
Chipee | Joined since 2023-02-16

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2023-12-14 19:00 | Report Abuse

Ya la .. just checked the MACD .... at breakeven point. Can go higher.


2023-12-14 18:58 | Report Abuse

Ya ka? OK lor .. Resistance 2.1 ... I likey :)


2023-12-14 17:39 | Report Abuse

Kossan must break resistance 1.85


2023-12-12 17:56 | Report Abuse

Then makan ayam from gerai2 lor .... no worries

Still boikot mcd and kfc, ayam tak laku di indonesia and malaysia lo


2023-12-12 17:55 | Report Abuse

H1N1 not from Malaysia or ASEAN region. Maybe they hv to buy chicken from LHI ....

"Hong Kong has suspended imports of poultry meat and products from parts of the United States, Britain and Poland following outbreaks of highly pathogenic H5N1 bird flu."


2023-12-12 17:51 | Report Abuse

I never trust analyst TP. THey have they own agenda.


Lol, Kenanga's TP is ridiculously low


2023-12-11 14:25 | Report Abuse

And I see natural gas is ranging around USD2.50. Good.
This was the cost that caused losses to Msia gloves.


2023-12-10 12:02 | Report Abuse

Covid hospitalization increase in US and Europe. It comes in wave. Hopefully use up all old gloves and restocking is in order.


2023-12-07 21:09 | Report Abuse

I think expectation of decision by MyCC fines on 5 poultry feed companies coming year end. If LHI found guilty, fine is Rm154mill. But I don't think there will be a fine. Soy meal and corn price when up . Of coz price of chicken feed goes up. This MyCC simply abuse power ... KNN!


2023-12-07 09:26 | Report Abuse

This current ups and downs ... I take it as normal trading pattern. I ignore it. Does not upset me.


2023-12-07 09:25 | Report Abuse

Lu ho liao ... And lu are correct. Kossan is good. I'm excited to see Q4 result ... But hv to wait Feb 24 ... Some more dragon year ... see got boost on sentiment boh? Hehehe...


Those condemned Kossan ask yourself why EPF buy Kossan not Harta, TopGlove or Supermax.


2023-12-05 10:51 | Report Abuse

Anyway this recent down price is due to Clarinden Investments Pte Ltd dumping shares. They are 3rd most LHI shares.


2023-12-05 10:45 | Report Abuse

LHI cannot control the market price. These has to do with anchor investors that hold the shares. Maybe they dump after their lock-in period expired. Nothing to do with LHI.


Please remember the IPO price for LHI is $1.10. The share price started to drop after second day of listing and never ever went above $1.10. So is right to say LHI is a conman company just like Malakoff. Am i right?


2023-12-05 08:10 | Report Abuse

Ya. I know. Don't count on "new virus". Have to wait for another 100 years.
Waiting for oversupply during covid to finish and back to pre-covid orders/demands.


Now covid is very mild nothing different with normal cold so gloves supply are normalize


2023-12-04 13:44 | Report Abuse

Why do you said that?


Better drop back to $0.50 cents. Really a conman company that like to con people. Investment bank should put it "sell" call instead of "buy" call.


2023-12-04 09:58 | Report Abuse

LHI had reduced their capex. The free cash flow as this quarter 743mil. By end of the year will be close to 1 bill. To me this is favourable bcoz they will be reducing their debt. This quarter they reduced their debt by Rm255mill q-to-q


2023-12-04 08:53 | Report Abuse

Nobody is hoping for NEW VIRUS la.... Case goes up, usage of gloves goes up.
Common sense la.... Ohio and Europe increase cases of pneumonia due to bacteria. U think we hope for kids to die ... Wahlau eh!


2023-12-01 09:25 | Report Abuse

And another thing ... TopGlove is the biggest glove producer in the world.
In normal/good market condition and demand is strong, TopGlove is favourable becoz they somewhat decide the ASP. Being the biggest producer and economy of scale, they can make profit via volume play.

