
BLee | Joined since 2016-07-07

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13 minutes ago | Report Abuse

“newbie5354_ > Thanks for the info. Beside Brahim any more shares Focus own?..”

Focus D also own the following:-
Changes in Sub. S-hldr's Int (Section 138 of CA 2016)

628,000,000 shares representing 29.741%

Changes in Sub. S-hldr's Int (Section 138 of CA 2016)

206,050,000 shares representing 22.22%

Further reading of my other write-up link:

Note: All this Data is not up to date, therefore just for sharing and NOT a recommendation to Hold, Buy or Sell and always Happy Trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk..


4 hours ago | Report Abuse

The Focus Dynamics Path:
Before the waterfall, theedge give a very good coverage with fundamental and a bit of warning, Link:

To quote “when questioned by Bursa Malaysia on the meteoric rise of its share price via an unusual market activity query, Focus Dynamics said, “The group has been continuously on the lookout for opportunities to expand its core business in the F&B segment via mergers and acquisitions to enhance the group’s earnings and improve its financial performance.”
“In addition, the group is currently in an exploratory stage for a potential merger/acquisition exercise with another company that has a sizeable assets base.” i.e. Brahim’s? The Pump and Dump? by “largest shareholders is Credit Suisse Group AG, which had 9.95% equity interest as at Aug 18, according to exchange filings. Who Credit Suisse is holding these shares for is unknown” while “Focus Dynamics’ single largest shareholder as at June 1 was Asiabio Capital Sdn Bhd, which had a 25.05% stake. Asiabio is controlled by business incubator and strategy advisory Fintec Global Bhd.” increasing its stake during the waterfall..the rest is history.

Present: With Covid19 blow over, F&B recovery and this news on Brahim and completion of “Focus Dynamics has a 51% stake in Famous Ambience Sdn Bhd, the special purpose vehicle of The Arch, with construction company OCR Group Bhd’s Ong family holding the remaining equity interest. Launched in April 2017, The Arch was to be completed by end-2018.”, will the ‘Pump and Dump’ repeat?..your guess is as good as mine, Happy Trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk.


12 hours ago | Report Abuse

“haziqaz > Brahim’s bangkit kembali?...”

Harap-harap ada harapan. Petikan ‘Brahim’s Food Services mencatatkan keuntungan kira-kira RM12 juta untuk tahun kewangan berakhir 2023’, “Kejayaan kewangan ini menunjukkan ketahanan dan model perniagaan yang kukuh dalam kumpulan syarikat Brahim’s” dan ‘hari ini Brahim’s Food Services menjadi penyedia makanan halal dalam penerbangan terbesar di rantau ini’ menunjukan hari cerah dah tiba..Semoga Happy Trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk.


14 hours ago | Report Abuse

“DickyMe > Have anyone received the free warrants, yet?Only bonus share is visible but warrant bo li yeow”

Please see below announcement:
‘Kindly be advised that JAG's 368,903,282 Warrants C issued pursuant to the Bonus Issue of Warrants will be admitted to the Official List of the Exchange and the listing and quotation of the Warrants C on the ACE Market, will be granted with effect from 9.00 a.m., Wednesday, 3 July 2024.
The Stock Short Name, Stock Number and ISIN Code of the Warrants C are “JAG-WC”, “0024WC” and “MYQ0024WC964” respectively.’

I am not entitled for the Bonus Issue as I bought after the entitlement date; below the adjustment price of MYR0.28..


2 days ago | Report Abuse

"messi > Blee, are you holding big chunk of Novamsc PA? What is your target price to sell"

As I mentioned in my Note, big chunk (bought few million between MYR0.005 and 0.01 over few years duration when seller bid available) in Ages-PA, Fintec-PA and Focus-PA; regret NOT of NovaMSC as it is selling at 8 sen then..thought it is on the high side. Now, Fintec-PA and NovaMSC have almost the same price, only Fintec-PA at consolidated price. Hope against hope, ICPS is a good investment instrument as shown in NovaMSC-PA price now. I can't answer the target price, which I don't predict as there is usually not enough AI data to predict; I don't want Garbage In Garbage Out (G.I.G.O.).. IMHO, businesses which support Data Center such as software solution providers and server maintenance will have a continuous income; will do well.


3 days ago | Report Abuse

I have written my opinion on NOVAMSC-PA at date: 2021-03-08 20:11
“Below are examples of a few issues of this 1sen bargain.
NOVAMSC-PA at 8sen around 700% gain off this 1sen issuance.” beside others ICPS subscription of 1 sen. It seems NOVAMSC-PA is doing so well, will others follow??

How much $ Capital increased for this conversion during the last 6 months? The value increase is MYR2,937,809.99

Listing Date: 18 Dec 2023
Capital: Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 115,603,726.330
NOSH: 1,193,889,250
Additional Listing Link:

Listing Date: 01 Jul 2024
Capital: Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 118,541,536.320
NOSH: 1,278,929,583
Additional Listing Link:

It is obvious conversion of ICPS is advantageous financially for the company; therefore chances of traded price will increase..

