
Chrollo | Joined since 2013-11-27

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2014-01-13 10:36 | Report Abuse

ada tapi tak brape paham and how the get the list pun tak tau.. tapi worth a look at it.. no harm.. btw anyone interested in SBC? deeply undervalued with P/E 3 and also good fundamentals with a lot of land banks..


2014-01-12 23:24 | Report Abuse

Checked on HLCAP, really imba the increase.. but one thing funny is.. u see quite a number of days its untraded.. and the surge in price can be related to the surge in its earnings which jumped few times so its normal.. its a good stock but entering now quite dangerous as it broke past its pivot point so much adi.. quite fishy ah this stock.. for some reasong i feel fishy.. any sifu can enlighten and share with us on this stock?


2014-01-12 23:06 | Report Abuse

@chinesetea, maybe will affect a bit on the feng shui side.. but alot rich people bliff in feng shui lol... everytime i go rich people house they got a lot of feng shui stuff nia.. yeap true.. but maybe wont affect all la.. but it forms part of the equation i think..

@asamlaksa, yeah actually its not time to enter AEONCRT yet because i think it will further fall somemore.. those BAT,NESTLE all are ahpek stock but they are very stable.. low risk low return hahaha.. yeap we are young so we must dig growth stocks and not value stocks.. maybe value stocks can add on as a defensive stock to help balance.. but im quite a risk taker hehe..
hlcap for now not so good news yet coz just got news people go protest saying HLB is racist.. saying its not taking care of its union employees and got political thingy bla bla bla.. not sure will it affect or not.. but hlcap is one of the top rising stock last year.. QLC's stock really can consider.. his stock mostly all very bullish.. last year i rmb got one furniture shop by him also up very gao wan..


2014-01-10 23:20 | Report Abuse

@chinesetea thanks for the links and help! reading thru it.. like success, altho borrowing is high, its ok if its able to leverage it nicely.. from kcchongz testing, due to it uses 2 stocks as a FAIL for cold-eye test, 1 Pass and 1 Failed.. meaning does it shows that 50% will pass even if they failed cold-eye test? we do not know.. maybe need more stocks to see actually does it shows..


2014-01-10 23:00 | Report Abuse

@DickyMe, thats what happeneds in the Blumont Saga lor.. kesian those investors..


2014-01-10 22:52 | Report Abuse

I will post everyday if you all dont mind so u all can click easier..


2014-01-10 22:49 | Report Abuse

lol @chinesetea.. its in mandarin.. T_T aaaaa im banana zzz i wanna learn chinese adi zz


2014-01-10 22:34 | Report Abuse

Dec 18, 2018 listed above as maturity date


2014-01-10 22:29 | Report Abuse

Yeap we will remain this portfolio for this year.. but actually i went and check on Genting's fundamental.. its awesome.. just awesome.. anyone holding Genting? but its a very slow growing stock la of coz..
@chinesetea, whats 5 cold eye rule? google never give me anything when i search that..
@tewnama, yes.. i last time keep average down and feel bodoh.. we should buy when we saw a winning stock.. not buy when saw a losing stock.. i learned that the hardway..
@asamlaksa, i think more is coming up.. for Puncak i think all scare the uncertainties coming soon thats why fall.. as for AEONCRE, its a downtrending stock actually but fundamentally its good..


2014-01-10 19:20 | Report Abuse

Chinesetea.. Thanks for the insight.. Hope to learn more.. Currently I'm holding only two.. And I feel my portfolio out balance ady.. I will fix the portfolio maybe before cny or after cny.. After my lessons of over diversifying I now only hold max 3 stocks.. Or limit is 4 if I really can't choose which is the best.. Based on our 20 portfolio selections including the extra one mentioned by unclez.. It's truly very hard to choose which one is the best.. I'm still thinking which one I like and see prospect most in and just keep it until it's trend truly reverses.. Dsonic smth is brewing.. Eco world also.. Karex got nice moat.. Kossan is one of the performing ones in 2014 followed by many good ones very hard to choose.. I think by making mistakes and learning only I can choose which one is good =/ choosing top 3 is really troublesome.. Maybe should read all their financial statement.. Any advices on criteria to choosing best stocks?


