
Berlin | Joined since 2015-06-03

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2022-08-16 14:49 | Report Abuse

@Mikecyc; Yes, pledge account means shares in the account are pledged as collateral for loans; most likely for share purchases and is subject to margin requirements.


2022-08-16 10:55 | Report Abuse

@JJPTR; Surely the bank nominee company cannot deal with clients' shares as they please without their clients instructions or explicit consent? That includes clients pledged shares bought on margin and registered in bank nominee company.

News & Blogs

2022-08-13 18:17 | Report Abuse

@anthonytkh; I think you are right. Better for my mental health to let the person continue to be what he is and just ignore his sometimes absurd posts and annoying idiosyncrasy. Going to the pub to have an ice cold beer this really hot day. You have a good day yourself.

News & Blogs

2022-08-13 17:07 | Report Abuse

Calvin; You really are a narcissistic clown. I don't care how much you buy or what price you buy at. The question was whether it was wrong to exhort investors to buy at high prices in April/May 2022 when industry experts were predicting CPO prices will decline but of course the narcissist in you will never admit to being wrong. Yes, you exhibit defining symptoms of a narcissistic personality with all the accompanying traits of being prideful, insecure, defensive, manipulative, needing constant admiration and of course the I-cannot-be-wrong syndrome. But do not fear. A skilled psychotherapist can treat the condition in time.

News & Blogs

2022-08-13 14:27 | Report Abuse

Calvin: I am asking you, so do me the courtesy of answering directly. If not, I shall draw my own conclusions about you and post them if need be.

News & Blogs

2022-08-13 12:31 | Report Abuse

@Calvintaneng; Can you discern the difference between buying at 1.80 in April and buying at 1.15 in August 2022? Or are you never wrong, just temporarily mistaken for time will prove you to be right?

News & Blogs

2022-08-13 11:11 | Report Abuse

@Calvintaneng ; Were you wrong in April/May 2022 when you exhorted investors to load up on and hold tight TSH and other palm oil stocks at very high prices even as industry experts predicted CPO prices at RM7000 were not sustainable and would decline?


2022-08-12 15:39 | Report Abuse

@See_Research; Your note to chon888 on how to get out of penthouse priced stocks is obviously well meant. Yes, that is pragmatic advice and not some pie in the sky fantasy. Keep up with it and leave the pied piper to his opiate dreams. Time and events will reveal the fakes, the charlatans and the insane in this thread.


2022-08-12 12:43 | Report Abuse

@Bryanish; Be reminded of Tan Wee Chai & family buying Topglove in their personal capacities as well as huge share buybacks not too long ago. Were they wrong? Yes, most definitely yes, their pockets and the company's coffers tell them so now. Some of their friends suffered as well.


2022-08-12 12:32 | Report Abuse

@skoh888; Yes, Money Heist the original Spanish but not the insipid copycat Korean version which obviously has little originality. A repeat loses impact, constant repeats become annoying and never ending repeats are the product of a sick mind. Reminds us of someone here,


2022-08-12 11:01 | Report Abuse

@See_Research; Excuse me for intruding but I really think we should call a truce. Really unproductive and pointless to critique Calvin for he has serious issues that only he can resolve. Do not descend to his level. Peace, one and all and let's get back to investing not personal warfare.


2022-08-05 19:34 | Report Abuse

@skoh; Your friends may have good judgement and your bank manager surely knows your account balance but I wouldn't trust Calvin's on both counts.


2022-08-05 19:30 | Report Abuse

PSA; The claim Calvin made was that free shares were given to a hardworking worker who held it till retirement. Not directors but some poor sod who worked for decades in the company.


2022-08-05 16:59 | Report Abuse

Vinsanity returns again. I have never heard of a public listed company that gave free shares to employees. Stock options, yes, but you need to shell out good money to exercise it before expiry. Pray tell us the name of this wonderful company from fantasy land - surely not Disney?


2022-08-05 10:50 | Report Abuse

@skoh....everyone loves an NBA champ! I was a Lakers fan for many years until Golden State came along in recent times. Cheers.


