Publish date: Thu, 04 Nov 2021, 11:50 PM
0 1,836
Hi Guys,

I have An Investment Approach I which I would like to all.

Dear friends of i3 Forum

Budget just over and These are Now in operation

Tax at 24% for Companies earning 1st Rm100 Millions. Above Rm100 Millions will incur tax of 33% (Or 9% more)

This will bring in Extra Rm5 Billions or More for Malaysia's expenditure for tough times like now


Now let Calvin give his thoughts


We are extremely bullish on Palm oil

1) Although CPO prices now up by 170% from Rm2,000 to Rm5,400 prices but Palm oil shares hardly moved by 5% to 10% for most

So in real time all Palm Oil Companies are doing a Roaring Business. Stock prices?

See this

Warren Buffett quote: If a business does well, the stock eventually follows.


With over 70 Years of Investing Experience can we trust his words


By Warren Buffet

Of course it will. 

If a Dam is filing up with water non stop it will soon over flow




Very little money allocated for High Ticket Infrar Jobs so not much goodies for Construction

Small jobs like Central Spine & Pan Borneo {Not News of High Speed Rail, New MRT or LRT Job)



Without Fresh High Ticket Infrar projects in Budget there will be less for Construction jobs leading to a corresponding lack or subdued demand for steel

Only spill over jobs which will sustain. So we give a fair value



With Crude OIl near USD80 OGSE should been fairly sustained

Petronas in its Year 2022 report gave more emphasis to renewable energy

So we give it a fair to slightly overweight. More if Crude can rise higher to USD100 then we upgrade



ASP will go down with China Competing Gloves ramping up production

Unlike Oil Palm which production is limited by 12 hour sunlight ---Gloves could be produced 24 hours a day 365 days a year by robots day and night

So it will not be good longer term. Especially for those Gloves that use up CASH in Good Times to Build Even More New Factories in a time of great glut

Best to cancel all New Glove Developments & Conserve Cash Built up to Pay Dividends & to brace to more challenging days yet ahead



Cathie Wood of Ark Invest just sold Tesla on news of Hertz Rent A Car has not signed to buy EV from Elon Musk

So there is a lot of froth. Better don't over pay and later caught in a down draft




High price of Sugar, Wheat & Palm oil will eat into the profits of Food Companies under they can pass down cost of production by raising prices. Malaysia tax on Sugary drinks for health reason will impact F&N and others



Very high Maize, Soybean, Wheat & Other Feed costs will eat into poultry production as well unless they can raise prices




Blog: Banking - Improving Trends

 Nov 2, 2021 6:42 AM Report Abuse 




Gone were the days of No Cash Down Payment for New Houses or Condos

Banks are sitting on tens of thousands of properties still under MCO loan moratorium

Some could be deliquent

So stringent loans property will see muted growth. Only in certain places of development boom will see better days but generally as a whole it will just move along



Please do your own self study & due diligence

Do independent thinking. Deep thinking away from the noise of the crowd


Warm regards

Calvin Tan


Please buy or sell after doing your own due diligence or consult competent Remisier/Fund manager


Blog: Banking - Improving Trends

 Nov 2, 2021 6:42 AM Report Abuse 


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Warren buffet did not say

if business does well, the stock "immediately" follows

He said, " If a business does well, the stock EVENTUALLY" Follows

So we must be patient

Sustain your patience great movements take time to develop

2021-11-05 00:31


i follow ur tips sell all aand keep cash meanwhile wait for good entry
seems like ntg is good MAIN REASON is the D**A** GOV

2021-11-05 00:43


if 2022 economy predicted at 5 % why Banks you downgrade ??

2021-11-05 03:49



You don't know among 1st two group of stocks Warren Buffet sold off when USA went into the Covid 19 virus lock down were

1. All the airlines
2. All the banks except wells Fargo

Why ? Because banks will generally be hit hard as it is the thermometer of the economy

What is true in USA is also true everywhere where banks are over exposed

In Malaysia 70% of SMEs are closing or scaling down

Majority of B40 got their housing and car loans deferred

Then some more banks told to do national service and forgo interest charges

So many bad loans are still in the accounts as they have been frozen and the reckoning postponed till loan moratorium over

Compounded with that in Iskandar there are 30 high-end high rise estates with thousands of units estimated at Rm30 billions now stand empty like Ghost Towers (In Country Garden Danga Bay alone are 9,000 Units : Still got 1,000 units left for sale at a marked down price with 50% discount. Those bought early are now losing 60% at bank auctions)
Banks will suffer the most if buyers cannot service (or refuse to pay) these loans near 100% full loan assets.

