Seven Levels of Holy Spirit Fillings.

The measure of success in the Christian Service is according to the degree of Holy Spirit fillings in us.

There are seven levels.


Level One

Those that have not the Spirit

These consist of the majority of the seven billion people on planet earth – earthly people who pursue only the things of this world.


Level Two

Those that have the Holy Spirit

These are born-again Christians who are saved. The Holy Spirit has opened their eyes of faith in the Living God through the saving death of Jesus on the cross for all their sins. The Spirit of God called them out of this world to form the invisible, universal Church Triumphant. They may join like-minded believers in local Churches like Baptist, Presbyterian, Anglican, Methodist, Lutheran or any other name.


Level Three

Filled with the Spirit

These are Christians who live the victorious lives like the Ephesians and Colossians, unlike the carnal Corinthians. They daily feed on the Bible, the living bread from heaven. They have joy in prayer and delight in the singing of hymns or spiritual songs. They sing , “Thy Word our Law Thy path our chosen way”


We are told not to be drunk with wine….. BUT BE FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT (Eph.5:8) To be filled with the Spirit is a command – not an option.


Level Four

Full of the Holy Spirit


These are men and women who have consecrated and dedicated their lives and their all to the service of Jesus Christ.

They may be Preachers, Pastors, Evangelists, Missionaries, Soul winners, Teachers or just ordinary simple plain people.

They may or may not be employed by Churches or Institutions, but their supreme loyalty is to God Almighty. God’s Church requires such Spirit-filled men.


“Wherefore, brethren, look ye out among you seven men of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business.” (Acts 6:3)


“A holy minister is an awful weapon in the hand of God. A word spoken by you when your conscience is clear, and your heart full of God’s Spirit , is worth ten thousand words spoken in unbelieve and sin.”  – Robert Murray McCheyne


Level Five

A Double Portion of the Spirit

When the prophet Elijah was about to be taken up to heaven in a chariot of fire he told the young prophet Elisha to make a parting request.  “And Elisha said, I pray thee , let a double portion of thy spirit be upon me.” (2 Kings 2:9)  In Israel’s darkest apostasy God raised up these two miracles-working prophets.  Elijah prayed and the fire of God fell upon the sacrifice. The people who halted between two opinions cried out, “The LORD, He is THE GOD! The LORD, He is THE GOD!” While prophet Elijah performed eight major miracles the prophet Elisha performed sixteen miracles – twice that of Elijah’s. Furthermore, Elisha was given the ability to perceive human thoughts and see angelic forces.


When his covetous servant Gehazi took silver and garments from Naaman and hid them in covert action, Elisha said unto him, “Whence comest thou, Gehazi? And he said, Thy servant went no whither. And he said unto him, Went not mine heart with thee, when the man turned again from his chariot to meet thee? Is it a time to receive money, and to receive garments, and oliveyards, and vineyards, and sheep, and oxen, and menservants, and maidservants?”(2 Kings 5:25&26) Elisha saw not only the outward action of Gehazi in taking the silver and garments, but also the inward thoughts of his intention to acquire oliveyards, vineyards, sheep, oxen and servants.


Elisha knowing the military plan of the king of Syria warned the king of Israel and saved him from harm more than twice.

Frustrated and very troubled by his constantly twarted purposes and failed missions he said to his servants, “Will ye not show me which of us is for the king of Israel?” He suspected a spy in their midst.

“And  one of his servants said, None my lord, O king, but Elisha, the prophet that is in Israel, telleth the king of Israel the words that thou speaketh in thy bed chamber. [(2 Kings 6: 11&atmp;1

Aha! the culprit is the all knowing prophet Elisha which must be apprehended at all cost.


In Bible seminaries we were taught that there are the communicable attributes and the incommunicable attributes of God.


The communicable attributes are love, kindness, joy, anger, peace etc. The incommunicable attributes are Divine Omnipotence (All Powerful} Omniscience {All Knowing} and Omnipresence (All Present -God is Everywhere at the same time.}


In December 1977, I attended a Church Camp held by the Jesus Saves Mission on Penang Hill, an island on the West Coast of Malaysia. It was a time of great revival, on hindsight, after seeing its lasting fruit more than 33 years now in August 2011. On the very first day of the Camp the Spirit of God came with convicting power. All over the congregation, people got up and confessed their faults one to another and also confessed publicly their sins against men and God. A powerful spirit of prayer descended upon us and some prayed for as long as 18 hours a day. More than 30 young men and women out of a congreagation of over 150 people responded to the call of full time Christian Service. Many among these are still serving the LORD in various different churches and some have become missionaries to foreign lands. The men have become pastors and many sisters have become pastor’s wives.