Note: I am very much in AGES-PA, Fintec-PA and Focus-PA; sharing Advantages of ICPS only. This write-up is NOT a recommendation to buy the above mentioned counters as only recently made some gain..Happy Trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk


4 days ago | Report Abuse

@Anw412, no comments on ponzi..except on BigPay future. All my previous oversea travel, I always loaded my BigPay as no hidden cost, giving good exchange rate and good transaction records. On my two recent oversea travel, I did not take my BigPay card along as there are better payments method such as various type of eWallet and worries of short of funds as it is auto transfer with good rate (both exchange and $ kept in account) and acceptable even at roadside stalls.


4 days ago | Report Abuse

“whistlebower99 FOR NEWBIES

NOSH = 6.372.205,736
PA = 903,363,292
WD = 3066,399,051

Multi year loss making company

Announced EX Date Subject Ratio Offer
20 Oct 2020 03 Nov 2020 Rights Issue..”

Newbies, the Right Issue was in 2020, almost 4 years ago, we should not delve into such old history. Please look ahead if you are Newbies, watch out for a new break-out at a bargain after the waterfall..if Consolidation do happen, price will be adjusted inversely proportional as seen in recent Fintec adjustment from 0.005 to 0.15 and traded much higher. Iris is another good example, adjusted from 0.08 to 0.32 and traded above 0.40.

Yesterday's closing of 2 sen (vol 251,244 lots) is a breakout since the high volume of 435,323 lots traded on 13 June did not close above 2 sen and the total traded volume since then is less than that figures. It can be concluded that most of this volume is being pick-up.
Happy Trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk. This write-up is NOT a recommendation to buy, and since you are Newbies; you will not have big losses Holding or any available to sell??

@KingDavid, good observation and question, I will hold my Focus-PA (bought enough and no intention to add more) tightly as I bought it dirt cheap compared with the subscription price..


1 week ago | Report Abuse

“speakup > nobody cares as long as got goreng! profit or not take a back seat!”

Goreng is one thing, jangan sampai hangus..just a musical chair, the one left behind will not even get the back seat. Look before leap. Happy Trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk


1 week ago | Report Abuse

From Glove to Data Center, what it takes..
As my working experience involves the full stages of Project Starting to Final hand over of any types of EPCIC contracts; roughly let me share the work flow.
‘- the client will perform Basic Design that involves rough costing, the capacity, market demand, market supply, location, etc..
‘- the details will involve more Professional in various Disciplines to perform Pre-Concept, Concept/Feasibility Studies before continuing to the first E, Engineering Studies.
‘- Sometime the P for Procurement will start for items that take more than 6 months to procure (for example machinery to make Glove or Drive use in a Data Center).
‘- Once Engineering is completed, bidding documents will be prepared to select the right contractors/supplier to start the first C Construction.
‘- The I is for Installation of Internal works including machinery and facilities.
‘- Then the final C Commissioning with all authority approval and everything running in order before hand over to client.

A most fast track project will take at least 2 years, with some projects can prolong to more than 5 years. We can see new Glove factories completed after the pandemic; the demand is NOT feasible for the constructed factories anymore. How about a Data Drive for a Data Center? Your guess is as good as mine..


1 week ago | Report Abuse

@KingDavid, thanks for the compliment. It is my original quote, no plagiarism..except "lights at the end of tunnel" haha


1 week ago | Report Abuse


Announced EX Date Subject Ratio Offer
22 Apr 2024 07 May 2024 Share Consolidation 1.0000 : 30.0000 View
11 Nov 2020 24 Nov 2020 Rights Issue (warrant) 5.0000 : 5.000 View
19 Oct 2017 31 Oct 2017 Rights Issue (warrant) 2 : 1 0.0800 View
22 May 2017 01 Jun 2017 Share Consolidation 3 : 1 View
13 Mar 2014 26 Mar 2014 Rights Issue (warrant) 1 : 1 View…”

For Newbies, remember this, “前人栽树,后人乘凉“ meaning “One sows and another reaps or literally mean past people plant trees for future generation to enjoy”.
We shall learn from the past to live a more fruitful future life. Why keep ‘grumpier’ the past when there are lights at the end of the tunnel?
At present, all the Fintec warrants expired, so the ‘stories’ of Billion NOSH including warrants does NOT hold any ‘water’. Due to unforeseen pandemic, share prices keep falling until the recent recovery period. Will share prices fall until RM0.005? I think it's unlikely.
My article, link:
show my holding in a positive region now!!
The last Fintec-PA buying after Consolidation at 10 sen, made a gain of 60%, the seller bid at 37 sen will be much much higher..
This write-up is for sharing purposes, NOT a buy, sell or hold recommendation. Happy Trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk.


1 week ago | Report Abuse

“KingDavid >
My conclusion is to buy some more Fintec at current price and some Focus D @RM0.15 ( hopefully no consolidation).”

Focus D traded around RM0.01 and 0.015, and no issue on Consolidation as seen on Fintec Trading pattern after Consolidation…
I think Fintec- PA at 16 sen is a better bet as not many sellers are even higher after 16 sen. As for Focus D, no comments as it could take lots of patience to see any return…Happy Trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk


1 week ago | Report Abuse

BLee, I am also looking at FOCUS. What do you think of FOCUS? Someone is starting to buy @RM0.15”

Yes, recently big volume buying; but did not know about picking up. Seller hurdle also had quite a lot in the last 2 days…
Of the ‘Lien Hoe’ group, Focus D looks most promising as food business is one of life's necessities. How I wish food business will recover first since pandemic; but never thought ‘Data Centre’ become one of life ‘necessity’ doing so well!!
I did not buy any Focus D stock, not because it is not promising, it did not drop to my target price of half sen. On and off, I put in bids of half a sen for Focus-PA, and managed to get quite a lot. Anyway, Focus D at 1.5 sen is a bargain compared to Focus-PA at 0.5 sen as it needs 10 Focus-PA to convert to 1 Focus D. Focus-PA advantage is on Leverage; AGES-PA is a good example, my investment of half-sen traded around 4.5 to 5 sen now…
This answer to your queries is for sharing purposes only; it takes a lot of patience and not necessarily ‘a good idea’.


