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2023-06-27 09:15 | Report Abuse

There is something brewing in BPlant; what we can only guess at. The company's announcement neither confirms or denies there are ongoing talks; only no agreement signed. Whether can buy around 90 sen, we can only speculate. It is a calculated bet.


2023-06-26 09:06 | Report Abuse

Typical evasive Calvin. Instead of replying directly to criticism, this time from a recent member CCM, he deflects valid questions and avoids answering. Yeah, do declare your educational level. As to mental health, it is obvious there is serious impairment.


2023-06-20 08:55 | Report Abuse

If Calvin has received the final 2.5 sen dividend, he must be the only privileged one. All other shareholders are waiting for 14 July 2023 to get payment. Does this clown even own TSH? He certainly can't appreciate difference between dividend ex-date 16/6 and payment date 14/7.

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2023-06-11 17:16 | Report Abuse

Park your money anywhere but not where Calvin's mouth says to put it as with his palm oil stocks call in 2022. Kaw kaw buy, die die hold, he was screaming! That call was, and still is, a disaster one year later but he refuses to acknowledge it. Zero integrity.


2023-06-11 10:04 | Report Abuse

Privatization is a possibility and doable as after Boustead Holding's acquisition, LTAT's effective stake in Bplant is 68% leaving some 716 million shares in minority hands, none of whom hold more than 1%. Question is when and at what price. Last Friday's market action is definitely linked to such speculation. Let's see what next week's action brings.


2023-06-10 16:33 | Report Abuse

@Calvintaneng; Go and analyse the contents of Kenanga Investment Bank's 150 page independent advice circular dated 17 April 2023 before you give "buy kaw kaw, die die hold" type of one liner views. Then explain why minorities accept a "not fair" offer of 85.5 sen when Boustead's fair value is calculated by Kenanga to be in a range that is double that low ball figure.


2023-05-30 11:13 | Report Abuse

There is a lot of trepidation about impact of digital banking and how
entry of new players will affect traditional business of existing banks. In Malaysia, I would say not that soon and not that much.


2023-05-30 08:59 | Report Abuse

@speakup; EPF may want to merge MBSB with RHB in its own interest being substantial shareholders of both but minority shareholders of RHB who can vote independently are unlikely to agree. There is no obvious benefit to RHB in such a merger; it still remains #4 in asset ranking after Maybank, CIMB and Public Bank while existing shareholders are diluted. MBSB is too small and brings little to the table.


2023-05-25 11:07 | Report Abuse

Where can Calvintaneng hide? He can't stay away from I3investor for too long; he has to make an appearance to remain relevant. When the (palm oil) heat dies down, he will magically reappear and act like business as usual. But his "buy kaw kaw, die die hold" call on plantation stocks in 2022 will forever remain his legacy to newbie investors.


2023-04-07 10:49 | Report Abuse

OLH will always have the last laugh because with over 1 billion OSK shares in hand and a regular dividend payout of 4-6 sen, he gets annual cash income of RM40-60 million. Unless of course he gets to monetize the 421 million shares (10% stake) in RHB for a big payday, the minor movements in OSK share price is just a distraction.


2023-04-02 09:43 | Report Abuse

@speakup; All 3 owned in part by several different branches of the Tiong Hew King extended family from Sibu. Management now in different hands without one single uniting leadership as in Tiong HK's days. Patriach Tiong HK suffered stroke in 2017, already in his 90's, health remains fragile, no longer active in his far flung businesses. History also shows few Chinese family businesses remain united after the founding generation, disputes inevitably occur between brothers, half brothers, uncles, cousins etc The various businesses will be split up between them rather than remain a conglomerate. Prime example is the See Hoy Chan family.


2023-03-30 11:25 | Report Abuse

Received 1.5 sen interim dividend today and deployed it to buy more JTiasa stock. First half earnings FY2023 is 8.6 sen per share. Second half won't be half bad either. Confidently expecting directors to raise payout with a final dividend later this year and that should galvanize investors.


2023-03-30 09:23 | Report Abuse

At the current 67 sen level, JTiasa is a buy and hold given its improving financial performance and dividend payments. It is no giant treasure as someone once claimed but is relatively low risk vs potential high reward at this price. The devil here is its management, seen to be uncaring to minority shareholders with their miserly dividend payments. But that may change soon with good free cash flow coming in. A first interim dividend 1.5 sen followed by a final dividend of 2.8 sen for FY2023, or 4.3 sen in total, may put a different perspective on the stock and propel it to breach RM1.


2023-03-29 10:00 | Report Abuse

See Calvin's psycho mind at work here? Fcpo can fluctuate up and down according to market forces but cost remains at RM2000. Simple Calvin. Simply wonderful for planters.


2023-03-29 08:55 | Report Abuse

@3iii; Thanks for the past links. Goes to indicate Calvin is a serial stock recommender through the years and a stock market addict with a strong streak of narcissism. He just cannot stay away. He needs constant adulation and to be proved right.


