Hi guys!
Bplant got Rm500 million or 33 cts cash coming.
Dutaland also got Rm150 million coming. About 17 cts a share cash.
So Bplant at Rm1.60 with 33 cts cash.
Dutaland at 39.5 cts with 17 cash on the way.
By percentage Dutaland offers better value!
Accumulated losses must first be written off by par value reduction like what Pm Corp did.
Then only can give capital distribution from sale of assets.
Both Pm Corp & RceCap went through par value reduction & gave back cash payout.
These are the positive factors for Dutaland.
1) Duta Yap has been buying & buying.
2) Top 30 shareholders now holding almost 80% of Dutaland shares. Only 20% left in free float
3) Among top 30 holders are Lim Pei Tiam & Genting Boss.
4) Dutaland is almost debt free.
5) Sale of Kenny Hill lands will bring in Rm150 million cash or 17 cts a share
6) Next quarter & next year will show positive results from Oil Palm harvest
7) At 39.5 cts it is selling at over 60% discount to NTA. Big margin of safety.
8) Dutaland is now the most discounted Oil Palm stocks of all.
So Calvin Tan Research calls for a buy on Dutaland at 39.5 cts.
Short term target is 50 cts
Longer term is up 100% to 80 cts.
Let's Go!!!
Chart | Stock Name | Last | Change | Volume |
Created by calvintaneng | Feb 02, 2025
Created by calvintaneng | Jan 27, 2025
Created by calvintaneng | Dec 31, 2024
Created by calvintaneng | Dec 28, 2024
Created by calvintaneng | Dec 27, 2024
see mmode... also got cash... down everyday...
see puncak... got cash...also down...
so cash no use... cash is useless... cash is to pay for directors' hardship managing the company... and to pay them million and million of salary and bonus...
2016-12-23 15:50
the secret is this:
Puncak and Mmode insiders never buy the shares but trying to suck money.
As for Pm Corp and RceCap insiders loaded up! Then gave cash pay out and share with all.
Now Duta Yap has bought 16 million shares in many lots after lots!
So sucking company monies on the quiet and buying company shares with own monies to get dividend or Cash pay out separates genuine from fake leadership.
Learn to spot the difference!
2016-12-23 15:54
mulpha, mp corp, bj corp, mui, kbunai & other dead stocks will have their turn in the sun
So Dutaland is a stock whose time has come!
See all later!
2016-12-23 16:12
so you hv cut loss lah...
you are not honest lor...
ask ppl to buy and follow...
then cut loss... also never disclose...
worst is asked you whether you have cut loss of not, you don't reply to the question lor...
ppl don't like lor... no good you know...
2016-12-23 16:19
did i say i cut loss? you don't falsely accuse ok
now go and buy dutaland and how tight tight for a powerful upside.
2016-12-23 16:22
150 million -- duta yap will put in the piggy bank to pay for his own hardship for managing the company for you.
2016-12-23 16:34
quantities quite small...
can push up?
calvin's buy call may push up?
but 2-3 sen income.. I think.
2016-12-23 16:39
Always post sampah article with your copy and paste skill...go die better dont talk much here. Pissed off with you why you dont die now!! Fxck
2016-12-23 19:31
You must have deep pockets if you didn't cut. Can you tell us how much paper loss you are holding now?
Then we can compare when the stocks day in the sun comes.
2016-12-23 19:43
Maybe I will listen to you Calvin when u talk about Toyota car, maybe only
2016-12-23 20:28
Lol.. Calvin, pls continue post more research. everytime u post will get hammering kao kao 1. i3 needs forum needs the clown like u.
2016-12-23 22:03
Let's Go was a catch phrase of "BIG BOSS"
It shows how Taiwanese fishermen catch fish in the high sea
Lessons are:
1) They venture into deep sea. They dare to venture out.
2) They watch out for schools of fish. So learn to look ahead of company earnings
3) They also use sonar & helicopter to search for fishes. So learn to search out values in a company.
4) Finally, they are determined & persist till success comes.
5) This has become a way of life. So is stock hunting. It takes work.
2016-12-23 23:55
keep it up, calvin.. i caya sama lu....gua punya profile pakai high dividen stok.. tapi tak apa, lu bagi repot, gua tengok dan analysis...dutaland gua tak suka tapi lu punya plantation repot kad banyak bagus.....gua banyak happy dapat dividen selalu....
2016-12-24 03:26
boleh go...tapi tak ada dividen kat dutaland....tak best kalau invest tak pakai dividen type punya syer....aku main pakai kayu tiga...mesti ada dividen, margin of safety dan "economic moat"....nak kahwin pun mesti pakai 3 syarat...
2016-12-24 08:03
betul bro.....dutaland aka butaland....jalan macam kura-kura.. then sesiapa yang beli dutaland, sudah tentu orang buta....nak cakap pun susah...nak tunggu sampai kucing bertanduk baru dapat hasilnya?...mungkin rambut calvin dah putih masa butaland bertukar menjadi dutaland....ini pun kalau calvin dapat tunggu 50 tahun...
2016-12-25 02:26
Agree. Why profit very low? Director makan duit? Why no dividend for shareholders?
Posted by Apollo Ang > Dec 25, 2016 02:02 AM | Report Abuse
tak boleh lah this BUTA LAND move like tortoise
Posted by malaysiaku > Dec 25, 2016 02:26 AM | Report Abuse
betul bro.....dutaland aka butaland....jalan macam kura-kura.. then sesiapa yang beli dutaland, sudah tentu orang buta....nak cakap pun susah...nak tunggu sampai kucing bertanduk baru dapat hasilnya?...mungkin rambut calvin dah putih masa butaland bertukar menjadi dutaland....ini pun kalau calvin dapat tunggu 50 tahun...
2016-12-25 06:30
Calling to calvintaneng, we can't wait to see your stocks performance in Stock Pick Contest 2017! Demonstrate your making money skills otherwise get lost from i3. We are not sure if you have the available fund to join the contest, otherwise can source it from Ah Long! Don't chicken out or else you got no face to face everyone in i3!
2016-12-25 13:32
no lah can't condemn calvin. he's smart in analyzing stocks just that he don't know the word GORENG. his picks mostly is good stocks but the directors is sleeping one
2016-12-25 23:48
not bad, 50 sen tp already hit. well done Calvin.
Kenny Hill lands, that one sold already?
2017-04-18 10:16
Let's Go was a catch phrase of "BIG BOSS"
It shows how Taiwanese fishermen catch fish in the high sea
Lessons are:
1) They venture into deep sea. They dare to venture out.
2) They watch out for schools of fish. So learn to look ahead of company earnings
3) They also use sonar & helicopter to search for fishes. So learn to search out values in a company.
4) Finally, they are determined & persist till success comes.
5) This has become a way of life. So is stock hunting. It takes work.
23/12/2016 23:55
2017-06-12 15:39
Integrity. Intelligent. Industrious. 3iii (iiinvestsmart)$â¬Â£Â¥
20.11.2016 40 SEN
7.3.2024 31 SEN
2024-03-07 15:49
cash can see cannot touch...
no impact!
2016-12-23 15:49