
Annetan | Joined since 2015-05-22

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2015-10-29 20:35 | Report Abuse

It's difficult to understand corporate moves like this.E.g Just before microlnk announced recently the good results that made the share price flies to so high,they issued 10% private placement at .50 cts to someone.Don't the owners know the result would be good?Are they idiots? If not why did they issue 10% shr out at .50cts when it was trading at ard .64?Of course not many people notice then as the volume was thinly traded.I know too analytical cannot make money but sometimes you cannot follow the crowd.


2015-10-29 19:07 | Report Abuse

I sold then buy back.This counter's movement is very tricky.Ultimately I didn't buy back the same quantity I sold earlier.Total direct deals stands at abt 67 million shrs which is abt 14.4% of the share inclusive of today's 28 million which they cross at .25.I sold the one I bought yesterday at .315 cts. If you notice the volume generated is too large without much increase in price,you know they just want to do target price then come down. 32 cts is the upper channel of the downtrend line it established earlier.I should have shorted the one bought earlier on but I didn't.You ask yourself,why since listing so many shrs are crossed over?The partnership with angkasa plus the penetration in arab world should improve their profit margin though it could be slowly.So why now so many shrs are crossed?So far I have observed over so many counters in Bursa,it's a prelude to higher price although it may not be immediate.Before the crossing by William,his holdings is abt 26.4 % and Proton CEO 52 %.If you add up both ownership is 78.4 % ,only 21.6 % is not owned by them.Since listing,I have already said many times,they seem to want to depress the price.ndIt's already 6 mths after listing,who knows how much were accumulated back?Hence I believe if they want to push up,it can runs up very quickly as you can see on the 1st 2nd day of listing.When the real show begins,you will probably see prices can go up a lot without much volume.They could be flushing out the last time shr holders who are frustrated with this shr and sell out.Normally I notice they push down the price before it goes up.I suppose if you put all your money in this shr ,you might feel frustrated and that's their plan.I have experienced so many counters that's what the syndicate did.It's not easy to make big money lah!You have to sweat it out,lol!


2015-10-29 17:05 | Report Abuse

Another block of direct deal 28.055 million shrs at .25 cts


2015-10-29 12:48 | Report Abuse

My client said the result for coming quarter is good.From the chart, it's possible to press back to .28 or at worst .27 perhaps on T4 or T8 for today's volume.They are trying to frustrate you as much as possible.Buy some then.


2015-10-29 09:14 | Report Abuse

still depressing prices.


2015-10-28 21:30 | Report Abuse

bruce5113,u think people know? just guess frm the chart formation only lah!


2015-10-28 21:28 | Report Abuse

correction.i think it's abt 44 million direct deals so far.see my above comments of my guess.actually no one knows for sure the route upwards,i only guess frm the chart formation


2015-10-28 17:11 | Report Abuse

Another 10 million direct deals at .29. So far inclusive of today is abt 42 million shrs close to 10%.From what I see a big move is coming.


2015-10-28 16:11 | Report Abuse

One of my client heard bio is going up soon.Normally quite reliable.Good luck guys.I further buy some at .295


2015-10-28 14:17 | Report Abuse

If you look at the chart .28 cts is resting at 40 day moving average.Early it went above 40 day now testing back at 40 day then kick up now trading at .29-295.I think it's coming soon


2015-10-27 17:34 | Report Abuse

Look at esceram.At over 20 cts less than $30 cts,owners disposed loads of them .Today is trading at .53 cts.You can refer to announcement letters + charts to verify what I have just said.


2015-10-27 13:18 | Report Abuse

Watch out for MPAY.The monthly chart for this counter is very beautiful.I strongly believe this kind of monthly chart will eventually trade beyond it's all time high of .385


2015-10-27 07:54 | Report Abuse

They are still depressing the price.The direct deals give hope for higher price.e.g I bought solid around .70.Then when I look at the chart it's rather nice but owner keep selling loads of shares.It then drop to around .65 cts.Since then it never look back and solid is 1.79 today.I didn't buy back when it drops lower cause I gave up! See,you really don't understand the movement,just have to let them do what they want to do and be patient to wait.Well if you have all your money into this counter then probably you would feel more stressful.I didn't buy back the quantities I had initially so I just let them be.You notice lately all direct deals sell out is from William except about 1.2 million shares is from this Proton CEO.There was not direct deals yesterday.I will keep monitoring the direct deals and keep you all posted.William mentioned in bursa ann that he intends to deal with this share in view of the coming announcement of it's sept results which I think would be in November.I find that right now you cannot simply cut this share.It drives you crazy!