2023-03-27 08:51 | Report Abuse

@Calvintaneng; You still refuse to get it. I am not against investing in TSH or any other palm oil plantation counters. But I am against you posting flawed, simplistic, misleading one sided analysis that is dangerous to inexperienced investors.


2023-03-27 07:28 | Report Abuse

@Cavintaneng; Best keep your advice for yourself. You are a danger to every other investor's wealth with your flawed analogies and simple minded analysis. You appear addicted to the stock market like some junkie.


2023-03-26 13:20 | Report Abuse

Answer just the one question....were you wrong? No more evasive replies.


2023-03-26 11:03 | Report Abuse

@Calvintaneng: I will forever associate you with the phrase "buy kaw kaw; die die hold" during the short lived palm oil run in March/April 2022 when you were over-the-top bullish on cpo prices despite industry experts asserting they cannot hold above RM7000 and a correction was imminent. One year later, it is barely half that. Were you wrong?


2023-03-26 08:58 | Report Abuse

Honesty, integrity, objectivity do not go well with Calvintaneng; evasiveness, self denial and narcissism do. He cannot admit he can ever be wrong in his stock promotions. How can one believe a person with such personality traits?


2023-03-16 10:29 | Report Abuse

@prudentinvestor; That's telling the incorrigibly dangerous clown who won't admit wrong calls where he really stands as a genuine investor. Good luck with RHB where I too have long term investment. Returns in big banks are much more stable and predictable with none of the wide swings with plantation companies.


2023-03-10 10:56 | Report Abuse

Additionally, in the aftermath of the Asian Financial crisis 2007, all the licensed finance companies, which were small deposit taking companies, were merged into the banking groups and out of existence. The risk of any small financial institution therefore failing and triggering systemic failure was negated. These days, banking failure in Malaysia is highly unlikely given strong regulatory oversight and well capitalized banking groups.


2023-03-10 09:23 | Report Abuse

Calvin should attempt to answer 3iii's questions, not least because he has a penetrating 3rd eye but because he reasons rationally. All are permitted to post. This is not anyone's personal thread. If you can't take the heat, stop making spurious claims and own up to your errors.


2023-03-06 07:21 | Report Abuse

With 1H2023 net profit of 8.5 sen per share paving the way for an interim dividend 1.5 sen, similar results for 2H2023 can encourage the directors to pay a final dividend 0f 3.0 sen. A total payout of 4.5 sen or 30% of net profit fy2023 is not excessive and goes a long way to mollify long suffering minority shareholders. The share price can breach and hold above RM1 then.


2023-03-05 10:58 | Report Abuse

The recent shakeup in JTiasa's board may usher in better things to come, including a more generous dividend policy. It seems the less Tiong family involvement in the business, the better. Investors with a long memory will not have forgotten the 10% private placement in 2012 to raise over RM300 million; the rosy picture painted, and then the steady decline of the share price since from Rm3 to penny status with the board of directors seemingly unconcerned about minority shareholders. JTiasa needs to repair its reputation with investors. It seems to be heading that way.


2023-02-27 16:20 | Report Abuse

I suspect it is EPF again selling a few million RHB shares around RM5.60 since liquidity is there ; its 42% core holding 1.7 billion shares remains intact, so no worries. Confirmation will come in a few days with announcement to Bursa. This is still a good price to buy.

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2023-02-26 16:58 | Report Abuse

Calvin, yes, your reply here is confirmation you have too big an ego to know shame.

News & Blogs

2023-02-26 12:16 | Report Abuse

Have you no shame or have you too much ego, Calvin? Your early 2022 prediction of a bull run in palm oil stocks fell flat on its face within months with many stocks retreating 50% from its high. But here you are in early 2023, touting a few cents dividend here from these very beaten down stocks. Deal with the price retreat from their 2022 highs first before showing your face again.


2023-02-20 15:02 | Report Abuse

EPF is a social security organization established by statute to principally to provide retirement benefits for private sector employees. A significant portion of its funds are invested in companies listed on Bursa and it can actively trade in such shares for its own objectives. EPF does not have any policy to promote the ownership of any company's share to the public.


2023-02-19 11:25 | Report Abuse

@unicornbird; It will, in due time and those in the know plus longer sighted investors can reap the rewards when RHB is re-rated. I invest in RHB based on dividend yield and improving profit quality buttressed by its strong NTA and am not diverted by EPF's mild trading activities. I concur with TreeTopView as to a coming 25 sen final dividend for 2022. Why put in FD 4% when RHB bank can give 7.27% yield at current share price 5.50?


2023-02-19 10:37 | Report Abuse

Look back to 2013 and the emergence of OSK as the second largest shareholder in RHB with 10% stake after EPF following the merger of OSKIB with RHBIB. You can trace the positive changes in RHB from there; especially the management and credit risk culture.


2023-01-01 12:00 | Report Abuse

Happy 2023 year skoh, seeR and yes, even you too calvin. May the year see a revival of Bursa and improved camaraderie among I3 investors.


