
Chrollo | Joined since 2013-11-27

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2014-12-18 10:45 | Report Abuse

The first miracle I guess should be the 2013 quarter report muahahaha coming soooooooooooooonnnnn


2014-08-30 17:42 | Report Abuse

Rashid, alot of technical term makes me confuse @_@ I need to do more research..
Yeap, thats why financial statement only gives one part of the information.. still much more to learn.. i suck at recent news and happening of the world =.= aihhh


2014-12-27 10:23 | Report Abuse

What is posted in accounts are after all just numbers.. if numbers can describe a value of a company then all accountants in the world would be very rich.. Therefore, i believe those with the ability and knowledge to see whats coming in the next 10 years would be the one winning all the numbers and calculations.. hehe See not the Past, See not the present, but See the future and enjoy the present time..


2014-01-18 13:03 | Report Abuse

Based on projected earnings of 2.26 cents in 2014.. I would say the value would be around 70 cents to rm1 being quite optimistic. .using a projected growth of 8.5% as pessimistic growth and 12% as optimistic growth..but if it were to take into account the debt free position and a NA of 15 cents. .However this is just after coming out of pn17. .what's more after that we can't see unless someone here has a farsight which would be very good to share with us..hehehe


2014-01-18 16:52 | Report Abuse

I read through their reports and also media releases added with presentation alongside with audio releases.. strategist and noraini, is all their earnings only dependent on the field profit? Or they are seeking new projects also..because based on their projected eps for 2013 and 2014, it's not so amazing unless there is some form of injection from Markmore.. upon lifting of pn17 sumatec would be debt free which is good news and would love to see how they are rolling out the new plan..Chris Dalton seems like a very reliable guy highly commendable based on HS shortlisting him as CEO..


2014-01-17 23:10 | Report Abuse

i like your statement HAHAH ok time to read some books and do some analysis


2014-01-17 22:47 | Report Abuse

strategist.. true true..


2014-01-17 22:48 | Report Abuse

eric write book no need english good.. Robert Kiyosaki english not good also but he just write down his idea and all later give specialist correct and write story based on his ideas.. u can do the same ma..


2014-10-29 15:22 | Report Abuse

good and inspiring story eric.. but there is one flaw in your investing method.. dont hold losses past 10% like your AT.. it will cost u opportunity cost of time and money..drop 70% adi need to increase 300% to get back to the point u buy..


2014-01-17 22:41 | Report Abuse

Strategist the problem with 1k lot is its very expensive...A rm 10 share cause rm10k. .sell also hard..lucky they make 100 if not we teenagers pokerface adi hahah


2014-11-19 07:32 | Report Abuse

Eric u gay ah why got balls 2 balls massage ee ee eye hahahah


2014-01-17 22:20 | Report Abuse

Dream hunter. .The wealth management book is titled the richest man in babylon? ? Or the king Solomon? ? They teach to save one tenth of the salary..which I feel not enough. .


2014-01-17 22:18 | Report Abuse

Yeap I understand flybird...its from bill gates..very those who blame themselves being born poor so cannot be rich..They are just giving excuse and being lazy


2023-11-24 22:29 | Report Abuse

Unless u stay with your parents..u cannot save 70 percent lol..eric cb ur salary less one zero is it hahabahba 14500 is it


2014-01-30 14:40 | Report Abuse

And they say Malaysians with rm 1k can't survive. .eric can survive with cash accumulated somemore. .shows that not people cannot they are too lazy to learn how to survive and depended on government too much


2014-01-01 09:03 | Report Abuse

Flybird diu u copy ppl wan AhahabbaAhahahAHAHAH


2014-01-15 17:58 | Report Abuse

Eric it's just a joke lol knn u haven't answer me u say 1k per month 5 years u compound the FD also cannot get 100k la lol hahahaha and u got b2b massage some more kns hahaha


2014-01-17 22:02 | Report Abuse

Hayashi memang imba at least got few hundred k cash lol 18 years old only lol more cash than Eric hahahahah


2014-01-17 21:26 | Report Abuse

Good le last time kampung got de maintain like strategist no le kampung place kena sapu ady now no liao..nowadays neighbour all hide de..bagus got such lifestyle..hahaha me ah my daddy is 5 series lol..I'm 2 series..


2014-01-17 20:01 | Report Abuse

strategist, good neighbour wow hhaha nowadays most neighbours mostly hide in home lolll and no appear wan.. neighbourhood sudah gone case


2014-02-13 08:26 | Report Abuse

-,- lollll yao mou u do big business where need to jaga for your neighbour lol


2014-01-17 19:25 | Report Abuse

strategist soooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnn btw CNY where u go for holiday hahah

News & Blogs

2014-01-17 18:13 | Report Abuse

kcc, which website do you suggest is good that they contains key financial data?? or must we get those data only from annual report??


2014-01-17 18:10 | Report Abuse

strategist, what's cooking?


2014-01-17 18:04 | Report Abuse

Invest, out of all the names mentioned by u. I am the most weak hearted so not deserved to be mention as persistent for now..haha am still struggling to find certain number for research and stuff..I'm happy few seniors here can guide me and give me some confidence..There are too many things I can't see in the stock market coz my experience is so low.. hahah yes ecoworld is a very good counter..I regretted I never enter but due to insufficient funds ;( so jelly u all entered and happy at same time too hahaha

News & Blogs

2014-01-17 17:53 | Report Abuse

Yeap I know where u are getting into..nono i am not saying you kepoh haha coz I have many new fren who entered market just new and expect one day up 30% partly due to stories of people telling that market provides immense return which is not fully true... when I tell ppl yearly consistent earnings of 20 percent is considered good but they expect one year explode 1000 percent.. so I understand why u said that the statement of 1000 % return would seduce newbies into gambling in stock market.. btw thanks for the direction kcc.. appreciate your help..did u scroll through annual report or just find from there?? =) btw what Mr koon said is correct of the future prospect point having explosive growth for first year and later on tayar pancit..