But in bad condition (low demand aka low volume), their high overhead cost becomes a problem. They have to maintain a certain ASP which becomes favourable to smaller players. In this situation, smaller players can achieve profit first. And if demand keep staying weak ... smaller players are favourable. Hartalega proves this fact to be true when the shutdown their Bestari Jaya plants. And the next quarter (Q3), Harta becomes profitable. So Kossan, Harta and Supermax is in sweet spot when it comes to production capacity size.... for current demand condition. I believe Supermax make a loss in Q3 bczo of their US venture.


2023-12-01 09:00 | Report Abuse

That's a very good point. Thx


Customer stock bought during Covid time either already expired or near expiry because medical glove`s shelf life is about 3 years. You will see demand back to pre Covid time very soon. ASP price will be going up due to demand normalized.


2023-12-01 08:59 | Report Abuse

But as of now and uncertain market condition ... Kossan is sitting pretty.
We know most of the world is in negative GDP. Companies with strong cash position is very favourable.


2023-12-01 08:57 | Report Abuse

Yeah. No doubt. But we look at how their strive in challenging situation. I would look at that EPS, NTA and ROI....during good times (pre-covid). And you only burn cash if you make a loss. Kossan and Harta are profitable. They are sitting on cash, making them easier to go through hard times and lower debt. Once profit are more consistent from quarter to quarter ... they can decide what to do with it ... share buy back, special dividend, green energy tech etc ....


Thanks, but you have forgotten the basics......EPS, NTA and ROI.....just sitting on a pile of Cash won't work as they are burning cash.


2023-12-01 08:51 | Report Abuse

1 Kossan: Q3 Profit 41mill. Cash 2+bill.

2 Hartalega Q3 Profit 29mill. Cash 1.6+bill, Production capacity similar to Kossan. Use to be favourite for dividend payment but Harta cannot pay similar dividends anymore.
Harta used to be more efficient in production but the lower profit (comapre to Kossan) might suggest Kossan had stepped up their game in efficiency.

3 Supermax: Q3 make a loss. Cash 1.6+bill, Production capacity similar to Kossan. Mistake to invest in US. US is problematic with labour unions (high labour cost) and strict regulations.

4. Top Glove: Q3 make a loss. Lowest cash among the 4. Production capacity is high but utilization rate is low, hence overhead fixed cost is high causing net loss. Should demand goes back to pre-covid, then maybe TopGlove can reclaim no. 1.


2023-12-01 07:49 | Report Abuse

Ranking change
1 Kossan
2 Hartalega
3 Supermax
4. Top Glove


Previously Kossan belong to top 4 or no 4 gloves company. After Covid-19 pandemic, Kossan become top 2? Even previous taikor TopGlove cannot make profit yet.


2023-11-30 21:07 | Report Abuse

Market take Msia glove industry as a whole. Wah lau .... each individual company is different ler. So Kossan must show good profits in subsequent quarters to prove that they are better glove company in Msia.


2023-11-30 10:19 | Report Abuse

Hmmm ... I don't think so lor...


Support 1.50 followed by 1.35.


2023-11-30 09:17 | Report Abuse

Kanasai ... Supermax loss money affect Kossan meh?
THat;s why I said Kossan is better managed compare to all the glove companies.


2023-11-29 10:29 | Report Abuse

We will see such high profit from Q to Q bcoz LHI is done with expansion. With lower capex, net profit can be high. Now is time to recuperate profit from their investment.


2023-11-29 10:18 | Report Abuse

Supermax sleeping ka ? ZZZZZ
Where is QR?


2023-11-29 10:15 | Report Abuse

Volume for today looks small for EPF or Abrdn to be involved.
Scenario may change after lunch.


2023-11-28 20:32 | Report Abuse

Aik? ... EPF buy 700K units ...
Hmmm ... I think they are trading in and out. If net is buy price shld be up.
Hoping to buy at lower price I think.


2023-11-28 20:30 | Report Abuse

Abrdn, EPF and Director selling. ... sigh... why ler?


