
Annetan | Joined since 2015-05-22

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2017-11-29 18:28 | Report Abuse

Since yesterday,Malakoff again is hitting new low.Recently Zelan announced -ve result again.WIth Zelan hitting new low and being highly geared,I fear Zelan might have to restructure and that might affect the price of mmccorp.I am not sure whether I did right as I had cut loss mother share at 1.97 and c8 at .10 cts yesterday.


2017-11-22 12:17 | Report Abuse

I am buying back c8 at .10 and .105 and mother shr at 1.98


2017-11-15 14:01 | Report Abuse

Stockraider,since hengyuan does not has petrol stations,how does one know who and what price are they selling to the company that has stations.Surely that company wants to make profit and they too must have margin of safety in case prices drop.I wonder how much percent one must shave off from the margin spread in order to forecast the likely result for 3rd quarter.I am actually puzzled as why crack spread ard 2013 was nearly $45 and Hengyuan was trading at ard $9 and now things seem to change so drastically when crack spread is ard $10.I am actually trading this stock without clear understanding of it's business.Pls don't feel offended by my silly question.I am asking you as you seem to have an indepth knowledge of this company.thank you.


2017-11-04 21:21 | Report Abuse

Though I don't hold any of this shares,I am also wondering why this stock is at this price and remains so weak.Anyone care to shed some lights?


2017-11-04 10:38 | Report Abuse

I am starting to learn to be patient.Many a times,most of us are "kiasu" scare of losing out even though the chart tells us there is a possibility of going lower.I could have saved lots of money had I was more patient.In the market,we must learn not be be influenced by noises from newspapers,analysts,friends and so forth of saying what and what that caused us make impulsive decision.Read/hear them with a pinch of salt then analyse them on your own then conclude yourself.To me,stockmarket has lots of sharks and crocodiles and con men/women=syndicates who try to lure fellow investors/traders to lose money.One must always be vigilant.e.g quote one of my client whom I recommend to buy thong guan at 1.5 called me up one day at 1.69 to say he wants to sell.Reason cited was nang yang siang pao published an article to say this counter is not good.I told him how can you believe newpaper of what they said? Sometimes syndicate ask them to publish an article so that they can collect more or sell more.I heard of instances where they asked popular stock analyst to write article so they can sell more.We must learn to analyse the stock based on info given thru announcements and make a judgement on what it's worth definitely not analysts from broking houses.I will read those articles with a pinch of salt.e.g When MPI was 2 something,I felt it was low enough yet there were many reports from analysts that it was still expensive! Coming back to call warrants,I wouldn't say we shouldn't look at them at all.Then you are shutting yourselves out of opportunities that you can make lots of money.True that you could also lose lots of money hence putting a stop loss on those instruments is very very crucial. Investment is a nice to hear words but in my opinion,the minute one takes a bet you are already gambling.Life is all about gambling.When you get married,aren't you gambling that you will most likely be happy?However the truth is,it may not even you were very happy when you were courting.e.g bitcoin,isn't it a gamble?Anyway,one should do what one is comfortable with and not try to imitate something you are not.Btw,musangking,can you try to learn not to use words that degrade others?No brainer is an offensive word, Market is always challenging and different in every rally.We are all still learning no matter how many years of experience we have as a trader and in the stockmarket hence I strongly encourage we use this forum as a platform to argue your points based on the angle of your eyes rather personal attacks on those whose opinion differs from you.Thank you.


2017-11-02 22:50 | Report Abuse

oh btw,I forgot to tell you,the king,I would have bought 1 million of c8 at .055 and further 1million at .06 instead I no brainer bought 200,000 shrs at .055.I took the seller,no need to queue.That day 27th oct I remember only about 350k shrs were done at .055 .The next day day,I bought another 300 k at .06.They didn't throw at .055 and the seller were only at .06. A brainer I guess would have bought 1 million instead! Haiz,perhaps I should attend a class how to be a brainer person.It is always good to be humble with words.A counter that goes up 300 percent within a few days is time to buy???????????? I could be wrong but it's prudent to be careful.


2017-11-02 20:52 | Report Abuse

yes.I am a no brainer person.A no brainer person like me will buy back on pullback.As said before the free float is very very low.They can do a quick and sharp pullback.You have already seen how easily they purposely push down


2017-11-02 18:20 | Report Abuse

I would be wary to buy now


2017-10-31 13:45 | Report Abuse

Considering tertiary education is so expensive nowadays,I believe this stock has potential.Whatmore the campuses are offering medicine and pharmacy courses.In 1980 something studying medicine already cost over $1 million in London,what about today?


2017-10-31 12:51 | Report Abuse

c8 damn cheap


2017-10-26 20:39 | Report Abuse

good chance of rallying to at least .23 cts


2017-10-21 11:42 | Report Abuse

Aseng sifu sounds like a very noble and good person.Its a blessing to be a friend of such kind.If you believe this counter will go up as the 3rd q result is super good,I think the testing of $8 last Thursday was the last push down.If $8 is broken again,it will go sideways again.