2015-10-24 12:15 | Report Abuse

Some one is buying so many shares at .29cts.My guess this someone will goreng.Do you think the buyer of so many shares at .29 will only make 9 or 10 cts profit? I do not know for sure but I don't think so.Do you think so?


2015-10-24 06:47 | Report Abuse

Of course,it would not go straight up to test all time high of .48.My guess,it would probably stalled at .345-.385 first then consolidate above the upper downtrend channel before it pushes beyond .40 Even after pushing above .40 it would probably retest the .40 cts level and consolidate before testing the .48. Still have lots of work to do but good chance owners of this shr may not have to suffer so much already.


2015-10-23 21:55 | Report Abuse

If you look at the chart,it does has a possibility of breaking upwards and possibly test all time high of .48 if it trades out of the bollinger band level of .33.The fact the bollinger width of the weekly chart is rather narrow,it gives a rather strong possibility of it happening.Meanwhile .33 is also the upper downtrend channel it established earlier.Since listing ,I have never seen so much volume done for direct deals.With these direct deals volume done consecutively for so many days gives an even greater possibility of it happening.Good luck guys and girls who have been waiting so patiently for so..... long.


2015-10-23 20:53 | Report Abuse

Hong Leong Investment provides the software where you can see what are the direct business transaction done for the day.


2015-10-23 17:22 | Report Abuse

Another direct deal of 8.83 million crossed at .29 cts


2015-10-23 07:14 | Report Abuse

Correction.It's not mof .I assumed it is when the percent he is holding is 52%.He is the ceo of proton/perdua.How is it the the disposal by MOF to this man was not disclosed to Bursa when MOF was a majority holder?Does anyone know when did the exchange of shareholders take place?


2015-10-23 06:24 | Report Abuse

It is announced last night the direct deals of 22 million and 1.2 million sold by William and MOF respectively.However the other buyer is not disclosed though total added volume is 5 %.Perhaps it's to different buyer.Don't be fooled to think you should be fearful when the owner disposed so much.Normally I find that it's a prelude to higher price.I have observed many counters went higher though owner disposed so much.I was fearful then though chart was rather nice.recent e.g is shh. I bought ard .64 cts.I saw PMI group disposed so much then I join the crowd by selling with very little profit.What is shh today ?Almost $2 !


2015-10-21 20:56 | Report Abuse

There are direct deals of this share done in the market the past 3 days.The 1st day is 12 million shrs,1.2 million and today 9 million shrs crossing at .29 cts.Since listing,this is the 1st time direct deals of this shrs involving such a high volume done.Perhaps there is a good chance they will goreng this counter soon.


2015-10-15 13:11 | Report Abuse

The monthly chart for this counter is very beautiful.Hence I believe it would eventually break all time high of .385. The only question is how does this counter's movement towards this route?


2015-10-13 22:09 | Report Abuse

Forum is a place for discussion.Please keep personal attacks away.It's not healthy and be sensitive towards using words that could be offensive,You can never be sure or certain of anything only MARKET can humble us.


2015-10-07 17:46 | Report Abuse

There is a possibility it's going to move upwards.

News & Blogs

2015-09-27 09:55 | Report Abuse

Thank you for your generosity for a good cause.May you and your family be blessed with good health and happiness.

News & Blogs

2015-09-26 16:52 | Report Abuse

Are you kidding for saying you still can get 250-300k for a double storey hse in Iskandar?Which part of JB are you referring?


2015-09-13 13:41 | Report Abuse

nextview advisor


2015-09-12 16:58 | Report Abuse

Icon8888,don't you know there exists electronic banking where FD can be placed/taken by the click of your fingers?


2015-09-12 16:48 | Report Abuse

I deduce two conclusions that is 1)% of premium/discount is really up to the operator just like futures and it really varies even expiry date and issuing hse the same and there is no logic to it 2) you don't trade put/call warrant unless there is big move either way.


2015-09-10 19:28 | Report Abuse

There are positive divergence on the daily chart.However pullback to ,.265/27 or .25 is still a possibility.To make big money,it is not possible not to have paper losses no matter how cheap one buys.Patience and endurance are needed.


2015-09-08 19:27 | Report Abuse

Bought back 1/3 at .26 today.Good chance it could be bottoming as indicated in the weekly chart.