News & Blogs

2014-01-17 16:56 | Report Abuse

Hi kcc, I'm impress at the speed you found those data and also jot it down..could u maybe share some info on how u can find certain data so fast and compute them?? Just a new learner on value investing ^_^

News & Blogs

2014-01-17 16:54 | Report Abuse

Well I wanna say that 1000% return in 10 years would means a compounded annual compounded return of 25.89% and not 100% per annum as mentioned by wt222.. and let us not bombard vinext altho the way he delivers his idea may be swayed.. He may be using leveraging which increases his profit tremendously.. but all of this is just assumption.. like Mr koon said, let time be the witness in 3 years time and we will see how it performs.. and since he said he has mentee meant that indirectly he is a mentor of someone..let us all share and learn ideas instead of condemning people..happy Thaipusam people!
And btw if you all read buffett story, there is a few occasion he strikes 1000% return altho not in a year.


2014-01-16 20:15 | Report Abuse

Btw asamlaksa I am far from that top thingy. .just started out only 1 month on analysis..still far from that lol..I'm a learner like everyone here also ma hahahah ecoworlddddddd


2014-01-16 19:56 | Report Abuse

Dicky why u say the impostor is from sumatec? ?


2014-01-16 19:39 | Report Abuse

Asamlaksa yes! We hope more value investor can gather and share the way they fish! Give a man a fish he survives for a day, teach a man how to fish and he survive for the rest of his life! Hehe


2014-01-16 19:38 | Report Abuse

Later will try and see the pjdev as a training for me to read up annual report hehe.. btw will incorporate a few additional thing to hopefully enhance the screening process..


2014-01-16 19:37 | Report Abuse

Lol..strategist and looiks you all hehe and wel wel until quite funny hahah!!!
Dickyme, since tmr is Thaipusam let's make it a good day shall we? All of us are tired and if newbie wanna get info it's unfair for them to scan thru so much info right?? So let's not fight.. =)


2014-01-16 18:56 | Report Abuse

Hmmm looks the soon to be is first miracle? Or not miracle lai de just some glitters to add to the introduction miracle


2014-01-16 15:28 | Report Abuse

i think close 310 z z zz z z zZZZ


2014-01-16 15:17 | Report Abuse

Looiks said adi wan TRIM muscles ma not ADD muscles.. so expect trimming a bit noh.. Looiks the firework over ady??


2014-01-16 15:14 | Report Abuse

Noraini, nope no go anywhere for holidays lol.. i work then maybe can or ur company can sponsor me maybe xD


2014-01-16 15:12 | Report Abuse

kengfp u watch too much facebook video adi HAHAHAH dont watch too much will lower your IQ le! HAHAA i watch too much now i read kangkung as kangkang HAHAH


2014-01-16 15:03 | Report Abuse

btw invest1818, i read reports saying rubber price free falling and may benefit top glove, kossan, hartalega. what say u sifu of rubber!


2014-01-16 15:02 | Report Abuse

xxxx it seems someone go make new ID named Dicky_Me for no apparent reason and the original dicky tot its sumatarian =,= and thats how he appears and bombards people..
kengfp, im plug adi listening to girl moaning HAHAHAHAAHHAHA


2014-01-16 14:56 | Report Abuse

and i heard some people said that normally after cny in feb or march usually stocks are down.. guess we have to study back historical charts of KLCI to see when is bearish and when is not.. =/ small capital player like me memang need to work harder =.=


2014-01-16 14:54 | Report Abuse

invest1818 grats! im happy you are on the right track! i made a mistake again and i learn a new thing today.. never full invest 100% of your capital.. always leave 20-30% for in case shopping discount.. thats how i missed the Ecoworld discount today.. learned a new lesson again =/ btw KLCI broke the support point at 1818, LOL same as ur name.. yeap everyone pls watch out.. seemingly bearish.. if it breaks 1800 resistance point, better keep profit for not so steady counter.. for steady counter no problem.. btw HLCAP kena UMA by Bursa lol.. low float shares power really is geng.. so nice of u got few k ang pao! i go ur house bai nian ok hahahahah and now all the professors and professional all disappear after ecoworld rebounce.. when drop a bit u see them come again giving speeches hahaha


2014-01-16 13:58 | Report Abuse

There we go again..war zone. .All wear helmet and ear plug..coverrrrrrrr fire in the holeeeeee


2014-01-16 12:49 | Report Abuse

mmk I hold this stock for 2 months over ady and will continue to hold until after exit pn17 and more if nth goes wrong.. I'm not punterrrrrrrrr vrrrrrrr


2014-01-16 12:46 | Report Abuse

Noraini, now Australia Panas leeeee damm hot some more..more hotter than Malaysia I heard..better bring more water to cool down your body and hydrate more..


2014-01-16 12:44 | Report Abuse

Eric bro..knn I post the link for u to read ady la.. Lol 1m share only la no effect la on the 3.084b shares.. go read up what's the option for..on the positive side it helps the employees to have the same goal as the shareholder which is to increase shareholder's wealth.. but it's free for them so it's like a bonus..but altho it's a bonus..who wouldn't wan to be have bigger fatter bonus?? So..tadaaaa runnnnnNNNNNnNNNNNnnnnnn Eric runnnnnNNNNNnNNNNNnnnnnn fFlyyyyyyyy ffllYYYYYY