2014-01-10 18:10 | Report Abuse

Ya betul.. Tengok performance camne... Thanks nightshade for telling! Tewnama dah masuk sikit? Fundamentals agak cheh kai.. Jim kita tengok Chinesetea, invest and asamlaksa say what..


2014-01-10 15:02 | Report Abuse

In selangor area lol.. Sakit betul masa jam Knn.. But I love rain and hate jam.. Knn everywhere jam kl pj Damansara all jam


2014-01-10 14:38 | Report Abuse

Shit stuck in jam heavy rain and wanna shit very badly... F****


2014-01-10 09:56 | Report Abuse

Yeap after one year, we can see back the selected stocks and choose the best performing ones and analyse their chart on how to again spot those type of best performing ones next year..


2014-01-10 09:53 | Report Abuse

New post by asamlaksa! another one appeared in the news!
I went to a seminar in last November and December, it says this year O&G would be one of the performing industry..


2014-01-10 09:32 | Report Abuse

lol YK memang geng la u hahaha everyday got smth new xD


2014-01-09 21:35 | Report Abuse

Ohhhh how to cr8 that? ya we not gonna do any transaction..


2014-01-09 19:55 | Report Abuse
Here is the latest list of transaction dated with open price on 2/1/2014 =D


2014-01-09 17:29 | Report Abuse

When I reach home I help to amend it OK haha today out whole day since 6.. The more I go out.. U feel the lesser the stress Coz at home keep see screen and ticker lol.. If I invest long term but see every second price movement u can die lol..


2014-01-09 08:24 | Report Abuse

Based on the double Btm formation with high volume shown yday.. It should be a breakout.. Expect more these few days


2014-01-08 23:51 | Report Abuse

i had a great time chatting and discussing with u guys! hope more to come ok =) Thanks again! need to go sleep tmr wake 6am T_T


2014-01-08 23:46 | Report Abuse

@asam so we follow the price as in 1st jan open price?


2014-01-08 23:41 | Report Abuse is it like this? i suck at organising this stuff T_T if anyone can do it pls take over wuwuwu


2014-01-08 23:37 | Report Abuse

Later when everyone free, we just choose which one we agree on and take that as our team portfolio.. of course we have our own one.. we gauge whether our own on win the team's one or lose the team's one.. then we can improve again at next year..


2014-01-08 23:35 | Report Abuse

asam.. add only.. then we can see performance altogether ma haha


2014-01-08 23:34 | Report Abuse

@chinesetea if make reference to 1/Jan 2014, the price follow that day's? or we make it to 8/Jan 2015 as one year period?


2014-01-08 23:33 | Report Abuse

i think we have to limit the number of shares we choose.. or else the list gonna explode hahaha what u guys suggest should be the number of shares we hold?


2014-01-08 23:32 | Report Abuse

For new company reading their quarter report wont help that much.. The potential beyond that is what is important.. The moat and the SWOT of the company.. Anyone realize that shares after splitting always go down? even the book i read says when share split.. sell on strength and wait to reenter back..


2014-01-08 23:29 | Report Abuse

Next year Tourism year.. Aeon got advantage? shopping malls.. and btw is Sunway inside anyone's radar? Next year is visit malaysia year.. Sunway Lagoon i see got a lot westerners there playing and even my western frens bring their children there.. there is also hotel + shopping mall all in one place.. anyone think Sunway would be great next year?


2014-01-08 23:28 | Report Abuse

@asamlaksa.. AEON Credit's fundamental is awesome but i didnt research in depth yet.. but the price why plunge so much recently??


2014-01-08 23:24 | Report Abuse

Brahim latest quarter got negative inside.. but overall seems nice.. actually that stock also can be enter into our portfolio.. going up steadily and yet still within bollinger band with nice volume..
I feel puncak potential not as much as the other stocks but we will see how it rolls out


2014-01-08 23:23 | Report Abuse this is the list did i miss out anything?
@chinesetea great job.. rmb to sustain your performance!


2014-01-08 23:12 | Report Abuse

can de.. teamwork sure can if cant beat them at least we are near to them haha.. ok im honoured to do it.. if i come across any good ones will post here..


2014-01-08 23:08 | Report Abuse

Brahim is already flying now lol


2014-01-08 23:00 | Report Abuse

@chinesetea =,= i dunno how create portfolio in blogs haha =,=''' can u help me..