2023-11-25 15:06 | Report Abuse

THere's a reason Msia is top in gloves. I suspect is good Msia quality. China and Thailand took 5% was due to glove shortage during covid. They might come back for the same quality reason.


2023-11-24 21:36 | Report Abuse

Ciak sai liao ... nevermind la ... wait for Q4.


Taikor aberdeen cash out yor fuiyoh


2023-11-24 15:38 | Report Abuse

Totally agree. Harta is valued more bcoz they pay better dividend than Kossan on historic basis. But I think Harta cannot sustain the same dividend payout anymore.

Harta outstanding shares: 3.417bill. Cash position: 1.6+ bill
Kossan outstanding shares: 2.557 bill. Cash position: 2+ bill

Harta production capacity been cut to almost Kossan level. Kossan made 2x net profit than Harta in Q3.

Either Kossan price go above Harta or Harta price drop below Kossan. This rely on sentiment.


2023-11-23 21:03 | Report Abuse

Then have to wait next quarter result.


2023-11-23 14:34 | Report Abuse

Never trust analysts. They have their own agenda.


2023-11-22 03:56 | Report Abuse

EPF is buying. Lets see Kossan go up.


2023-11-20 11:17 | Report Abuse

Supermax when release quarter result?


Waiting for Supermax Q if sui can ride on


2023-11-17 15:22 | Report Abuse

Flush out all that wanna sell. Just watch if Arbedeen and Kossan directors sell.


2023-11-16 16:04 | Report Abuse

I think Kossan make a big mistake. Should announce some dividend. Small dividend also nevermind. Show some confidence.


2023-11-16 15:59 | Report Abuse

Go and Google lor ...


Got so high meh? When was that?

I see highest was 1.3 in 2012


2023-11-16 15:46 | Report Abuse

Hmmm ... to see hor ... China had US Treasuries USD 3 trillion.
Now China has USD800mill of US Treasuries or Foreign reserves.
Can China loss money? Nevermind la hor. ... We see what happen.


2023-11-16 15:43 | Report Abuse

Hahaha. .... ok ok .. You win. Long Live China. ..😂


2023-11-16 15:36 | Report Abuse

Now we see if Kossan directors sell their shares in this good news.


2023-11-16 15:31 | Report Abuse

To continue ... China quality lower. So if CHina improve on quality meaning increase raw material... their cost would be at par with Msia. Meaning they have to increase ASP to be profitable. So is China a big threat? ... maybe ... from lower labour cost.

To me ... China and Msia don't have much room to play when it comes to cost.


2023-11-16 15:19 | Report Abuse

Sure. Capacity Utilisation is important. But that is from reported data. Everybody can see and make a decision. And from Kossan Q3 profit shows they managed their fixed cost well.

For me, to make money, we have to speculate future data, mainly demand and existing customers' stocks. If they need restock means gloves make money. From the improving gloves numbers, demand is back and customers' stock is lower.

Andre Kua

Actually do you know how to calculate whether or not glove is worth buying??? Based on QR??? LOL...

You have a rough estimate of their annual capacity. Use that to calculate based on guesstimate pricing for bulk 1000 pcs pricing. Then compare with their revenue and you will get a rough figure about ASP and if ASP is showing sign of rise. Use the base bulk pricing calculation of USD20-25/1000pcs to guess their current capacity utilisation.


2023-11-16 15:14 | Report Abuse

Actually China also make NBR gloves. So their raw material cost is same as Msia.
But their quality is lower ... meaning thinner gloves. Meaning use lesser raw material.


2023-11-16 15:00 | Report Abuse

Different usage. NBR for medical and high-end. Latex maybe food preparation or butchering facilities. Both has it's market. NBR more expensive lor.


Right... Latex market is worse off.

Why TG never convert to NBR? No foresight?


2023-11-16 14:55 | Report Abuse

Cannot compare Kossan and TopGlove.
TopGLove = Latex gloves ...
Kossan = 75% NBR Gloves, 25% latex gloves.