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OnlyMoney79 | Joined since 2013-01-18 05:55:17

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2021-10-29 17:01 | Report Abuse

@VincenrTang.. can give me the link?


2021-10-29 11:19 | Report Abuse

Can let me see where to see live steel price?


2021-04-20 08:21 | Report Abuse

ARBB is coming.. also doing software development.. the most profitable small cap


2021-04-16 16:07 | Report Abuse

Buy more n keep.. 6 month..

News & Blogs

2021-01-14 16:56 | Report Abuse

how n where to see they have short 11% of today volume?


2020-12-15 13:47 | Report Abuse

TS will have additional 400m coming end of this month after exdiv..


2020-12-14 10:39 | Report Abuse

Sabah whole year of 2021 only given 5.1B under the budget. Imaging TG making 2.4B after tax! its huge


2020-12-14 10:37 | Report Abuse

JP is very smart.. I know people fear always greater..

News & Blogs

2020-12-12 12:41 | Report Abuse

Solution so call the best vaccine counter.. 2019.. they only have less than 17M revenue with loss of 1-2m per year.. even my Sdn BHd company having more revenue then Solution. The news say they will construct 28m factory for vac which completed in Mid2021. That means revenue only kick off n seen in SEP report which will be out in NOV2021. So what so great of the company? Actually I don't understand why not TG or any big 4 company also go and sign vac MOU.. im sure the game ball will be totally change.

News & Blogs

2020-12-12 12:39 | Report Abuse

US hit all time high covid..246.5K yesterday.. the world has reach 702K per day!!! More coming.. spore 5 cluster found.. Japan reach almost 3k per day.. Brazil 52k per day.. everyone is hitting year high.. Msia just hit 2200 last 2 days.. yesterday was 1810.. will the covid stop? Pfizer vaccine only for emergency use.. I suppose only for those above 80yrs old. Glove shall be steady having good return.

News & Blogs

2020-12-05 16:02 | Report Abuse

IF after glove counter added into index.. glove still falling. that means bursa has make big mistake. Any up of other industry will eventually drag down by glove counter. So I personally think Bursa is not stupid. Either glove will sustain at current level or easily having some growth over the next 2-3 years..otherwise I don't think Bursa will add them in.


2020-12-05 16:01 | Report Abuse

IF after glove counter added into index.. glove still falling. that means bursa has make big mistake. Any up of other industry will eventually drag down by glove counter. So I personally think Bursa is not stupid. Either glove will sustain at current level or easily having some growth over the next 2-3 years..otherwise I don't think Bursa will add them in.


2020-12-05 16:01 | Report Abuse

IF after glove counter added into index.. glove still falling. that means bursa has make big mistake. Any up of other industry will eventually drag down by glove counter. So I personally think Bursa is not stupid. Either glove will sustain at current level or easily having some growth over the next 2-3 years..otherwise I don't think Bursa will add them in.


2020-12-05 16:00 | Report Abuse

IF after glove counter added into index.. glove still falling. that means bursa has make big mistake. Any up of other industry will eventually drag down by glove counter. So I personally think Bursa is not stupid. Either glove will sustain at current level or easily having some growth over the next 2-3 years..otherwise I don't think Bursa will add them in.

News & Blogs

2020-12-05 15:57 | Report Abuse

Chance tg going privatize is very high.. wait n see the game plan. Its interesting years for tg

News & Blogs

2020-12-05 13:26 | Report Abuse

IF after glove counter added into index.. glove still falling. that means bursa has make big mistake. Any up of other industry will eventually drag down by glove counter. So I personally think Bursa is not stupid. Either glove will sustain at current level or easily having some growth over the next 2-3 years..otherwise I don't think Bursa will add them in.


2020-12-05 07:29 | Report Abuse

686.9k COVID worldwide .. active case above 20m..should be hit above 800k case per day before Christmas


2020-12-03 06:25 | Report Abuse

It’s good time for Tg to privatise. Another 70m SBB will trigger MGO. Tan Sri can get valuation higher elsewhere in the world before our GOVT eat them alive. Tan Sri are not Stupid,, with lock in sales n profit next 18 to 24 month.. easily can get it out of bursa anytime soon.


2020-12-02 14:09 | Report Abuse


1. Oversold 12months. Lead time 12months.
2. ASP 3-5% increase and cont uptrend
3. Highly oversold position. Expansion will only catch up on demand.
4. Planning more expansion due to new normal/demand
5. Contact lens div grow +80% YoY
6. Facemask 192m pcs/annum as side business/package buy glove and facemask together rather than divert to other mask producer
7. Against gender discrimination in company
8. Share bonus by early jan credited in acc
9. More div chances in future
10. Production capacity 37bil by end 2021


2020-12-02 10:47 | Report Abuse

Owner should privatize it.. since they have lock in next 2 year sales.. n relist it outside msia. We know one day govt will go after them.


2020-12-02 10:16 | Report Abuse

3 Quarter PE is 14.. if full years.. confirm single digit PE.


2020-11-30 20:03 | Report Abuse

Push to 5 then declare bonus 2 for 1 own


2020-11-30 14:06 | Report Abuse

I personally think TG will go privatize. This is their best time. Got lock in sales n profit next 2 years.. low price.. they can list it at spore or HK for better value n liquidity.


