。如果说那位先生是用对比方法来抬高这位老师的话,那你现在用的方法何尝不是踩低这位老师的人格。更何况你跟本就是扭曲了那位先生的意思。在投资界认识这位老师的人多得是,真金不怕火炼,你还是收手吧。
2017-06-16 19:25
The "老先生" is Mr. Ricky Ng, the founder and trainer for Equities Tracker Penang. He is a very famous value investor practitioner and I don't think he will harass cold eyed in his talk.
The student (Mr. Deng) is giving his comments on his own capacity but not taking instruction from Ricky Ng. He mentioned he not able to learn the investing from cold eyed but able to learn it from Ricky Ng course. Is this consider a harassment?
Ricky Ng teaching is very good and the "十来千" course fee should worth the money.
2017-06-17 16:00
John Lu Banned all sochai especially calvintaneng that eediot
16/06/2017 19:17
2017-06-17 17:57
学海本无涯,投资学海更是如此。冷眼分析也不是无懈可击。多层面推理讨论,本是正途。不应该盲目崇拜。投资重要是讲究预测未来期间出现“forward PE ratio”,未来是存在意想,预测不到的发展。不过把握重要的爆发要素,还是比较有成果的。
2017-06-18 15:36
When i was in 2015, i am totally new bird in stock market. When i was attended Equities tracker course, teacher Mr. Ricky Ng recommended one of the book is the cold eye " ku pia tou chi zhen tao". When the new book of cold eye launching in end of year 2016, teacher Mr. Ricky Ng asked us must read this book because a lot of good thing inside. And also held one meeting just purposely to share the good point of cold eye new book and must practice it as well.
2017-06-18 21:40
我从来没有认为冷眼的分析是无懈可击. 冷眼自己也说过他只不过是一个平凡人不能做到百战百胜,不过能做到百战不殆。
我开这帖子并不是鼓吹“盲目崇拜”冷眼。 只不过是看不过眼有人拿冷眼来说三道四吧了。
enning22 学海本无涯,投资学海更是如此。冷眼分析也不是无懈可击。多层面推理讨论,本是正途。不应该盲目崇拜。投资重要是讲究预测未来期间出现“forward PE ratio”,未来是存在意想,预测不到的发展。不过把握重要的爆发要素,还是比较有成果的。
18/06/2017 15:36
2017-06-19 12:37
回复chowhongping, vincenta 和 rational888 :
- https://klse.i3investor.com/blogs/pgtrader/125528.jsp 的观后感说出来。这位Ricky Ng老先生的学生(邓先生)的谈话难免有贬低冷眼前辈之嫌。
你说绝对不是这位老师本人或是和他有关系的人分享这video. 不过根据脸书的资料 - 分享人Jason Tao (https://www.facebook.com/jason.tao.165/videos_by)可是在 Equities Tracker工作的呢。vincenta 说Ricky Ng老先生可是Equities Tracker Penang 的创办人,不可能这位Jason Tao和他没有关系吧? 如说Ricky Ng老先生也是一个爱戴冷眼前辈之人。我想他也不希望有人拿他敬爱的冷眼前辈来说事,敬请把这video拿下吧。
那"十来千"的课程费用吧, 你说“worth the money”。 我也不要多加评论。不过,"十来千"可是松大星级导师的收费了。如说,爱戴冷眼前辈的Ricky Ng老先生是一个成功的价值投资人,应该不用靠课程来赚钱吧?何不向他爱戴的冷眼前辈看齐,用一个比较负担的起的价钱来推广价值投资呢?毕竟啊,i3红人 kcchong 和 OTB 也是收一千多而已。
chowhongping 先搞清楚,分享这video的绝对不是这位老师本人或是和他有关系的人。你口里所说的这位“老先生”已教育出了不少投资高手,单单在 i3 这平台已有好几位 active poster 是这位老师的学生。这位老师曾经说过他最尊敬的本地投资者就是冷眼前辈。当冷眼前辈出新书时,他还特地搞了一堂课是研究冷眼前辈的新书和读后感。如果说那位先生是用对比方法来抬高这位老师的话,那你现在用的方法何尝不是踩低这位老师的人格。更何况你跟本就是扭曲了那位先生的意思。在投资界认识这位老师的人多得是,真金不怕火炼,你还是收手吧。
16/06/2017 19:25
vincenta The "老先生" is Mr. Ricky Ng, the founder and trainer for Equities Tracker Penang. He is a very famous value investor practitioner and I don't think he will harass cold eyed in his talk.
The student (Mr. Deng) is giving his comments on his own capacity but not taking instruction from Ricky Ng. He mentioned he not able to learn the investing from cold eyed but able to learn it from Ricky Ng course. Is this consider a harassment?
Ricky Ng teaching is very good and the "十来千" course fee should worth the money.
17/06/2017 16:00
rational888 When i was in 2015, i am totally new bird in stock market. When i was attended Equities tracker course, teacher Mr. Ricky Ng recommended one of the book is the cold eye " ku pia tou chi zhen tao". When the new book of cold eye launching in end of year 2016, teacher Mr. Ricky Ng asked us must read this book because a lot of good thing inside. And also held one meeting just purposely to share the good point of cold eye new book and must practice it as well.
18/06/2017 21:40
2017-06-19 13:25
版主你未免也太过唯恐天下不乱了吧。那位先生都说明了他见了冷眼前辈之后,还是捉不到投资的精髓,是因为他自己的问题,而与冷眼前辈完全无关的。而且对于这位卖投资课程的老师来说,他更本不需要教他的学生在人前要如何讲话。认识这位老师的人都知道这位老师的品德,绝不是像版主所说的那种人。i3 是个很好的投资分享平台,但就是有很多人都滥用了这平台,搞到很多真心想分享投资资讯的人都不敢在这里分享,因为无论你分享什么,都会招到很多无理和不必要的攻击。
2017-06-16 18:29