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Lari kuat kuat ke atau daripada..tunggu potensi keluar daripada PN17 (akaun diSiasat) selepas siap sah oleh Auditor Khas..tunggu dan lihat.


1 week ago | Report Abuse

“KingDavid >
Musang King, where did you get only "7.2 millions" Fintec-PA available in the market?”

Let me answer this question, as I happen to be checking on Fintec due to being so active today, heading to 52 weeks high..
The details is at Link:

(iii) the existing number of 218,370,885 ICPS as at the Entitlement Date will be adjusted into 7,278,682 Consolidated ICPS (after disregarding the fractional entitlements arising from the Adjustments), which will be listed and quoted on the ACE Market of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad on 9 May 2024, being the next market day following the Entitlement Date.


1 week ago | Report Abuse

“snowball88 > Very simple, as in your..You have changed the parameters of my example... I already stated dividends issued first, then on 01 Jan 2024 executed a bonus issue. You changed it to bonus issue first, then dividends..”

LOL, I didn't change anything. It is convention to calculate ‘Trailing Twelve Month (TTM) Dividend’, cast in stone, Bonus issue or any corporate issues sandwiched between two Dividends declaration. The first one DID NOT include in the corporate changes consideration (different NOSH) DY calculation, the second declaration will be catered in the Trailing Twelve Months calculation (combined NOSH). The forward Dividend could be Zero, the DY then could be Zero; NOT 10% or 20%..


1 week ago | Report Abuse

“snowball88 > Before we go further down the never-ending rabbit hole, can you clear this up for me first?..How did you get to the 20% DY??...can u specify the timeframe..”

Very simple, as in your example, we already have RM10k invested at RM1 having paid RM0.1 Dividend. Before the next Dividend announcement, the price dropped to RM0.5 due to Bonus issue 1:1. The Bonus issue is NOT entitled for the Dividend of RM0.1 paid; NOT entitled for DY (TTM) calculation the day after ex-bonus. As shown previously for RGT DY calculation from 2 different websites, there is disparity for DY calculated. I am just trying to figure out how this disparity will affect investment decisions vs FD rates..
To answer both your questions, DY was calculated initially at RM1 of 10% and this adjusted to 20% assuming price half ignoring ‘the fresh Bonus fund’. ‘The fresh Bonus fund’ will normalize upon the next Dividend entitlement (your correct calculation); therefore the timeframe is in between ex-bonus to the next Declare Dividend. Hope that answers your question.


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

“Value Investor Coo1eo >
can't believe people are still talking about this DY nonsense!”

Haha, talk about $ ma, how to beat bank interest rate and inflation..!!

“snowball88 > Yes bonus shares issued 01 Jan 2024, share price drop to RM0.5 after issue, Total dividends paid out for 01 Jan - 31 Dec 2024 is RM1000 (12 months profit of RM1000 distributed to 20000 shares), all clearly stated in my example…”

As mentioned earlier, you are absolutely correct for calculation after 31 Dec 2024. What data to use in between for DY (TTM) calculation?

Time is an essence for interest and DY calculation; therefore trailing twelve months (TTM) is needed for any comparison. In your example, the extra Bonus 10000 is not entitled for DY calculation until after the next Dividend declaration which in your example after 31 Dec 2024.
No offense intended and just an example; if you intend to have a baby tonight and do it, it is a miracle tonight you get the baby, you still need to wait 9 months later..same as $ put in Bank, you have to wait for maturity to calculate actual DY. Happy discussion.


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

“snowball88 I understand where the confusion comes from....”

You are absolutely correct in an ideal calculation. Only problem is the RM0.05 DPS declared 12 months later; and the current calculation on corporate activity using past DPS figures. In your example given, the DY calculated after Bonus Ex will be RM0.1 divided by Rm0.5 equal to 20% (assume post Dividend payout recovered back to RM0.5). For someone looking up a few counters to compare DY %, it will be a misjudge. Therefore the “A trailing twelve month dividend yield, denoted as "TTM", includes all dividends paid during the past year in order to calculate the dividend yield” and any corporate exercise must be considered for the comparison…


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Not sure I follow what you mean...but I kinda feel that your argument centres around changes to NOSH, so before we go further can you expand a bit on how NOSH affects the dividend yield calculation?”

Dividend Yield (DY) calculation depends on Dividend per share (DPS). If NOSH increased with the same quantum amount $ paid out as Dividend, the DPS will reduce in future Dividend payout. Therefore the highlighted previous statement ‘assuming the number of shares is constant’, implied NOSH is important in DY calculation.
During Bonus issue or Share Consolidation, the declared DPS for the last 12 months used in calculation did not take this increase or decrease NOSH into consideration. The share price will decrease for the Bonus issue, and will increase the DY value during ex. The opposite for Share Consolidation. This DY calculation will cause misleading info for comparison of counters DY vs Bank FD rates. To get a more accurate DY calculation, make sure no increase or decrease NOSH for the last 12 months as indicated above.