2020-11-23 10:43 | Report Abuse

if q3 profit can get min 60m.. they can give out 2 for every one own.. exactly like ruberex


2020-11-20 13:40 | Report Abuse

You can see all the vaccine company wanna capitalize the news to push up price.. and give US economy a bit hope.. at the end of the day.. all the covid figure wont lie.. Japan just hit high again on their covid figure..


2020-11-15 11:14 | Report Abuse

Tradeview Commentaries 14th November 2020 - Unwavering Confidence In Glove Makers In Spite of Vaccine Newsflow

Dear all my friends who celebrates, happy Deepavali. May this joyous occasion be celebrated with your loved ones.

The market sentiment over the week was a mixture of anxiety and joy. Joy for those who believed in value stocks and blue chips, whereby it surged tremendously. Anxiety however, are for investors of glove, PPE and related stocks which reacted adversely due to the news of Pfizer vaccine.

On a positive note, following US elections and Pfizer vaccine news, foreign funds have been flowing back to Malaysia for 3 consecutive days and even exceeded 20% overall market participation level.

In the coming weeks, there will be more vaccine news. It will likely be Moderna and Astra Zeneca to follow. Potentially, China vaccines will also come through with their phase 3 safety data.

In this case, it will bode well for Value stocks (Banks, select blue chips) and Legitimate Vaccine related companies

How about glove, is it all over?

Through the year, I have done many site visits personally and met with management of key industry players, even spoke with established distributors. Whatever I have shared are not information pluck from the sky based on airy fairy hopes but on objective facts. I will update all my latest view post-Pfizer announcement.

1. Earnings visibility for gloves are still at least 12 month / 1 full year through 2021. (This is not a disputed fact even by the most bearish analyst for the sector. )

2. Vaccine or no vaccine, ASP and demand won’t fall off the cliff. (Again not disputed fact even by the most bearish analyst)

3. Mass vaccination will take time, and implementation for the world even longer. At the very least 1 year. (This is a fact stated by WHO & Dr. Fauci.)

4. Glove strong demand due to severe shortage will last through to 2022. New hygiene practice and structural step up, increased healthcare budget for governments around the world and stockpiling requirements contributes to this. (This is a fact)

5. Potential future oversupply concern. (Two camps arguing with 1 side arguing due to new entrants there will be oversupply but I don’t believe this as new entrants can’t compete with established players due to certification, safety standards, economies of scale and technical know how)

6. Eventual decline in mid 2022/2023 for ASP and demand (strongest argument for glove bears. My view - I can’t tell what happens in 18 / 24 months. No one can. As the time progresses, more visibility comes through. But I believe ASP will plateau later than sooner, definitely not this year)

7. Glove stocks are overvalued. These are noises by naysayers and bears. No matter which method I adopted, PER multiples against past year Standard Deviation, DCF or the most accurate EV/EBITDA (EV ratio), dividend yield forecast, gloves stocks are undervalued and a mile from being overvalued. This is a fact. If analysts are objective and fair in their assessment for all companies in Bursa using the same stringent assessment scrutinising glove stocks, there will be absolutely no companies that we can buy or invest anymore. Tech stocks are by far grossly overvalued, recovery stocks like airlines / tourism are taking into account future earnings which does not exist, local vaccine related stocks with MOU has no proof of ability to deliver as the best vaccines are taken up.

In a nutshell, I think some investors and select funds are overly conservative in valuing glove stocks. They are worried being caught as the last one holding the stocks choosing to forego 1 full years of record Profits and potential bumper dividend.

Use this opportunity to buy on weakness. When value emerges ignore the noises. I think Riverstone, Hartalega, Top Glove, Supermax, Sri Trang, Kossan are good fundamental companies worth a place in your portfolio regardless of the “overnight vaccine experts” who think otherwise.


2020-11-13 14:23 | Report Abuse

Dr. Michael Osterholm -- an adviser to President-elect Joe Biden – this week floated the idea of a four- to six-week lockdown as the nation is approaching what he called "COVID hell," but later clarified that he had not made this recommendation to the Biden team.


2020-11-13 12:14 | Report Abuse

Dr. Michael Osterholm -- an adviser to President-elect Joe Biden – this week floated the idea of a four- to six-week lockdown as the nation is approaching what he called "COVID hell," but later clarified that he had not made this recommendation to the Biden team.


2020-11-13 09:37 | Report Abuse

if US lock down.. possible down 4000 point.. we wait n see


2020-11-09 20:16 | Report Abuse

Future up 1200!!


2020-11-09 16:10 | Report Abuse

US future up 356... tomorrow will be good day


2020-11-08 07:38 | Report Abuse

Comfort last Q profited 42m.. if they can have 60m coming Q..then can have 2 for 1 bonus.. exactly like Ruberex...


2020-10-09 13:53 | Report Abuse

Coming Q will be Q4.. they will ALL IN..


2020-10-07 12:30 | Report Abuse

menort.. u must be losing a lot of money in this counter..pity o..


2020-10-05 16:21 | Report Abuse

menort.. why u so irritating.. keep repeat same information? since u don't buy.. get off


2020-10-02 17:08 | Report Abuse

if any good announcement out today or next week.. you will see this counter limit up


2020-10-02 12:24 | Report Abuse

if today announcement out.. easily.. 1,20


2020-09-29 12:00 | Report Abuse

buying more..


2020-07-23 11:13 | Report Abuse

So quite this forum.. hahahaha...all weak player flashout phrase by phrase


2020-07-23 04:30 | Report Abuse

They have unbilled 18units of machine easily value RM50m..MI will go beyond 4.50 before bonus by year end