2022-08-05 10:23 | Report Abuse

@skoh888; you an NBA basketball fan?


2022-08-05 10:08 | Report Abuse

The deceptive and oft repeated inane comments on TSH have become insane in its repetition and can be labelled as vinsanity. This is the hallmark of a deeply disturbed individual who cannot accept he has been wrong and continues to insist he is right, or will be proven right if enough time is allowed to pass.


2022-08-02 10:59 | Report Abuse

@skoh888; I am fine, comrade, and trust you are too. Keeping a healthy mind and sound values; just like you.


2022-08-02 10:56 | Report Abuse

Read 'A Memoir' but learnt nothing from it.


2022-08-02 10:51 | Report Abuse

Shut your trap, Calvin, and preserve your teetering sanity. Robert Kuok rode on the sugar wagon to make his first fortune in 1963 speculating on the London sugar market. Palm oil came later, much later, and Kuok gave the credit is given to his nephew for building up Wilmar. Read Robert Kuok's 'A Memoir' published 2013 to gain some insight into a great business mind.


2022-08-01 16:02 | Report Abuse

Vinsanity strikes again!


2022-08-01 15:16 | Report Abuse

Someone here has a bad case of "vinsanity" but will deny it to his last day. The remedy is very simple but unattainable due to some peculiar personality disorder that prevents him from accepting having been wrong and moving on.


2022-07-18 09:32 | Report Abuse

An obscure news report from Indonesia mentioned the discovery by fishermen off the coast of Bali of a UFO (unidentified floating object) over the weekend. Upon hauling the object, which resembled a large water tight tong, on board and opening its hatch, they found a near delirious man inside mumbling words to the effect of "buy kaw kaw, die die hold". Wanting to help but being very superstitious creatures, the fishermen decided to cast the tong back into the sea with some water and food provisions for its occupant. The UFO has not been sighted since but scientists surmise prevailing winds and tides will bring to shore somewhere on Bali island.


2022-07-14 09:13 | Report Abuse

@skoh888 ; Thanks for the good thoughts. Same same for all. Survive the downturn and prosper in the next upturn. Don't fight market trends, ride along with it.


2022-07-14 08:58 | Report Abuse

Looked into the 'tong sampah' this morning and guess what I found? One miserable excuse of a human being skulking there now that TSH has become a penny stock below RM1. Now don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against TSH or any plantation stock but you don't go against market trends and expect to be a winner.


2022-07-06 09:25 | Report Abuse

I am leaving my TSH, HSPlant, JTiasa in the freezer together with I3Investor for the rest of 2022 or till something positive happens. Nothing one can do pursuing a lost cause. Good luck, one and all.


2022-07-06 09:18 | Report Abuse

If he can't sway you by a dispassionate distillation of facts and logical arguments, he thinks he can by obfuscation, endless repetition, selective analogies and the like. What a character! Why not just admit wrong for once and move on. There's life away from the palm oil estate and the vagaries of the market.


2022-07-05 14:41 | Report Abuse

@See_Research...How can anyone dazzled by the gold in palm oil look up to see danger when walking under a building being renovated? He can see giant treasure under the ground but not debris falling from the sky. He has selective sight and hearing but a diminished bank account for sure. But he's not wrong; the treasure is somewhere nearby!


2022-07-04 09:22 | Report Abuse

"Those whom the Gods would destroy, they first make mad". Sadly, there is evidence of such madness in this thread. Take care, all.


2022-07-01 11:03 | Report Abuse

@JJPTR; You the man!


2022-07-01 10:56 | Report Abuse

What should investors do? They may love TSH at 1.00 but hate having bought it at 1.80, 1.70, 1.60, 1.50, 1.40,130


2022-07-01 10:31 | Report Abuse

After selling in 1Q2022 and early part of 2Q2022 at prices from 1.80, 1.70, 1.60, 1.50, 1.40, 1.30 for TSH, why shouldn't GLICs buy back around RM1 now? Makes complete sense to me. Those investors who heeded buy kaw kaw, die die hold calls are the losers.