2015-09-06 16:17 | Report Abuse

Good thinking.I didn't want to hold too much stocks.Cheap can go cheaper in this kind of environment.However I have confidence this counter can go higher in future yrs.


2015-09-05 09:09 | Report Abuse

Here's an insight analysis done on dow jones by Dana Lyons.However I believe market doesn't go straight up nor down but it's important to know the possibility of major direction.


2015-09-02 19:05 | Report Abuse

no need to fight,guys.Where got net cash?They have a net gearing of abt 612 million.I exclude a/r which is 384 million.The last few quarters have been consistently made almost 2 cts.They have very large landbanks especially in perak more then 6,000 acres and abt 700 acres in KL.I forgot the number cause I have reseached more than 1 yr ago.Morever they have been giving dividen consistently the last 2 yrs or so.AT this price,can hold for long term as it's very cheap.Of course in a market sentiment like this,cheap can go cheaper as they didn't really push the price last yr when property shares were doing very well.There is no logic to why cheap can go cheaper.That's the way it is.I would not be so sure that it would not go below .30 cts.If it does,buy some more lah but must have patience to hold.This kind of counter,may not go up very much if index goes up but may go down if index drops sharply.The reason is simple,the operator wants to accumulate lah!Before focal went to more than $ 4,i recommend people to buy at ,20 but it went down to .135! SO you will never know what the operator intends to do,they want to flush out as many people as possible!The lands they acquired at prices before the boom!


2015-08-31 18:06 | Report Abuse

He..he,LCX1992,you made good friend easily.YOu must of lots of them.Firstly Biohdlg,there is still no visibly 30% growth in revenue and profit as yet.That's what the management envisaged.However there is potential for growth but it takes time.If the earnings is already there,do you think the price is still at this level?Look at pwroot.When I was trading it's always range from ard .50 to slightly .60.It takes quite a number of yrs before finally coming out this level.As regarding 5-6 yrs,I was just guessing,it may not be the right figure but what I was saying is it might take a rather long time before it really shows persistent good results to support very much higher price.As regarding the video,there is only one conclusion the fed wants to have higher stockmarket valuation perhaps to give a feel good factor to the americans so to boast local comsumption.I still hold the opinion that chart gives you the indication of possibilities as nobody really knows the future. The only people who have the uncanning ability to read into the future are the good "feng Shui" masters.If you have met some of them,you might agree with me.With the chart and feng shui expert,there is a possibility of worse prices next mth.Let's see whether it happens.


2015-08-31 15:01 | Report Abuse

Neverthelessly,some puts are simply too high a premium.Well you can say it's one of the strongest put but the day of reckoning will come,it will adjust when the syndicate has sucked enough followers' confidence in that put.Cite you a case some yrs back where hwgb-wa whoose's ex price is $1. is trading way above mother's price.It started when the warrant was the same price as mother's shr then absurdly went above mother share's price.It hits $10 at the peak when the mother shr was more than $3. SC came late to designate only when it's almost at the peak.Though 1 investor puts it that you can't make money if you are too logical,I can't deny that too but be very careful.Remember it's a sharks' world.


2015-08-31 14:36 | Report Abuse

For you guys/gals a video I came across by Tan Teng Boo abt stockmarket.


2015-08-31 14:33 | Report Abuse

Here is an interesting video I accidentally came across just now.Another perspective by Tan Teng Boo


2015-08-31 12:45 | Report Abuse

You cannot short-sell unless you got permission from bursa or you are a proprietary trader.Even if you sell 1000 shrs then buy back later,you are questioned by the broker as now the broker runs batch pgm to check to see who short sell.Don't play play cause if you don't have good answer,you could end up with hefty fines and as a scrapegoat to warn others.The other rule roll over your trades i.e buying/selling of the same transaction without a change in beneficiary.Even now the beneficiary is different but as long they are co-related like spouse/children is not allowable as well.Hefty fine like $50 k for small trades like less than 10k was imposed.Pls be aware.


2015-08-31 11:45 | Report Abuse

Seriously,if you guys/gals think this aj guy wants to give you tips to enrich you,you should be awoken by now just like the chinese in Malaysia! In my opinion,he is trying to make use of you guys/gals who believe in him(god of stockmarket) to enrich himself and his syndicates.No doubt he is rather good and sharp but his intention of helping is questionable.Pls don't be so naive,the syndicates never fear you make money(on paper) and never ask you to sell unless they want to collect,just fearful there are no followers to dump when they collected so much!


