
Berlin | Joined since 2015-06-03

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8 hours ago | Report Abuse

@StartOfTheBull; Go peruse Appendix J Financial Effects of the Remaining Disposals of Land and especially Item 2. The pro forma statements therein expose the lies and ignorance of Calvin, in particular that Rm221m is yet due from remaining disposals and that all profit had been taken in earlier.


3 days ago | Report Abuse

Saving my breadth. No more discourse with an irredeemable ignoramus.


3 days ago | Report Abuse

@gohkimhock; Thanks for the pointer.


3 days ago | Report Abuse

In 2023AR under Utilization of Proceeds (pg 121?), TSH disclosed utilization of Rm457m being proceeds from said Bulugan land sale Rm731m which indicates a balance of Rm273m is yet to be received from remaining land, not Rm221m. You explain this anomaly.


3 days ago | Report Abuse

Are you kidding or lying outright? If book value and remaining balance to be received is the same, then it implies all profit was recognized earlier irrespective of accounting convention. No more profit to be booked. It may also imply distortions in the pricing of the lands or worse. No, Calvin, you find out yourself.


3 days ago | Report Abuse

You poor ignorant thing Calvin, that RM221m is the book value of remaining land, not the balance of sale proceeds to be received.


3 days ago | Report Abuse

Calvintaneng; Show how you got the figure RM221 m? Is it straight from 2023 balance sheet item under 'Land held for sale'?


3 days ago | Report Abuse

Calvin the dunderhead, you want TSH to receive only RM221 m which is the value carried in the books? Or the balance of sale value RM731m - 457m ie RM273m which gives profit RM52 m? It is very obvious you have no formal training in basic financial analysis or accounting or you would not make such a simple error.


4 days ago | Report Abuse

A cannon loaded with blanks can only make loud noises.


6 days ago | Report Abuse

Quantity over quality? That about sums up Calvin the big cannon.


6 days ago | Report Abuse

With over 54k comments over 10 years, he holds i3investor record for most posts, most repeated posts and most garbage posts!


6 days ago | Report Abuse

He also claimed in 2022 that TSH will reach the Nestle beating price of RM150 ultimately. That will give TSH a market cap of RM207 b compared to Maybank's current Rm122 b and Nestle's RM28 b. That guy's rantings is way off the charts. He should be locked up for his own good.


6 days ago | Report Abuse

Just how are new 200 year leases granted to privileged investors going to benefit TSH whose land leases in comparison are relatively short term?


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Calvin the clown can't get his numbers right or his head straight. He keeps referring to RM221m on the remaining Bulugan sale land when this is the value carried in the books. The remaining sale value is around RM273m ( 731m-458m) which yields a profit of RM52m to be recognized. Selling and receiving proceeds RM221m means zero profit.


1 week ago | Report Abuse

If you had bought Keck Seng in April 2022 at RM3.50 and held on till today, you would have doubled your money. If you had listened to Calvin's kaw kaw buy on TSH around the same time at RM1.60, you would have lost a big chunk of your capital today. These are the facts. If you had additionally bought TSH in 2022 all the way down to RM1.00, I really feel sorry for you.


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Calvintaneng apologizing for making a mistake! Wonder of wonders! Will he apologize for other mistakes if pointed out to him?


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Cash rich? Bloody joker this Calvin. Net cash -14.69m, eps 6.2 sen, roe 4.14%, pe 20.16, free cash flow 159m, div yield 2% only. Earnings from present plantations is anaemic with no income from unplanted Nusantara land. It wouldn't surprise me if Nusantara lands were speculative purchases in the past. It still might pay off if Nusantara takes off but it will take time, probably a long time.


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Few expect windfall gains from plantation sector in the near future. The 2022 run in CPO prices barely lasted a few months and was more a flash in the pan than a tailwind. CPO prices staying around RM4k per tonne is already a blessing.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

What a nutcase! Likening the renovation of an old terrace house to the construction of a new airport. Similar to comparing TSH share price to Nestle's. Get real, Calvin, and visit a shrink, quickly.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Calvin's prophecy in 2022 is for TSH to become a blue chip and reach the Nestle beating price of RM150 in a once in a lifetime CPO bull run. Please patiently wait for that to materialize. Its 2022 high was around Rm1.80 and that's still a long way to go.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Sure looks like a breakout at long last. Is news of final portion 2022 land sales completion the catalyst? Or something else even more exciting?


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Sissy or silly?


4 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Stop being a clown, Calvin. Public Research and Public Mutual, while part of the Public Bank group, are managed separately and make their own decisions regarding investments or recommendations. There is always an internal firewall around an independent Research in all IBs as part of their operating MO. And its not only Public Research, most IB research houses are just not into TSH because future earnings growth from its plantation is not visible. They don't go gaga about TSH's future land bonanza in Nusantara because that future value cannot be unlocked until the land is sold. At the moment, there is no recurrent income from such unplanted land.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Prevarication will not help Calvin, he does not know if the deferred land sale will go through. The lands were sold in April 2022 for RM731m of which as at 20.03.24, RM457 has been received and utilized (Annual Report 2023) which should leave a balance of RM273m to be settled by July 4, 2024 which is less than 2 weeks away. The purchasers appear to be industrial park developers and a sale can add intrinsic value to neighboring lands.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

It is in Calvin's DNA to make highly exaggerated and spurious claims about future land values. That is a pie in the sky. However, what interests me is the remaining balance of RM273 m from deferred land sale in 2022 will be received by 4 July 2024. What about it, Calvin? Can confirm?