2014-01-08 22:59 | Report Abuse

@chinesetea Great Idea! what name u suggest? can no problem
yes karex is a good moat company oso top condom producer in the world.. its within my watchlist.. but still moving sideways.. have great potential.. u collected some time adi?! niceeee yeap they waiting confirmation from Bursa for bonus issue


2014-01-08 22:58 | Report Abuse

@asamlaksa, the way kcc analyze all very similar with what i study in my degree.. Sharpe ratio, Beta, DCF, etc etc.. but like alot people say.. i dunno how to apply thats the problem.. i suck in accounts =,=

Anyone grabbed Hoover today? limit up 85% LOL kena UMA and halted in the trading.. end up with company no news about what happen.. pity the people who bought at high price..


2014-01-08 22:50 | Report Abuse

@asamlaksa really ah? lol so dirty meh but why i see macam clean only.. but setia alam under Sp setia hope wont change after Liew leave.. if he leaves la..
So to sum it up, we have Presbh, Kossan, Ecoworld, Dsonic, Puncak.. all got fundamentals.. now we just have to see which will gives u best return and select few.. normally my portfolio i hold 3 max.. i cannot hold too much else die halfway lol.. UncleZ have OCK also.. i currently only hold Ecoworld.. i put 70% into Sumatec since October end and still moving sideways for some time.. stucked in there but i do see its potential..
So many nice stocks! but the harder part is to choose which will give the best return..


2014-01-08 22:43 | Report Abuse

@invest i have the chance to buy at 3.30!! i still heart break the MBB system keep fail to connect knn zzz Hmmm i scare Kossan will be sideways for long time.. coz my funds very limited.. maybe will split it up for Kossan.. hahaha my turn to trust u in Kossan, u trust asam in Eco.. Supermx keep getting the headlight in newspaper.. on potential side i bliff Kossan will be more coz name also Kossan = Gu San = Stock God HAHAHAHAH damn lame wei me


2014-01-08 22:33 | Report Abuse

@iamax i think its better to wait for confirmation of news only worth to enter.. i love to ride a bull late a bit rather than an uncertain bull like hibiscus.. in sumatec i made a mistake entered too early.. im still learning from mistakes.. hahaa
invest818.. yaya.. wa 40 lots zz u damn rich.. big lot or small lot? only 10 small lots for ecoworld =,= funds all tied up with Sumatec.. Nope i adi told myself i wont enter company which does not show earnings anymore.. my hand burned enough adi.. altho its tasty to see people gain 30% in few days.. =/ u got enter?


2014-01-08 22:00 | Report Abuse

Asamlaksa, yeah not worth it.. i have too many people around me complaining about their work regretting and shit but they dunwan to do anything.. i dont want to be lidat.. yaya Setia Alam is great! The i-city there got nice condo coming up also.. i went to Setia Mall many times.. very nice.. but not for youngster to shop in.. nth much attracting youngsters.. U sure out of rat race adi right? i hope u are man!


2014-01-08 21:56 | Report Abuse

yday my fren also told me he entered Kossan.. i didnt jump in coz no money lol. FA quite good. but TA tells me now not right time to jump in because the very high volume contributed to only a small increase..this shows abnormalities and may sideway a while sekejap siu siu.. i missed the big gain T^T invest1818 why u no come early T_T~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


2014-01-08 21:51 | Report Abuse

HAHAHAHHAHA parabolic for Chartnexus is Red.. parabolic for MBB is green for 3 days.. So it shows.. in stock market, use same equation also can have different outcomes..


2014-01-08 21:46 | Report Abuse

@asamlaksa seriously if i have chance.. i sure will buy Ecoworld's property.. their concept is all greenery and environment.. but if too much money spent on greenery and environment, it needs to be offset by their high profit margin to cover the cost and space taken up by the greenery concept..


2014-01-08 21:42 | Report Abuse

I tot of coming out to be employed first to get capital.. ya lor i dunwan to do business for the sake of money.. i wan do smth i like and love.. then i wont feel like working anymore.. i dunwan 10k salary but every night scare and stress next day come.. one of my dream is to have a job/business which i will look forward to everyday and say TGIM (Thanks God its Monday) and not TGIF!


2014-01-08 21:39 | Report Abuse

invest1818 of coz! no nid to ask we sure welcome u!