2023-01-01 11:28 | Report Abuse

Goes without saying that Calvin is way off the mark on his palm oil stocks in 2022. Making wrong calls is human and forgivable but not acknowledging them is not. With this one grievous omission, Calvin has lost any semblance of credibility by my reckoning. However, with the start of the new 2023 year, let us put the past behind and begin the year on a fresh note.


2022-09-09 10:15 | Report Abuse

@calvin ; Recalcitrant clown. Can you read or even understand simple English? The directors have stated they do not recommend a final dividend for FY2022. And what long term funds are buying into Jtiasa? EPF has been a net seller of plantation stocks this year including Jtiasa. Stop your desperate gibberish.


2022-09-05 11:35 | Report Abuse

Granted, Jtiasa is a disappointing investment which can be laid directly at the doorstep of its management. They are weak at investor relations and forward guidance. But at 60 sen and dividend resumption following return to profitability, the downside is limited even if earnings may decline the next two years with lower CPO prices.


2022-08-30 14:39 | Report Abuse

@calvin; Read and comprehend; no final dividend was declared fy2022. Stop your simplistic error strewn analysis of company results if you can't even get basic facts right. Better still, go back to face your critics in TSH thread.


2022-08-30 09:51 | Report Abuse

I'll also like to see less related party transactions and judicious use of share buybacks when the share price is beaten down, like now, when sentiment is weak despite clearer indications of continuing future profits. This will give confidence to longer term investors that management is on the ball and have their interest at heart as well.


2022-08-30 08:45 | Report Abuse

What's with the directors? Interim dividend 2.8 cents (20% profit) declared after decent 4Q results but no final dividend despite biggest profit in 10 years. You fellas should give better guidance to shareholders. Would have preferred 1.4 sen interim after 2Q results plus at least another 1.4 sen final, if not 2.8 sen, which the company can easily afford. Make some effort to compensate for no dividends the last few years.


2022-08-26 14:42 | Report Abuse

Giant treasure or Gigantic turd? Either way, Calvin is down there in a deep hole somewhere in a palm oil estate in Sarawak still digging away furiously.


2022-08-26 10:43 | Report Abuse

Looking forward to decent 4Q2022 results and a resumption of dividends to long suffering shareholders. There is no reason not to pay dividends given high CPO prices this year and company's return to profitability. Unless the directors want to cement their already miserly reputation among minority shareholders.


2022-08-26 07:31 | Report Abuse

Still a good recovery play. Timber division losses are decreasing. Palm oil plantation is good. Manufacturing is holding up well. Purchase of new frozen foods business turned out to be a small windfall. Controlling shareholders show faith in company's prospects. Possibly family feud is resolved with Wong Kie Yik/Wong Chie Kie side prevailing since they purchased more shares in the market.


2022-08-25 12:09 | Report Abuse

Sick minds cannot accept they can be wrong.


2022-08-25 12:08 | Report Abuse

Empty minds keep repeating garbage.


2022-08-23 10:43 | Report Abuse

I never thought of Calvin as a deliberate crook; somewhat of a narcissist and inveterate, yes, but not a con artist. But perhaps this unkind view is another possible explanation for his inexplicable activities. He takes all the flak thrown at him and come back for more. How come? Normal people won't.


2022-08-22 09:00 | Report Abuse

@skoh; Sigh! Thought there was a 20% chance Calvin would cease and desist, others follow suit and we can have a civilized one week reprieve at the very least. Now all gloves are off and it will be a bare knuckle fist fight all the way. What can one say about him? Even psychotherapy may not help in his case, the narcissism runs too deep and has for far too long. Totally incorrigible.


2022-08-21 09:38 | Report Abuse

@Calvintaneng ; This is Sunday. Give yourself and I3investor a rest. This insanity has taken over your life and it must be hellish. It matters not who or what is ultimately right or wrong for time will reveal all. Just hold your comments and please, others as well, for the time being until at least 06/22 quarterly results are out. Let us then see how the market reacts. Personally, I think results will be satisfactory but market reaction will largely be muted.


2022-08-18 16:26 | Report Abuse

At long last WTK shows some promise; moving back above 50 sen today after director Wong Chie Kie of Fortescue fame bought some 5 million shares in July and company recommences share buyback. Wong, resident in Australia, became a billionaire following his phenomenal investment in Fortescue Metals where the penny stock in 2003 now trades at A$19.

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2022-08-17 16:40 | Report Abuse

@anthonytkh; The most money I ever made was when I bought into an out of favor stock for a fraction of its potential and held it for more than 10 years through thick and thin. I cashed out most of it when the majority shareholder made a GO as I suspected he would. I still hold some. As for short term trades, my track record is not good to say the least as I hate to cut when I really should. I think skoh beats me hands down there.

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2022-08-17 10:47 | Report Abuse

Thanks for your view on the shorter term market trends. Not a trader at all so I'll hang on to my plantation stocks in the meantime pending quarterly earnings results and market response. Election theme stocks can be risky plays.