2015-08-31 11:30 | Report Abuse

Here are some corrections pertaining proprietary trading :1) no stamp fees only clearing fees and there is brokerage imposed but varies with different broking hse some .006 some .007 etc 2) % of profit sharing with the brokers varies 3) they can carry forward their trades but must clear the next day 4) there is limit to amt they can buy and the limit is capped by the deposit they put with the broking hse and there is a min deposit required.Again he multiples given varies 5) there are some shares they can't short(NOT index) if not mistaken are call/put warrants.check with the broking hse.The rules could differ.The reason exists for proprietary traders is so they can provide liquidity to the market


2015-08-30 21:03 | Report Abuse

In my opinion,unless you have the character of "don't care" altitude,patience to wait and willing to hold 5-6 yrs,I still think it's a trading market.I still think there is downside to this market though there are some very cheap fundamental stocks but right now cheap can go cheaper.Unless market has stabilised and it's trending upwards those syndicates will still take opportunity to depress prices for accumulation.In many instances,I always buy too early when not many notice but end up selling due to my impatience of waiting. I will share with the rest when the time is right again in my opinion.


2015-08-30 15:55 | Report Abuse

Good job done,LCX1992.Hopefully next quarter will bring the results that the management envisaged !My clients are holding for longer term too.


2015-08-29 11:44 | Report Abuse

The minute you completely trust,you could be gone cause you don't use your brain to think for yourself.That's the danger of blind faith just like the fanatic muslims who believe that killing the "enemies" in their eyes will go to heaven.If you use your brain to think,don't anyone knows killing is already wrong in whatever angle you see things?Hence pls don't have blind faith in anyone cause in my opinion I don't believe that you will always be right even you have many more rights than wrongs! You will never be certain of the future,otherwise you no need to manage risks!


2015-08-29 10:11 | Report Abuse

Be aware,there are opportunists who use this forum to help them to push up prices or down so that they can take advantage to make more money or collect at lower prices.In this sharks world,be aware there are many kinds of people and read whatever in this forum with a pinch of salt and analyse yourself the probabilities and possibilities.Don't completely trust especially when big names is use.Quote transmile sucks a lot of people when people have confidence when Robert Kuok is in that shares.Unknowingly probably the syndicate also con Robert Kuok to bait other investors hence they got bigger success to push the prices even higher to enrich themselves.While there are genuine people who really discuss abt the stocks in this forum,pls be also very careful.The syndicates who ask you to buy will never ask you to sell.


2015-08-28 18:27 | Report Abuse

results very much below expectation


2015-08-27 11:50 | Report Abuse

I must say HK is the strongest put warrant of all.It just went slightly below .415 low yesterday.Didn't even drop back to .415 when H1 already broke .48 and went to .47! Hv though premium is very high is also holding strong.Surprisingly,perhaps they had accumulated earlier at ard .09cts and ard .04 for HK whereas H1 wasn't that low.Perhaps it's for this reason why some puts have different premiums not solely based on ratio,ex price and expiry date.It's really up to the operator!


2015-08-24 19:09 | Report Abuse

So now we meet world market crashes,the question is were you prepare for it?Anyway here is an interesting article:


2015-08-22 15:43 | Report Abuse

It's prudent and wise not to whole heartly and completely trust in what people say in the market.Believe in what you see and do your homework.Weigh your risk/reward ,access your risk even if you want to follow the crowd and have a stop loss-trail if you so decide to enter put warrants that fetch very high premium. while I still believe there is downside risk to this market 1430-1480 by probably next mth.Market doesnt go straight down nor up no matter how bearish or bullish it is.You can see all the facts lying in front of your eyes or big pages splashed in the media,the possibility is market will rebound strongly after the big boys accumulated enough and then there will be news to make market go green.That's the game.You probably have seen yourselves over the yrs.Therefore,I strongly encourage people to learn technical analysis to access the probabilities and possibilities to enable one to weigh risk/reward unless you are investing based on fundamental analysis and prepare to hold very long term 5-6 yrs or even 10 for some.I have stayed in this market long enough to hear so many boom and bust stories,so don't let your guard down and never be too over confident of anything.Due to the later,I was badly hit by Biohldg.Have I believe in what I see,it won't be so bad as I would have exited very much higher.I guess for a longer term 5-6 yrs,it would probably be much higher than niow unless what the management said earlier is a farce.