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

….Maybe you give an example to prove your assertion?”

It is a bit difficult to gather live data for DY value before and after any corporate Price/NOSH changes; but can try to illustrate by capturing some examples for the next few market days…
Example: RGT Berhad
Date: 16 June 2024
EPS: RM0.0028, DPS: RM0.018
Capital: 328mil, NOSH: 352mil, DY: 1.94

If we look-up at another source: (website Link deleted due to Fail to submit)

Date: 18 June 2024
Dividend per share: RM0.036, DY: 3.9
Earning per share: RM0.0029

Why the disparity? IMHO, different data has been used at different timing for the calculation. Below statement could be one of the reason:
“Trailing dividend yield gives the dividend percentage paid over a prior period, typically one year. A trailing twelve month dividend yield, denoted as "TTM", includes all dividends paid during the past year in order to calculate the dividend yield.”
Source: Wikipedia
As in the example given, RGT Consolidated 1:3 Ex on the 7 June 2024, the price adjusted from 0.305 to over 0.9.
I believed the DY value also adjusted (or will adjust later due to TTM) accordingly due to the price changes and DPS. If this DY used to compare with others counter DY for investment purposes, it can lead to misjudgement…
Next changes will happen on 25 June 2024, with a 1:5 bonus issue of warrants. I don't think the price will change much as the Adjustment of price will be very minimum for Warrant if any.
I am still learning and above write-up also for my own stocks selection criteria/caution; therefore Happy Trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk.

“Thirai Thiraviam
> When Dividend…1) In Malaysia, we are no longer taxed on the dividends we receive, which I consider a good thing. I prefer to have the money in my bank, instead of it being merely reflected as a paper gain in the company’s accounts.”

The purpose of investment in other instruments rather than keeping $ in bank is to beat bank interest rate and inflation rate; therefore the discussion on DY..points taken on items 2 and 3.


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

@BLee : just my humble opinion but I think you are also confusing bonus issues with DY. Share options, Bonus issues, Dividends...all these are just different instruments…”

Yes, it is just a different instrument; but NOSH is used in DY calculation. As mentioned earlier, it is just a barometer to compare companies given out Dividend; it is irrelevant for companies that don't. I have purposely changed the question to DY as I personally feel DY is good to compare with FD rate; but unlike to compare Dividend per Share of each stocks as it will be a different yardstick.
In the formula, NOSH changes can affect the DY value quite substantially vs earlier declared Dividend; therefore just to caution also to view any Bonus, Rights, PP and even ESOS issues to take DY as a comparison…just my thoughts.
Happy investing and for sharing purpose only.


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Seriously there such a thing as 'negative dividends'?????...share dilution, care to share your opinion on that?' ....”

Good question. Similarly, how about ‘positive Dividend’?
When Dividend goes ex, the share price drops by the same amount, is it positive or negative??
IMHO, it is just a ‘Zero's exercise, any profit made is declared as Dividend and given out to shareholders with $ deducted from cash flow ‘reserve’.
Dividend Yield (DY) is just a ‘barometer’ indicating Price vs Dividend i.e. fluctuation Price increase or decrease vs a declared fixed Dividend for the period.
For example, if a company gives out a 1 for 1 bonus issue, the share price will be adjusted by half, how will the DY ratio be at that particular moment??
From Wikipedia, “The dividend yield or dividend–price ratio of a share is the dividend per share divided by the price per share. It is also a company's total annual dividend payments divided by its market capitalization, assuming the number of shares is constant. It is often expressed as a percentage”, therefore DY calculation will be adjusted with respect to the right moment ‘the number of Shares is constant’ bear in mind the Shareholders holding shares also increased correspondingly…
So a dilution will be perceived as a ‘negative Dividend Yield’ ??
Happy Trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Thanks for your additional positive inputs & concerns on Iris. We are only sharing knowledge & analysis at KLSE Forum for the benefit of current & future investors to make an informed decision since Iris Mgt has been strangely quiet on these?.”

Good write-up and recommendations..
‘- Just asking, the statement “retained earning of 610,759k was used to offset Accumulated losses (430,000k),”, is it contradictory as it can only have one in accounting as gaining or losing, not both??
‘- We cannot compare apple with orange as SKIN contract value is much much higher, so the statement “#Iris has good chance on winning the Niise Arbitration Award from Government of at least RM231.5 million or more?” cannot be compared.. and the termination, is it unilateral? Another point, Iris being sued by “Tec D is claiming for an outstanding sum of RM30,139,098.87 together with late payment interest of RM993,951.66 as at 7 November 2023 (“Outstanding Sum”) in relation to the supply of computer hardware and/or software and/or programs and/or services (“the Supplies”) for the National Integrated Immigration System (NIISe) project by the Ministry of Home Affairs, Malaysia (“NIISe Project”). The NIISe Project was awarded to IITS on 29 January 2021 and, subsequently, the contract for the NIISe Project was terminated by the Ministry of Home Affairs on 10 August 2023.”, therefore any arbitration gain will need to pay for any others owing??

Anyway, I will hold my Iris investment tightly as it is the pioneer for many World first and patent..