News & Blogs

2022-06-27 12:33 | Report Abuse

@kcchongnz; That's why I have respect for you but not for KYY whose self professed good intentions and veneer of philanthropy hide much darker motives. The man is no super investor; more of a snake oil salesman. Past painful experience has taught me that much.


2022-06-27 11:17 | Report Abuse

@JJPTR; One other substantial seller is EPF which used to hold over 100 million TSH shares. But then EPF has also sold many other stocks this year to raise cash to meet contributors' redemption. I am also bemused by the shareholder changes in TSH and can't figure why.


2022-06-27 11:08 | Report Abuse

@skoh888; yea, the alter ego hypothesis is as good as any. We are all stabbing in the dark. Looking for some entertainment this morning.


2022-06-27 11:03 | Report Abuse

Willingly do the lambs go to the slaughter for they follow the great leader who can do no wrong! It is a certain personality type who follows without question.


2022-06-27 10:59 | Report Abuse

@skoh888; Just have an interest in these leadership types and how they can get certain types of people to follow them, to death even. I can't even get my children to listen to me now that they are adults!


2022-06-27 10:31 | Report Abuse

@See-Research ; Sounds like Calvin may have in the Eagle Group a compliant devotee following similar to cult figures like Jim Jones, Charles Manson, David Koresh, Shoko Asahara, Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh and more. None can question the great leader, all must hear and obey or else be expelled.

News & Blogs

2022-06-27 09:07 | Report Abuse

Why does KYY still write despite being consistently wrong in his recent stock calls and being savaged by readers? I think he has nothing else meaningful to engage his remaining time. He also craves the attention writing stock articles garners. He may have lost so much money following his own calls there is little left for charity. Like many previously successful stock speculators, he went up the mountain once too often and finally met a tiger. Welcome back, kc.


2022-06-26 12:46 | Report Abuse

@skoh888...doing ok, thanks. Got some free Sunday afternoon time so took a peek at TSH thread and got knocked back with the amount of traffic in the last week.


2022-06-26 12:39 | Report Abuse

@DJThong; Calvin is like the pied piper, making delusive but enticing claims, leading novices to disaster with irresponsible predictions.


2022-06-26 12:34 | Report Abuse

@DJThong ; you have my utmost sympathy. The stock market is a merciless place; full of fakes, charlatans, con artists, egomaniacs and like scum. Many investors have gone through the dilemma you now face when holding too much high priced stock. Cutting loss to reduce debt is very painful but sometimes necessary for survival. I still hold palm oil stocks but have no borrowing so can tough out bad times. The market will recover in time but this abject lesson must never be forgotten. It is very difficult to make money in the stock market and anyone who tells you otherwise does not have your interest at heart.


2022-06-21 09:08 | Report Abuse

@Calvin; please do us a favour and reply to See Research's comments. He talks sense, you talk nonsense. No more of your wild schoolboy claims else you become the everlasting butt of jokes.


2022-06-20 09:48 | Report Abuse

Calvin was digging a deep hole looking for giant treasure in a Sarawak oil palm plantation. Alas, the deeper he dug, the more unstable the surrounding earth became, and he ran away, leaving all his fellow treasure hunters behind to fend for themselves. Did'nt do his groundwork but won't admit to it.


2022-06-14 12:35 | Report Abuse

Calvin stubbornly holding on to bad/wrong calls, yes, but a deliberate tool of syndicates? That's a new one for me. But this does explain a few things from his past. And the present.


2022-06-14 10:29 | Report Abuse

@skoh888 ; The heavenly one is the last refuge for many a scoundrel who will admit to no wrong. All humans err and to admit wrong is part and parcel of the learning process.


2022-06-14 10:25 | Report Abuse

@calvin ; once again, do rebut SEE Research factually and point by point.


2022-06-14 10:21 | Report Abuse

@SEE Research ; Thumbs up!


2022-06-14 09:46 | Report Abuse

Pied piper - one who offers strong but delusive enticement


2022-06-13 13:02 | Report Abuse

Nothing personal, I call it as I see it.