2017-10-12 20:59 | Report Abuse

this counter behaves differently for the past few mths.its rather strong.very good chance of a big move as it has not done so for many years


2017-10-11 12:54 | Report Abuse

Free float so low is so easy for them to manipulate the price.


2017-10-11 12:35 | Report Abuse

I am wondering too

News & Blogs

2017-10-07 22:40 | Report Abuse

Is that one of reason that caused the recent selldown in mmccorp?


2017-09-26 13:00 | Report Abuse

If you look at other covered warrant charts other than CA,it looks very likely they will go down.Even the warrant CA,it doesn't show it's going up either.Hence I concluded from the movement of all the covered warrants,it's more likely the mother share will go down for whatever reasons we don't know despite the rosy facts and figures.This comment is only my personal observation and it's not meant to delude anyone.


2017-09-25 16:08 | Report Abuse

I have a heart of a chicken.Decided to clear the CA and wait for the weekly bollinger band to narrow before reentering.


2017-09-23 18:36 | Report Abuse

perhaps movement of the price or the price alone would not be this had it remained as shell.just like transmile would not have burnt so many well informed investors had robert kuok not holding any stake earlier.people invested in transmile partly the trust and confidence they had in robert kuok alone.


2017-09-23 18:30 | Report Abuse

the movement of hengyuan is rather volatile not like petronm which is rather steady.the fact that its now a chinese company,people's perception dont change overnight as many probably were burnt before by many chinese companies listed here especially xinquan which shows consistent high eps with plenty of cash for so many quarters.the confidence and trust are not so easily restored.hence the fear factor will still be there despite the facts and figures shown so far and the points highlighted by stockraider.only price over time will for me,i still want to manage the risks of what if... thanks again for the relentless effort put in by all the sifus who has indepth knowledge in this stock/inddustry.


2017-09-22 16:22 | Report Abuse

i have been trading call warrants since 2007 so i know the kind of risks i am warrants can help one to make lots of money with smaller capital and it can kill you as well.hence there must be a cut loss point i was taking a rather big position earlier on hence i was a bit nervous with the movements therefore i cut loss all as i also wary of chinese company.i decided to went back in as i felt i could be wrong in my decision.but then after yesterday's movement i was again nervous though i took 41% of my earlier position,hence i sold back with a small gain leaving a comfortable position.


2017-09-22 16:03 | Report Abuse

yes now i try to hold tight for what i have left with.i believe ca is the cheapest among the call warrants available.


2017-09-22 15:26 | Report Abuse

a person reborns from technically bankdrupt 20 yrs ago dont have so much money mah! i was badly burnt in 1996 during the second board bull run. still have so much responsibilities,where can go big in mother share?


2017-09-22 15:20 | Report Abuse

i just read the explanation from both stockraider and probability on my question posted earlier.thank you both again for your kindness and time in providing them.


2017-09-22 15:15 | Report Abuse

firstly,thank you stockraider for the detail explanation and probability for the too generous compliments.i have been conned before hence i am cautious.when things dont turn out as what i expected,my mind automatically strayed to possibility of conned jobs.stockraider could understand a company so comprehensively but i can never reach that level of understanding though i had been involved in stockmarket for more than twenty yrs,perhaps i dont have much business sense.i just try to understand thier business not to the level stockraider does and look at their balance sheets.i then make a decision as whether i want to take a big bet.i was earlier in their ca,i cut loss when it turns back down to .385 earlier after hitting .46 losing quite a lot of money however i reenter back 41 % of what i had earlier at .405 As it hit back to .385 yesterday ,i decided to sold back 60% at .41 left with a comfortable position hoping to ride with a good q3 to recoup my losses earlier.thanks again both for the continous updates.


2017-09-22 13:49 | Report Abuse

stockraider,its undeniably undervalue by the facts and figures
disclosed so far.the doubt in my mind is could they cook the books like xinquan? i failed to understand when it gaps up then went down to as low as 4.86 when they ann eps of .93cts.why?


2017-08-20 11:20 | Report Abuse

Astrology is an abstract that many couldn't understand how it works but it can uncannily predict what future lies ahead.Questions to you,paperplane.Since next year is a wood year wouldn't sector that belongs to the water element will perform the best in chinese astrology?Hengyuan should be classified under fire element won't it performs badly since fire burns wood to ashes?Thank you.


2017-06-01 19:08 | Report Abuse

got it.just google mbi bank


2017-06-01 19:01 | Report Abuse

Yih Yoeng,what is mbi?