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Whatever happened to the slogan "stay safe in palm oil"? Don't even follow your own advice? The frenzy in Data Center related stocks will be over one fine day and those whose clothes have been burned off in the melee will be revealed.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Has Calvin got his decimals mixed up again? In mid 2022 in the midst of his kaw kaw buy, die die hold call on plantation stocks, his eventual target for TSH was the Nestle beating Rm150.00; not a miserable Rm1.50!! Go figure.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

JTiasa and TSH are trading around the same levels today from 1.11 - 1.14. Taking a 6 months view, I plumb for JTiasa because of superior earnings and likely a final dividend for FY2024. Exchange ratio 1:1


1 month ago | Report Abuse

@prudentinvestor; yea, it's been many years and many teachers as well but that crab continues his sideways walk. Have a good day.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Histrionic and narcissistic traits on display again. What grandiose anecdotes tying in kamikaze pilots and US aircraft carriers. Is the stockmarket a war theater? Its all in his head and someone needs a headshrinker much more than TSH needs a promoter or an apologist.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Moral of the story :The son becoming a doctor is thanks to the mother who bought the set of British Encyclopedia. The father seems to have made little or no contribution.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

The 3:4 bonus issue appears to be a meaningless corporate exercise by itself. No funds were raised, no value created. Why did the company do it then?


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Done. Put some petrol money on domp's spider sense!


1 month ago | Report Abuse

@dompeilee; Congrats! Your timing much better than mine but similar route. Sold some JTiasa from 1.20 to 1.40 earlier and bought back below 1.10. Must learn from you how to time better, however.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

The histrionic joker quotes Jokowi on Ikn Nusantara sky high land prices but did Jokowi say meters or square meters? And is one meter really 10.764 sq ft.? Sheesh! You believe someone making such basic errors can lead you to stock market riches?


1 month ago | Report Abuse

This is a jolly good time to consider gaining admission to the top 30 shareholders list in JTiasa for the long haul. Only takes 3 million shares. Financial parameters appear attractive and it is only governance issues that still bother. Come 4Q2024 and profits recover nicely plus BOD declare a generous final dividend, I will become a believer.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

TSH has prevailed from its 2022 high of 1.80 down to today's 1.09. Will it prevail further to below 1.00 where it might be considered a decent buy and I can pick up what I sold today?


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Someone's histrionics now on open display after being triggered by some innocuous comment. What has HDD got to do with this plantation stock thread? Are HDD components grown on oil palms? Theatrical reaction just about sums it up.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Irresistible at 1.07. Surprised at that much negative reaction to 3Q2024 weak results. Rate of exchange TSH:JTiasa now 1:1 and a doable switch. Betting on JTiasa operating results to recover strongly next quarter compared to TSH.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

"Histrionic Personality Disorder is characterized by a pervasive pattern of attention seeking behaviors and a theatrical level of emotional reactions."


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Can you believe this nut case? He will deny and deny; then lie to his milk teeth to seek the attention he craves. I will add Histrionic Personality Disorder to the list of mental disorders he exhibits.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

You know why Calvin needs to hold TSH till, if ever, it is celebration time? By his own admission, TSH is by far his largest holding in a poor performing plantation portfolio and cutting loss will decimate him. Where can he get extra meaningful funds to put into his latest stock investment squeeze, data center related stocks? He just jumped on the current hot theme to remain relevant.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

If indeed one fine day in the (very far) future TSH does reap great benefit from its Nusantara lands, Calvin will rise up and proclaim his prescient stock pick and berate everyone else for not believing. Never mind if it is 10 years into the future and sane investors would have cut their losses well before.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

TSH is not Tarzan Samson Hercules but a Totally Stup-d Hold since 2022 going by its share price performance of 1.80 high to 1.05 now. But does Calvin acknowledge it? Never!! That's the deep rooted extent of his confirmation bias and narcissism - he can never be wrong!


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Talk about high expectations colliding with low performance. There must be a lot of weak investors out there who can't stomach short term pain given this level of selling. The 3Q2024 result is not that bad even if a tad disappointing. A much better 4Q2024 plus a generous final dividend will generate a lot of regrets for these knee jerk sellers. FCF above 270 mil pa gives BOD room to declare final dividend 3.5 sen making a total of 6 sen FY2024. Let minorities get some decent money.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

What is noticeable since announcement that TSH is out of MSCI Malaysia small cap is its declining trading volume and eroding share price. And the opposite for OSK and Mah Sing which will be in. Now, what stocks are funds buying and selling?


2 months ago | Report Abuse

An incoming political leader will paint a picture in the colors they desire, be it B35, B50, B100 or 8% GDP growth and it sounds good to voters. Achieving it, however, is left to posterity. Did we not also have a past political leader who spoke of Vision 2020 and continued 10% economic growth but where is Malaysia now in 2024? Stuck in a middle income trap and mired in political discord. Reality bites and the bite can be debilitating.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Jeez! Did someone just suffer another manic episode? All that past drivel being repeated again. Chill, the market makes fools of us from time to time. Just accept that being wrong on occasion is normal.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

TSH out of MSCI small cap index in latest May 2024 review after 2 years stay. I guess MSCI is not too impressed with TSH price performance during that interval.


2024-04-17 10:10 | Report Abuse

Cheapest does not necessarily mean the best buy but has the potential to be the best buy. It falls upon the BOD to create and sustain value for all shareholders and that means consistent fair policies and good governance practices. Still some way to go for JTiasa in this respect.