Happy Trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

“KingDavid > If not mistaken, the cheaper option for ICPS is to pay RM0.9 cash to convert 1 ICPS to 1 Fintec share. But, you can buy 1 Fintec share @RM0.2 Who would buy ICPS???? please enlighten me !!!”

The cheaper option actually is :-
‘- Exercise Ratio of 11 Fintec-PA to Convert to 8 Fintec Share, and will auto-convert upon maturity.
This Ratio remains in the revised announcement.
‘- The out-of-money Cash option is not feasible as at least 1 Fintec-PA having ‘pre-paid’ value of 8 sen x 30 equals RM2.4 and 90 sen cash.. unless becomes in-money i.e. Fintec above 90 sen. (assume buying Fintec-PA at 0.005)

To make it simple, multiply the Fintec-PA price by 1.375, if below the Fintec price, then consider ‘in-money’. No need to wait for 90 sen.That is the wonder of ICPS investment instrument, InMyHumbleOpinion. Happy Trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk


1 month ago | Report Abuse

“Loh Kok Wai W > This counter at still is ZERO....”

Yes, the Fintec ‘Rocket at ground ZERO’ launching pad, waiting for the next few days QR, hope against hope no misfiring… will this QR reporting Fair Value Gain/(Loss) on Investment Securities be positive?? Is already at rock bottom pre-consolidation, how low can it go lower post-consolidation? That's the risk with investment!!


1 month ago | Report Abuse

“Mitchell79 > To add on, dtlp16, when companies issue free warrants to their investors, it offers several potential benefits:
- Leverage and Capital Gains:...within a specified timeframe. If the company's stock price rises above the exercise price,...
- Enhanced Returns: If the stock price increases,...
- Market Liquidity and Tradability:..if they choose not to exercise them, potentially at a profit if the warrant’s market price has increased.
-Speculative Opportunities:...if they correctly anticipate the movement of the underlying stock's price.
- Cost-Free Incentive:...”

Very good answer, but not really advantageous as ‘if’ is assumed, except the ‘Cost-Free Incentive’ to entice the subscription of Rights…

There are more to meet the eye, especially on gearing ratio and premium calculation. Please refer to the Link:
for a better understanding…I am not promoting Insas-WC, only a good write-up on Warrant.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

“dtlp16 > Hi, I'm new in all this share market stuffs. This may be a dumb question. What is the advantage of the free warrants?...”

A very good question, not many people understand, I am inclusive. The only advantage is “free”?
It is just like buying something and the free gift is the Company’s free issue warrant. The risk of conversion is “in-money i.e. mother shares higher value than conversion payment”, but can drop below after post conversion? Most Warrants expired valueless??

Alternative (promotion and sharing purpose; not meant to blow horn) is (I)rredeemable (C )onvertible (P)reference (S)hare which is auto convert upon maturity, like warrants can leverage with mother shares and some ICPS like FD, pay interest/Dividend.

I am very much in ICPS investment during the pandemic when some ICPS drop to the lowest of half sen. I think it is only a once in a lifetime opportunity. After holding for 3 to 4 years, early this year my investment went positive.
My investment in AGES-PA from half sen to four sen, an eight fold increase. I sold a quarter at 1 sen (100% profit) and another quarter at 1.5 sen (200% profit), the rest at free cost until the sky's the limit..
My investment in Fintec-PA started to be in a positive region and Focus-PA break-even..only problem is it is very difficult to buy at half sen as the buying queue is long. Please study both Warrant and Preference Share investment; and invest on your own risk. I have written a few articles during my ICPS investment Journey to ‘record’ the down and hopefully the up of a few hundreds or thousands % gain…as always Happy Trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

“pang72 > My search is global hdd is increasing via time..
If you don't believe, please Google yourself to search”

This question has been asked on Meta AI (oversea version), which I think has a more balanced answer.
Global HDD is increasing or decreasing via time?
The answer: “The total amount of global hard disk drive (HDD) storage capacity has been increasing over time, but the demand for HDDs has been decreasing in recent years due to the growing popularity of solid-state drives (SSDs) and cloud storage.

According to a report by Statista, the global HDD capacity shipped per quarter increased from 142 exabytes in the first quarter of 2010 to 342 exabytes in the fourth quarter of 2020. However, the demand for HDDs has been declining since 2020, with a forecasted decrease in shipments from 2022 to 2027.

This trend is driven by the growing adoption of SSDs, which offer faster performance, lower power consumption, and higher reliability. Additionally, the increasing use of cloud storage and streaming services has reduced the need for local storage, contributing to the decline in HDD demand.”

The gist of the answer is “capacity per HDD increases, but quantity reduces”.

Furthermore, I have asked an overseas practicing IT Technical Sales Engineer, he opined there are advantages and disadvantages that we cannot ignore. We can Google/AI search on this topic; will it be a balanced view? The practicality is more important i.e. for fixed usage (Desktop and Data Center) preferred HHD, the hybrid version due to 5G speed and SSD/NVMe for mobile usage due to drop proof. Cost for both items is getting closer; so technicality/advancement still wins. He thinks the old version of the HDD will be dumped at the ‘Dumber Data Center!!’ I think it makes sense…Happy Trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk


1 month ago | Report Abuse

“UncleFollower >
24/5/24 Closing
Inari +21 cents
Insas holds 527,008,575 Inari shares x 0.21 = +RM110,671,800
+RM110M for every Insas Share = + RM0.1668985 per Insas Share
Insas closed down -RM0.04 per share 🤣🤣🤣”

A good one, the only problem is “see no touch”. Can Insas really be able to sell 527mil Inari at further gain of RM110mil? As seen in recent QR, what businesses are profitable?

