
ChasingDreamz | Joined since 2015-09-07

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2024-03-26 21:54 | Report Abuse

tolwer low and lower high.


2016-03-16 10:29 | Report Abuse

haha chill lah. Just out pn17. U think so easy meh to get out?.


2016-03-16 05:24 | Report Abuse

losing money company. do noe why ppls buy.


2016-03-16 04:57 | Report Abuse

Uzir guy rupanya tgh beli wzsatu. Need money loh dump tmakmur.


2016-03-16 04:06 | Report Abuse

Refer to FKLI, talks in cpo circles, relate to monthly production figures, cyclical nature of cpo price etc. Study all these, not listening to ghost next to you.


2016-03-11 09:32 | Report Abuse

the worst liar is those investment bank call. They give buy call when they want to dispose, and vice versa. Iv learnt it the hard way. if price still up even after they say buy, its just ur pure luck.


2016-03-08 16:42 | Report Abuse

of coz la up, see MYR cant fight lower than 4.09 against USD. short term now all export folow forex rate. buying stocks but feels like playing forex pun ada


2016-07-03 13:25 | Report Abuse

gosh. srsly have to close eye la these days. Almost sell just now. I know it will up, but haiyo still need to work on my human instinct.


2016-03-07 09:08 | Report Abuse

Say whatever u want. Deep down we all know this is a good company. N dip in price are simply oppurtunity. And srsly dude,it makes urself looks pathetic just bcoz u manage to made some few ticks, while others are still keeping for long term. Get a life bruh. Some ppls here made 50ticks keeping long term, so calm ur tits and just gtfo if u have out of the counter.


2016-03-06 23:49 | Report Abuse

me hold from last year. Scaling in and out few times. Buy on weakness. Took up the right orders. Once got out PN17, can soar. Long term counters.


2016-03-02 01:20 | Report Abuse

Net profit increased are from one off disposal in china(which wont recur in nxt quarte). And the priced-in potential of china expansion are written off from the share price. Thus it explained the fall in share price.


2016-02-25 23:04 | Report Abuse

uncle say sell, u sell. Aunty say buy, u buy. Haha funny ppls. Ppls like this is the one losing money. Everytime buy must have set cutloss alrdy. Not cutloss when someone call for sell.


2016-02-24 10:33 | Report Abuse

See recent peers quarter reports. And ringgit still nibbling above 4 in past 3 months. Dun try to trick ppls to sell low to you. Hate ppls like this.


2016-02-24 10:05 | Report Abuse

Panic sell in good company are always welcomed


2016-02-24 03:45 | Report Abuse

@shazali, Most of the times,rumor as it names suggest, its just 'rumors'. I heard rumors hevea very outstanding. Nvrtheless, let see how price moves. iF dropping, go out, if up, stay in. But dont forget, even u sell, theres ppls buying and they have their reason. Same goes with when ur sell, theres ppls buying n they also hv their reason. If u make money, u win. Ppls who bought ur shares, also makes money if price go higher. So who loose?, ppls who bought at peak and later price go down.


2016-02-23 19:17 | Report Abuse

@richkid, U are scared bcoz bet ur whole pants when u enter. I only allocate my socks but i see i can get whole custome-tailored suit. Thats why its i can keep calm. Worst case i only lost my socks, and if its the other way around, i can get so much better. If i managed to get this whole suit, later ill get out and go other counter, and maybe allocate only my necktie. I hope u got what im trying to say.


2016-02-23 15:30 | Report Abuse

let them be. Later all regret bcoz sell too early.


2016-02-22 10:08 | Report Abuse

Buy low sell high. Gratz everyone =D


2016-06-28 08:59 | Report Abuse

We buy low sell high, thus cut loss is small. Dun chase price, iv learnt it the hard way


2016-02-04 09:39 | Report Abuse

fahmi jaes only know to type buy/sell/run.


2016-01-28 15:20 | Report Abuse

Company is using cash-call for future income. I read the booklet ady, looks promising and convincing. Plus, eggs aint reusable stuff. Buy low sell high. Just wait n see. TA also looks good. Buy on retracement.


2016-01-27 22:46 | Report Abuse

@murali increased consumption during festive season.


2016-01-27 21:48 | Report Abuse

litigation came in. Let it rest first before re-enter


2016-01-22 15:54 | Report Abuse

So many new ID created just to bash this counter. New id only have 3-4 comments on Dsonic only. I guess this is new generation of clowns, no more old-gen like ranjit that uses stupid and laughable words like 'head choped off and fall to ground'. They sounds more convincing and uses highly-tailored words that replies to real investor here.


2016-01-29 07:54 | Report Abuse

Buy low sell high. U all buy high sell low. Iv avrged 3 times ady today. Come to papa, ill ave down again if touch 1.10.


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Im waiting Fahmi Bin Jaes typing 'sell'. Haha


2016-01-21 09:24 | Report Abuse

haha all bilis die la. We ave down.


