What Should We Call the Monster El Niño?


This week, we learned that the 2015 El Niño may end up being most powerful on record, eclipsing three other major El Niño years over the past century. So....why doesn’t this beast of a weather phenomenon have a goddamn name yet?

We’ve thrown out a lot of monikers for the hot blob that’s been stewing across the Eastern Pacific these past months, contributing to droughts, floods, algal blooms, coral die-offs, and massive tropical storms. The Godzilla El Niño. The Bruce Lee Chris Farley El Niño. Sauron, the Necromancer, etc. But we want to know what you’re calling it. We want a name that commands respect, strikes the fear of God into you, sends you running off to Costco to purchase a lifetime supply of canned beans.

The World Meteorological Organization has been naming tropical stormssince the 1950s. It’s crazy, and frankly, rude, that we don’t do the same for El Niño years. Help us correct this wrong in the comments below.


Calvin comments:

Today I met a 77 Year Old Oil Palm Plantation Owner. 

These are the facts. 

Young Palm Oil trees if well taken care of will fruit by 3 years old. But FFB will increase more & more by 4 to 5 years old. 

The most fertile years are between 8 to 10 years old. 

By age 15 more fertilizer is needed to support FFB production. 

Oil Palm trees can last as long as 25 years old. But since they have grown so tall by then it is hard for harvesting. 

So best is cut down & replant the trees by age 23 to 24. 

Now there are 2 seasons for FFB. Usually Between January to June there is less FFB. But from July to December there is abundant harvest. 

Fertilizer must be applied 4 times a year - about 3 months once to keep trees tip top. 

Now he expects from July to December to have abundant FFB (Fresh Fruit Bunches) 

Will Hot El Nino destroy Oil Palm trees like they destroy padi and maize? 

According to him, "NO". In all his experience Oil Palm trees can survive hot weather though FFB production might be redeuced. 

Prices of FFB according to his experience 

It ranges from Rm300 a tonne to Rm1,000 a tonne. 

So current CPO prices can Go As High as Rm4,000 a tonne or even more. 

Since experts have called this current El Nino as "THE GODZILLA OR MONSTER EL NINO" you can even expect CPO prices to reach Rm6,000 a tonne. 

If SO all predictions are out! 


As future is still unknown can we trust the experience of this 77 Year Old Oil Palm Uncle? 

I met him as a stranger in AEON. He just shared that he is into Oil Palm planting. 
That's why I probed for all his answers. 

Anyone got better knowledge?
06/04/2016 20:24
OPMS calvin, CPO price expectation first 3K -> 4K -> 5K. Now... 6K ?
06/04/2016 20:30
calvintaneng Posted by OPMS > Apr 6, 2016 08:30 PM | Report Abuse 

calvin, CPO price expectation first 3K -> 4K -> 5K. Now... 6K ? 

Since this is called MONSTER EL NINO - CPO Might Shoot Pass Rm6,000 a tonne to Rm10,000 a tonne 


Strongest El Niño in 100 years! Here are some predictions ... 
Jul 29, 2015 - El Niño is simply an Equatorial Pacific Ocean cycle of warmer than ... the worst of Winter weather to shift into Europe and Asia this year with the ...
06/04/2016 20:33