While many others are still serving the Good LORD faithfully in one way or another. Let me relate an experience I had there and then. After having confessed our sins in a protracted way and having spent countless hours on our knees in prayer, praise and supplication we received an unction, an anointing of the Holy Spirit (though not all experience this). Suddenly our clarity of perception become so intensifiedth and sharpened that it seems that we could see each other’s thoughts and intents. I am unable to describe my feelings, which is rejoicing and glorifying God on the one hand and trembling with divine awful fear on the other. While we briefly experienced this on the mountain, the prophet Elisha experienced much of his life and our blessed Lord Jesus being God, the very God, knows men’s thoughts and everything all the time everywhere.


The Syrian king having located the prophet Elisha in Dothan sent a great army with horses and chariots and compassed the city by night. The servant of Ehisha got up early and saw that they were surrounded by the enemy soldiers cried, “Alas, my master! how shall we do? And Elisha answered, Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they be with them. And Elisha prayed and said, LORD, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the LORD opened the eyes of the young man; and he  saw: and behold, the nountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha And when they (the army) came down to him, Elisha prayed unto the LORD, and said, Smite this people, I pray thee, with blindness, And he smote them with blindness according to the word of Elisha.” (2 Kings 6:15-17)


While Elijah had a chariot of fire and horses of fire, Elisha had an entire mountain full of horses and chariots of fire round about!


In THE JOURNAL ONCE LOST (Extracts from the Diary of John Sung) I quote, “On the infilling of the Holy Spirit: He who has such an infilling will have an army of heavenly soldiers with him. The size of this army will depend upon his faith. It could be 10,000 or a few thousand or maybe just two soldiers.” (Page 384, 4th to 8th lines)

Herein is the secret of success in the ministries of prophet Elisha, Dr. John Sung, George Whitefield, Apostle Paul and you too, if you would give up your life to the total infilling and control of the Holy Spirit. God doesn’t want partnership. He wants total and complete ownership.


Level Six

God giveth the Holy Spirit Without Limit

“For Jesus whom God hath sent speaketh the words of God: for God giveth not the Spirit by measure unto him.” (John 3:34)

In our Glorious Lord Jesus the fullness of the Holy Spirit dwelleth bodily. Jesus could see and perceive human thoughts and being God, could forgive sins.


In the Garden of Gathsemane Jesus said, “Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my Father, and he shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels?” A legion in the Roman army is about 6 thousand soldiers. 12 legions equal to 72,000 angels. Jesus did not say only 12 legions. He says, more than 12 legions. If Jesus wanted to he could pray and the heavenly Father will send him the Entire Army of all the angels to fight the devil and win. BUT BECAUSE OF HIS GREAT LOVE FOR US HE Lay down His life for us. “Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us; and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.” (1 John 3:16)


Level Seven


Willian Guthrie, the great Puritan author, wrote in his book “THE CHRISTIAN GREAT INTEREST” said that John the Baptist was filled with the Holy Spirit before he was even born. Therefore saving grace will preserve him by a special protection.


The Holy Spirit who is selfless and self-effacing always point men to Christ. John the Baptist is known as the “preacher who lost his congregation”. He says, He must increase, but I must decrease (John 3:30) “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.” Among the disciples of John the Baptist was Andrew who broght the Apostle Peter to Christ. In a sense John Baptist, through the infilling of the Holy Spirit, helped Jesus to form His core group of Apostles in His first Coming. Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus, let us seek to be fully filled with the Holy Spirit in preparation for His Second Coming.


Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, ACCORDING TO THE POWER THAT WORKETH IN US. Unto Him BE GLORY in the Church by CHRIST JESUS throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.


Calvin comments:

As Martin Luther said, "And though this world with devils filled;

Should threaten to undo us. We will not fear for God has will: His truth to triumph through us:


Those Christians who are filled to the Fullness of Elisha & Elijah's power will have God Almighty Angels encamp around them with protection. And so they are invinsible.

See the Invisible Angels & Chariots of Fire that protected Prophet Elisha in his time


Elisha after given Double Portion of the Spirit has Invinsible Power Against All 


Elijah has only One Chariot of Fire

But For Elisha an entire mountain is surrounded by the fiery Chariots of God with His Angels




Image result for elisha vision of fiery chariots








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