2016-01-15 10:05 | Report Abuse

735 strong resistance. Lets watch these few days ahead


2016-01-14 14:44 | Report Abuse

Who bought at hammer pattern early december like me angkat tgn!!. 'Buy low sell high'. I always go by this rule =D


2016-01-13 15:35 | Report Abuse

I Hope someone buy my story when i posted this few days before

"time to buy. Buy low sell high. nvr forget this rule. Tabung haji keep disposing?. yea rite. One of basic things in stock market is volume analysing. Its simple but once u get the gist of it, can sometimes be ur best ally. Tabung Haji bought 4m on 18dec, and sell only around 100k even up to 30dec(today). See few days around the aquiring date, who do u think trying to trick ppls and try to buy cheap?.
30/12/2015 23:29"

Gratz who did

Btw Up_down. Oh okay, i think i shuld start doin it for every sector then. No pain No gain =(


2016-01-13 09:52 | Report Abuse

UP_Down can u giv me link to wesite that group company into their bussiness-subtype like u wrote up here?. Or if u have, can u email me?.


2016-01-13 09:45 | Report Abuse

Iv been watching many ID's here. Some are Clown, some are lalang.

lalang= bila naik, cakap bagus. Maybe sebab die mmg baru beli. when down, they trash talk, sebab nak sedapkan hati and ajak org lain jual

Clown= no matter what, always badmouth the counter. And their vocab are so damn funny.

u guys see for urself. Can see clearly whose clown whos lalang.


2016-01-08 12:24 | Report Abuse

those alrdy sell, just get off from here. No need to cari kawan/geng2 sebb nk sedapkan hati dah jual. We whom bought low still in-money even dip alot. It dip we buy. thnx selling to us cheap.


2016-01-06 16:44 | Report Abuse

kelanajaya u just shaddup man. Before this,u said good, and buy3. Then said its hopeless. Now said good again. Ppls like u probably are the one that keep losing money. Nvr make up their minds.


2015-12-31 16:52 | Report Abuse

nooobnnew I usually buy high, sell low, in order to make some losses! At least I will sell at RM1.30 before it hit RM1.25!
31/12/2015 16:47

OMG man, really?! KAHKAHKAH omg ur even worst than najib. Ur jokes have improved. Keep up the good work!


2015-12-31 09:45 | Report Abuse

Stop chasing price guys. I can see clearly from tape u guys chasing. haizz


2015-12-30 23:29 | Report Abuse

time to buy. Buy low sell high. nvr forget this rule. Tabung haji keep disposing?. yea rite. One of basic things in stock market is volume analysing. Its simple but once u get the gist of it, can sometimes be ur best ally. Tabung Haji bought 4m on 18dec, and sell only around 100k even up to 30dec(today). See few days around the aquiring date, who do u think trying to trick ppls and try to buy cheap?.Im sad that if its true the pilgrimage funds that manage ppls goin to holy kaabah also resort to such tactics.


2015-12-30 23:15 | Report Abuse

I literally laugh at ur comment munhou. Nice one =D


2015-12-30 16:22 | Report Abuse

pisangkuat. yeah man, so many clowns. I dont bother fighting anymore, wasting my energy. Ill just enjoy the free show now. Malas nak bash. let em make fools of themselves.


2015-12-30 15:36 | Report Abuse

kickstart engine. slowly will gain momentum.


2015-12-30 15:03 | Report Abuse

hahaha i havent seen such clowns tis fool ever!. so entertaining. ~eating popcorn~


2015-12-30 10:41 | Report Abuse

i wonder how many ppls actually read those info in the offer letter. Nvm, lets all harvest our eggs nxt year =D


2015-12-29 17:13 | Report Abuse

yup soros. I kinda want to turn tis counter from mid-term to long term. lets see how things work out tmrrw =D


2015-12-29 17:12 | Report Abuse

haiz stupid mouse prob. earlier double post, then delete one, also double delete. nvm lah, lets watch closely tmrrw. Good thing for me i notice volume surge on dat doji.


2015-12-29 17:09 | Report Abuse

Ok guys chillax. Dont bash the clowns so hard, later ppls think u oso clown.


2015-12-29 16:18 | Report Abuse

i feel u bro. waiting since morning at 140, dint touch..


2015-12-29 10:20 | Report Abuse

So many invincible net at 1.40/1.41. Iv been staring at the buy que, and orders appear when its nearing and dissapear when price increased. Come on la jokers, theres already announcement, are u rly expecting price will drop to level before announce?. Oh well nvm tho, jokers actually another way i use for confirmation. so yeah, pls go on. Those trash talks actually comfort me so much


2015-12-29 10:10 | Report Abuse

omg im just having so much fun enjoying these clowns perfomance. Gratz guys, uv improved alot in terms of funny, but still lacks so much in convincing power tho


2015-12-29 10:09 | Report Abuse

HAHAHA 'Listen to Jesus, sell all your Dsonic shares before the doomsday!'?!!!. omg this quote beats ranjit's ' head choped off and fall to ground'!


2015-12-28 14:47 | Report Abuse

haha for the first time clowns created id name similar to mine to play hooky and sour-graping this counter. im flattered lol