2017-06-01 17:47 | Report Abuse

Can someone,pls enlighten what is mbi referred above?Thks

News & Blogs

2017-05-07 14:17 | Report Abuse

It's been implemented quite a long time ago by bursa that any counter can go max of one limit down/up a day


2017-05-04 20:42 | Report Abuse

Moneykj,I share the same view as you.I think it's going to move up soon


2017-04-28 17:42 | Report Abuse

I think it's here already lah.Will probably move upward when market opens on tuesday


2017-04-21 20:56 | Report Abuse

Let's see how it performs on Tuesday when it's t8 for over 60 million shrs


2017-04-19 21:59 | Report Abuse

Don't think T4 clears the way,there are brokers giving T8!


2017-04-14 19:29 | Report Abuse

brahmabull,from the technical elliot wave perspective,what is the next level after this correction?


2017-03-22 17:30 | Report Abuse

looking very very promising


2017-02-28 20:47 | Report Abuse

Just ann results 8.78 eps


2017-02-23 08:27 | Report Abuse

Really disappointing price performance


2017-02-21 12:53 | Report Abuse

cut lost at .18cts


2017-02-19 12:28 | Report Abuse

correction,I cut at around .70 cts cause I remember I lost abt 30 k for 300k shrs


2017-02-19 12:24 | Report Abuse

Why you,guys so sexists? You mean only older WOMEN can be sore losers and not elderly MEN? Please lah even younger MEN and WOMEN can be sore losers! Though I don't know OTB personally,I felt his reports are truly his genuine opinion without any intention to cheat.As the end results of whether the counters recommended will achieve the target he opined cannot be guaranteed.Can you guaranteed a couple so in love with each other will not end in divorce? More so in stockmarket,we can never be sure.I feel a degree of luck is very very important in stockmarket.You can analyse till cows come home,sometimes you can still underperform or lose money for a certain period of time.If fundamental analysis is really very very cheap,it can still go cheaper and cause one to endure paper losses till one day it decides to move upwards.Cite you one example,I started to accumulate tguan on 10th may 2010 at .7734,it went down sometime later to even .715.When market goes up,it hardly goes pass .83! When market comes down,it's the first to go down.When I recommended people to buy,people ask why did you want to buy when it hardly moves much in years?I told them it's very verycheap as it's with good earnings even when times are bad for the economy and it's profit is rather consistent.Now on hindsight,when prices move up so much,you say it's a good call but then for a long period of time,you will say a holland call.What say you? It's very difficult to quantify whether it's a holland call till a grace period of a few yr given.Another e.g I call to buy kulim-wa at .8 then the mother shr si denitely less than $3,can't really remember.The same day,it went down to below .70 cts. My friend asked me ai yo what kind of counter you asked me to buy when the same day itself dropped slightly more than .10 cts. After a few mths,it came down to slightly below .50cts.I recommended that counter cause i see earnings is very very strong nta abt 9.5 at that time.Why is it the mother share is below $3? I lack conviction and patience and thought to myself maybe fraud accounting hence i cut loss around .60 cts and loss abt $30 for 300k shrs.After a few mths that I sold,it went non-stop over a period of time till it hits if not mistaken over $6! So would you say it's a holland call?Like in 1993,some people told others' it's a sochai not to invest in stockmarket! However in 1998 the others said you are the sochai to invest in stockmarket! During times,things just changed.Like some said when the insect is alive,it eats ants.However when the insect dies,ants eat the insects.Hence it's best not to judge.Moreover,words coming from your mouth that disparaged a person or cause harm or tainted his/her reputation caused indirect bad karma to your own self.If you are not a Buddhist,of course you don't believe in karma.However I strongly believe this principle of not doing things you don't want others to do onto you.Hope those reading this will ponder a while on what I just said before making judgements.


2017-02-17 21:03 | Report Abuse

Speculative play.I bet it will move next week starting Monday.Watch out.


2017-02-15 18:28 | Report Abuse

Looking very strong today


2017-02-15 07:10 | Report Abuse

Many yrs ago,MGO price was 2.1. Ssteel price will go up as it's price is too far away from Annjoo.


2017-02-14 19:02 | Report Abuse

wow.eps 8.67cts


2017-02-11 12:24 | Report Abuse

Adding to that,I was wondering to myself in 1990,how is it a link hse in tmn tun dr ismai cost only 173 k when a volvo cost 200k?It didnt make sense hence either price of car has to come down or price of hse goes up! Similarly in this situation between westport and mmccorp is either price of westport goes down or massive price upwards for mmccorp!


2017-02-11 12:19 | Report Abuse

Westport owns southport.Mmccorp owns northport and almost all the majors in m'sia.Surely it's more valuable to have a more wholesome package.Westport's market cap is over 14 billion.How is it Mmmcorp only over 7 billion?Besides mmccorp owns over 5,000 acres in jb and other business.Really market can be irrational!


2017-02-09 13:24 | Report Abuse

Calvin,are there any apartment or condo for sale near or in new Forest city ? How much?