On page 12 of IB Q324, item A9:
Profit/(Loss) for the financial period Technology and IT of 67,858k vs Consolidated Total of 58,592k, meaning most of the rest combined are negative. If Technology and IT business (Inari?) disposed of, very hard for Insas to be profitable…one time gain, many years of losses. Happy Trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk


1 month ago | Report Abuse

“laulau > IRIS Malaysia 4th-Quarter 2024 & 12 months ended March 31, 2024 Earnings Summary Table…12 months ended Mar 31, 2024 Revenue 371,108,000 PreTax Profit 40,380,000 Net Profit 32,247,000 Earnings Per Share 3.95 Sen..”

Yes, very good return of 3.95 sen over present market price, more than 10% return. Another point, good Consolidation with account adjustment. Share capital adjustment ( Capital reduction pursuant to Section 116 of the Companies Act 2016 (430,000k) ) to 180,759k from 610,759k seeing Retained Earnings/(Accumulated losses) to positive 169,400k from negative (293,828k). Cash flow also improved: CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT THE END OF THE PERIOD, 142,029k from 104,801k.
Happy Wesak for those who celebrate, and Happy Holiday to the rest.. Iris is/was one of my big winners during the National Integrated Immigration System (NIISe) bidding period few years ago. Bought at 15.5 sen and sold 80% from around 40 sen down to around 30 sen. Will post my trade later if still can dig up those data as it was traded quite long ago. Happy Trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

“KingDavid > BLee, psychologically it has a advantage for speculators to collect more from those who are willing to sell in between 1 cent and 1.5 cent before…”
Agreed. Previous high volume sell bids, let's say 30 million shares bid to sell at 1 sen, now can Q sell tickets of 30 ticks of 1 million..more marketable for both buyers and sellers. I think that's what you mean ‘before they are willing to move up further.’


1 month ago | Report Abuse

“KingDavid > After consolidation, the NOSH is 198 million. The main intention could also be speculation.”

Yes, so many ‘gap’ to speculate after Consolidation…up from 0.15 to 0.30 and downward 0.145 to 0.005; comparing previously 0.005 to 0.01. Is it a Pros or Cons (the true sense)? Consolidation, is it good or bad? $ sense, the same as no $ in-out.
Can someone suggest the disadvantages (Cons in the true sense) and the effect of having less shares? Bear in mind the reduction of holdings is inversely proportional to share price and NTA/share…


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Let's look deeper on the few QRs, the answer is how Fintec market prices fluctuate up to 10 sen and then come down to 0.5 sen.
It all started from QR 2020-06 to 2021-06, profit for the first two QR of 151.009M and 720.503M, and the next three QR of -61.619M, -143.778M and -980.166M respectively. NTA from a high of 0.9176 to 0.0733. The fluctuation is because of Focus D investment, with one foreign investor pulling out… The rest is all history.
The question is why not sell when there is so much profit. The answer is in the reply to UMA query i.e. ‘BLee: Fintec already answer to Bursa query dated 23 April 2021, the link:

"The Company’s principal activity is in investment of both quoted and unquoted securities. As such, pursuant to the ACE Market LR and Capital Market and Services Act 2007 (“CMSA 2007”), the Company is mandated to hold shares in other public listed companies. FINTEC only owns stakes in these companies which does not entitle FINTEC to exercise control over the management and affairs of these companies.’

Please also understand, $ paid buying shares from the open market did not go into the company account, gaining or losing has nothing to do with the company…it should be the fundamental which can affect the share Prices, only the speculator ‘goreng’ fluctuated the share prices. Happy Trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk


1 month ago | Report Abuse

“M55555 > Why not explain why price from 0.10 went down all the way to 0.005 ( if can go lower it will) . Why there is some many ESOS ,and every ESOS price will be cheaper then the previous ESOS and market price…”
Please read some articles I wrote after Focus Dynamic “waterfall”, from Billion Market Capital (more than RM2 to few sen), Fintec buying more to defend selling pressure as Focus Dynamic ‘cash rich’ from Focus-PA conversion.
My inaccurate tabulation shows “Fintec acquired Focus D until almost to the point of triggering a General Offer.
Fintec did purchase 282,700,000 Shares collected within 10 days, collection stopped around 6 Sept. 2021?? Major collection, most probably patiently at 4 to 5.5 sen only!!”, could be the reason the drop from 10 sen..
On PP and ESOS, I am speechless as wrote “@Forumer1: 8) Keep issuing PP, SIS even the price at 1 - 1.5 cents. If the BOD really take care of the company, at current low price with high cash in hand, why still want to issue more shares to get cash? is it to the good of the company or got other agenda?
BLee: I am speechless. Please see my article at link:
I am with most Forumers campaign against 'unfair' form of fundraising..”

PP and ESOS are restricted offer, who actually loses if price at 0.005 pre-consolidation?