All these will set back banks by double digit losses

So the 5% projected growth will not negate its losses but might only lessen it

Best to sell banks before all the bad results out later

2021-11-05 06:02


Other members also buying valuable stocks but not behave like this iddiot spammer

We all feel ridiculous nonstop posting nonstop promoting

As I said earlier, if you so confidence to wait and if you so confidence what you invest why everyday need to promote, why everyday put up so many blog, why everyday go different stocks forum keep on promoting your palm oil stocks?

This is very obvious you want to cash out your share bought and treat other members as waterfish.

In the real world, no free lunch to people unless you want to take advantage from others

I don't know why 3iii administrator didn't take any action to suspend this iddiot account to avoid further keep on spamming everyday and every way

I pegging administrator need to take proper action against this spammer

2021-11-05 10:51


Post removed.Why?

2021-11-05 14:00


Buy before the price move in steep uptrend. Dont be following others when they are greedy. We must have better understanding of market to earn from undervalue stock. We need to be top traders/ investors the 20% and avoid being the 80%. The 80% follow what other preach and a lot lost money in 8 out 10 transactions.

2021-11-05 14:05


CPO prices expected to be lower in 2022, say market analysts (The Star - Saturday, 16 Oct 2021)

UOB Kay Hian Research maintains its “underweight” rating on the plantation sector

The research unit is keeping its CPO price forecast for 2021 and 2022 at RM3,300 and RM2,800 per tonne respectively

CPO prices may sustain at the current levels due to the continued disappointing palm oil production as yield recovery from the previous drought is taking longer than expected

It also notes that risks include rising fertiliser costs due to supply constraints. As fertiliser cost (30% of ex-mill cost) is one of the biggest components besides labour cost, the surge in fertiliser prices could lead to a cost increase of at least 15% to 20%

RHB Research also maintains its “underweight” rating on the plantation sector

It advises investors to ride the wave and look for opportunities to sell into strength, with CPO prices currently at a peak, and some strength being seen in share prices.

“The main risk to this thesis is weather abnormalitie. Share prices have, for the first time this year, started moving in tandem with CPO prices. We believe now is the time to ride the wave, and wait for a good opportunity to lock in some profits, adding that environmental, social, and governance (ESG) concerns will still impact sector valuations”

2021-11-06 14:10


What we can observe market behaviour now is most of the fund managers start to revise outlook for CPO in the upcoming season, most of experts had expected the CPO prise shall be normalised in tandem.

Fund managers strongly believe that plantation companies shall be adjusted lower heading Trailing Twelve Months (TTM), that’s why most of the research houses given underweight outlook.

This is the reason why plantation sector not so fancy like year 2020 glove sector, fund managers strongly believe that once the CPO price normalise so ASP also simultaneously adjusted lower.

One of the good example to review is glove sector, what happen for the year 2020 compare with year 2021. Once most of the fund managers revise neutral or underweight outlook, we all can see the respective sector (or respective stocks) will start decelerating.

Despite glove sector still handsomely profitable for the next few years but most of the share traders more bias to ASP will be adjusted accordingly. This scenario is same with plantation sector as well.

If we want to enjoy fancy profit from the share price margin at this moment, we need to thoroughly consider is it the right time to challenge current circumstances since market had given cognitive lesson for the past of glove sector.

If we want to enjoy dividend yield (only selective planters), it’s fine to accumulate rather than putting your funds at the banks but now not aware current share price is it wisely to enter since plantation sector bias to neutral or underweight.

2021-11-06 14:10


Post removed.Why?

2021-11-06 18:55


Very good analysis loh!

Investment into farmland or plantation is the best defensive investment strategy now loh!

Invest now...b4 its share price rerate & shoot up mah!

2021-11-07 09:28


Which plantation stock is the best value raider?

2021-11-07 13:10

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