Article title: Fintec: Few good questions for clarification.
BLee Publish date: Sun, 26 Dec 2021, 02:40 PM
There are a few more articles written, please go through them and comments, criticism and opinion welcome. Happy Trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk


1 month ago | Report Abuse

"...The gap from 15 sen to the highest 24 sen is filled up by speculative $ much will be picked up eventually? TradeAtYourOwnRisk"
2 days ago

Let me explain the above statement: If there are more contra players than actual investors picking up if the price did not go higher, price can drop back to 15 sen and below. Nothing about con or no con.. The reverse can also be true i.e. more $ flow in at higher price overcoming the contra player. The risk is 'if' which no one knows.

On the topic of Consolidation, the reduction of NSOH is inversely proportional to share prices and NTA per share, amplified with 'gap' prices.. i.e. 0.005 to 0.01 become 0.15 to 0.30 and NTA per share of 4 sen to 4x30 equals 120 sen what is 22.5 sen compared with 30 sen and 120 sen? again TradeAtYourOwnRisk for Buying, Holding or Selling. Own Choice, con or no con..


1 month ago | Report Abuse

“raizalmyinvests > Just stay away from conman company.”

Yes, my clarification on ‘ICPS could be con for others to invest in this type of financial instrument’, therefore I always include a disclaimer: “TradeAtYourOwnRisk”. Everybody has the right to invest or stay away, it is a personal choice. When ‘Profit during Uptrend is not con’. When ‘Lost during Downtrend is con’ is a very normal mentality. Are recent frantic buying of Fintec after Consolidation sign of many been con or otherwise? Your guess is as good as mine!! Agreed, if feel ‘con', just stay away as all counters have investment risk, especially counters at high price above their fundamentals… again ‘TradeAtYourOwnRisk’


1 month ago | Report Abuse

“Sales > People bought at 0.10 before consolidation, even go up to RM2 also making loose.”

To play/invest in Share Market, you need to start small, and do cost averaging if required. That's the reason I am interested in Preference Share (ICPS PX) i.e. at lower cost, autoConvert upon maturity and with prepaid value. I started Fintec-PA, Focus-PA and Ages-PA around 1 sen buying only around RM1k only. Now, after queuing at half sen or buying 1 sen when there are sellers at half sen during market opening, managed to get millions at half-sen (written an article showing my trades). Only Focus-PA at paper lost now, Fintec-PA averaging slightly above 10 sen and Ages-PA managed to sell 40% at 1 sen and another 40% at 1.5 sen, the remaining 20% holding at cost free..
My ICPS investment started when I noticed a large amount of Focus-PA converted during the big ‘waterfall’. I did a lot of research and wrote a few articles of this ‘waterfall’ just for sharing, and hoping more people understand types of Preference Share. My Preference is (I)rredeemable (C )onvertible type (P)reference (S)hare as (I) is autoConvert, unlike Warrant which expired and (C ) can be converted with cash or PS with built-in value.
I have no fear of Focus-PA Consolidation as seen from Fintec-PA post Consolidation. After Consolidation, as seen, less and less sellers at lower value and chances of selling between 15 sen to 30 sen are more, comparing than buying at half sen to selling at 1 sen with 100% profit (long Q of seller)..Happy Trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Welcome @dawchok. Years ago, Western Digital sold their PJ factory/land and moved their operation elsewhere. Speculated reason: HDD quite obsolete, replaced by SSD? I think WD is still having HDD operation in Penang, expanding the plant to do other storage drive ventures. At one time, WD planned to invest in SSD Toshiba Japan, but the plan did not come true, don't know what their next move into SSD is. All this info read from the newspaper report, therefore not proven...


1 month ago | Report Abuse

“Sslee > All loans by Insas credit and leasing are with collateral.”

Yes, secure and unsecured?.
Out of 5 loans highlighted, 2 didn't have sufficient security as shown in the report.
ICL - QR pursuant to Para 8.23(2)(e)LR-31Mar24
Paragraph 8.23(2)(e) Appendix 8D(4) - Top 5 loans (with aggregation of loans given to same person or connected persons)
Loan 1 - Total amount outstanding (including interest) in RM'000 - 132,101
Value of security provided in RM'000 - 83,500
Loan 2 - Total amount outstanding (including interest) in RM'000 - 62,959
Value of security provided in RM'000 - 38,703
How many loans are secure, unsecured and under secure? Insas could end up with cars, machineries, etc as assets and cash equivalents…your guess as good as mine. I am not saying Insas is not worth the calculated NTA, especially with Inari as a cash cow, it is just a balanced view. Happy Trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk


1 month ago | Report Abuse

“Income > If Insas prices reach The all-time low price for INSAS BHD stock is 0.805”
0.805 is 52 wk low, not all-time low. My initial Insas investment was below 60 sen years ago, for Dividend income only. Another Insas purchase for trading purposes also around 60 sen is now averaging below 70 sen, holding 20% cost free… @TheContrarian is right, I get more profit from the second account although only 10 sen higher average price due to trading averaging. I only start active trading again during work from home period; and now find time to ‘blow water’…Haha


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Due to the recent hype on Data Center, below are some of my findings. No right or wrong and no recommendations on any endeavors.
Below are answers from Meta AI on the question ‘data center prefer storage medium’:
“Data centers typically prefer storage mediums that offer a combination of high capacity, low latency, and high reliability. Based on current industry trends and advancements, here are some popular storage mediums used in data centers:
1. *Solid-State Drives (SSDs)*: SSDs are preferred for their high performance, low latency, and high reliability. They are ideal for applications that require fast data access and high throughput.
2. *Hard Disk Drives (HDDs)*: HDDs are still widely used in data centers for their high capacity and cost-effectiveness. They are suitable for applications that require large storage capacities and are not latency-sensitive.
3. *Flash Storage*: Flash storage, such as flash arrays and flash storage systems, is gaining popularity in data centers due to its high performance, low latency, and high density.
4. *Object Storage*: Object storage solutions, like Amazon S3 and Ceph, are designed for large-scale storage of unstructured data and are often used in data centers for their scalability and cost-effectiveness.
5. *NVMe Storage*: NVMe (Non-Volatile Memory Express) storage is a high-performance storage interface that is gaining traction in data centers due to its high bandwidth and low latency.
The choice of storage medium depends on the specific needs of the data center, including performance requirements, capacity needs, and cost considerations.”
Some others comparison from Internet surfing:
SSD vs HDD, which is better for MTBF?
Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) For example, an HDD may have a mean time between failures of 300,000 hours, while an SSD might have 1.5 million hours. Manufacturers provide these specifications for their products. 5 Apr 2024
Access Speed Comparison
Solid-state drives are much faster than hard disk drives, and the speed difference between the two types is significant. When moving big files, HDDs can copy 30 to 150 MB per second (MB/s), while standard SATA SSDs perform the same action at speeds of 500 MB/s.30 Jun 2023
A very good article to share on NVMe vs SSD vs HDD, Link:

There is another Storage Drive/technology in the pipeline, Link:

Before we know it, the current Data Center will become obsolete, if no upgrade in storage technology!! Which companies have the edge??


1 month ago | Report Abuse

“Tatooine > Under thongs leadership hohup bust! Has insas leant money to hohup ?”

Very good question, the borrowed $ will be parked under liability, lending $ still consider assets, will it park under cash and cash equivalents of 859,238k?

Most likely the $ lend out park under Insas Credit & Leasing Sdn Bhd.

Paragraph 8.23(2)(e) Appendix 8D(2) - Total borrowings as at 31 March 2024
(a) Loans given by any corporation within Insas Berhad Group to the money lending subsidiary company - 207,136k.

Another possible source of lending out $ is the stock broking arm, maybe could be double count from figure above depending where the borrowing from..

Insas owns many other companies, will it be by borrowing?? Double count again?

Below describe activities that need lots of $, where the $ from?

Insas Stock & Share Broker arm: The principal business of M & A principal is dealing in securities and acting as Stock & Share Broker for securities traded on Bursa Malaysia and other approved Foreign Exchanges. We also provide other service and products which includes Share Margin Financing facilities, Nominee and Trust Account Services, Day Trading, Internet Online Trading and Underwriting for securities under Initial Public Offerings / Rights issue.

The key word is Nominee Account. Is OCBC held under Nominee Account? How much is being utilized for Share Margin Financing? Therefore the above question by @Tatooine is very good and can only be decoded and answered by a good accountant (not me)..due diligence needed before thinking buying more than 50% of Insas??


1 month ago | Report Abuse

“Musang King > BLee, thanks for your writing above.”

Thanks for the appreciation, I will write more if I find more facts and dispel any fallacies.. Also thanks for your Fintec-PA conversion as it will add more funds to Share Capital, lessen the liability, thus improving NTA amid slightly. Since QR cut off reporting at the end March 2024, your contribution can only be seen in June 2024 QR. Let's see if it is correctly reported or otherwise..
Your prediction on Fintec-PA can come true sooner than later as it is in the money considering 11 Fintec-PA can be converted to 8 Fintec mother shares i.e. 15x1.375 equals 20.625 vs present mother price of 22.5.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

“Sales > Never going to touch this type of stock.”

Yes, please don't invest in Fintec if looking for a good Dividend as has been loss making for years. Fintec has been issuing ESOS, Private Placement, all forms of RI etc with ‘condition’ during the pandemic period which has since been withdrawn (the ‘condition’). Share Prices have been going downhill until to the lowest of 0.005. Is it ‘missing the boat’, if ‘not touch’ during the lowest; or will it reach the lowest again after Consolidation? Your guess is as good as mine!! Happy Trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk

News & Blogs

1 month ago | Report Abuse

Updated to include post consolidation purchase of Fintec-PA (Detail 3). Just trying my 'luck' with ICPS investment. Due to low price of 0.05, managed to purchase in the millions for Fintec‐PA (pre-consolidation) and Focus-PA.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

“M55555 > RM0.30 equivalent to 1 sen before consolidation , 3 sen before consolidation = RM0.90. Die”

Yes, for those who bought at 3 sen, and not able to get any at 0.5 sen??
If it just reaches RM0.30, which is not far away now, it will be a 100% gain. Managed to get some Fintec-PA at RM0.1 post consolidation, now already in paper gain. So my ‘toilet paper’ is worth RM0.15 with buyers queuing up..hopefully. TradeAtYourOwnRisk.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Fantastic, it takes MYR968,652 to push up after absorbing ALL selling pressure...the pros of Consolidation. The gap from 15 sen to highest 24 sen filled up by speculative $ much will be pick up eventually? TradeAtYourOwnRisk


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Fantastic, ALL selling pressure absorbed, next hurdle RM0.30 (equivalent to 1 sen before Consolidation).