
Chrollo | Joined since 2013-11-27

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2014-01-08 21:23 | Report Abuse

Thanks Pareto! A World Cup 2014 with one side handle has already forming on the way.. expect to go slightly below or stay the same next few days.. with decreasing volume.. and then boom!


2014-01-08 21:19 | Report Abuse

the firework is that day the one??? or just a small firework ?


2014-01-08 21:16 | Report Abuse

=,= asamlaksa.. BFM that day baru talk bout increasing cost of living and also susah to get marriage funds.. i come out work must accumulate adi.. a while more i finished studying come out work.. now keep reading books to enhance my baby brain lol.. any small business to recommend? serious.. maybe can go research and stuff to start up small small.. HAHAHa


2014-01-08 21:14 | Report Abuse

Anyone know why IRIS goes up so much without any news and announcement?? Up none stop for few days with damn high volume today.. went up over 30% since 4 days ago..


2014-01-08 21:11 | Report Abuse

Yeap actually everyone is very much welcome to share whatever stock they feel its good.. The bigger the merrier.. Thousands stocks in KLSE.. sure will oversee some good stocks..


2014-01-08 21:08 | Report Abuse

tewnama, betul.. ada banyak supporter actually.. tak boleh tiap tiap hari naik.. tapi 2 hari naik 1% pun cukup untuk long term..


2014-01-08 21:04 | Report Abuse

Its been some time adi unclez not commenting on his blog.. huhu if possible would love to ask him to share us his wisdom..


2014-01-08 21:01 | Report Abuse

@asamlaksa no la sure i still holding la.. i regret that i wanna add in at 3.30 and 3.38 but failed.. ~_~ i dont profit take unless i saw that
1)Low quarter earnings
2)Bad News
3)Abnormal reaction in the price

I actually sold Dsonic because of the abnormality.. my funds very small so i can only hop in breakout chart and hold them like how i jumped from Dsonic to Ecoworld.. Dsonic sideways for now but when breakout im gonna buy that solid rocking counter babeh!


2014-01-08 20:58 | Report Abuse

@iamalex, coastal's EPS has been dropping since 2009 eventho revenue increases.. so for me the FA not good for me..
For TA, the price has already went far away from the pivot point.. i would not enter for now as they show some abnormality reaction.. high volume but price pushed up a bit only.. so may go sideways in next day or two.. Thanks for the recommendation... and take note that the chart in i3investor for coastal is wrong as i checked that in my MBB and also Chartnexus, the open price is Rm3.80 and not Rm3.70..


2014-01-08 20:44 | Report Abuse

@asamlaksa yeap not bad.. if breakout would be a good counter.. yes u are right.. i also hate to see red.. =.= sien.. when see red beh tahan haha how many of u are holding Ecoworld?


2014-01-08 12:00 | Report Abuse

@chinese i last time saw Puncak is also recommended by OTB also.. puncak not bad.. the puncak macam has a breakout but the volume not strong enough.. momentum not strong enough..


2014-01-08 11:55 | Report Abuse

LOL susah la =,= i oso nid go back my comment to find back this blog.. i pin it in ym tab now hahaha
@asamlaksa.. its awesome la hahha like those normal love birds u see in shopping mall
@chinesetea i have few

Maybe u already have few of this side haha.. damn dulan yday wan enter Ecoworld more at Rm4.3 and Rm4.38 the MBB website jam.. knn when can trade adi Rm4.55 ZzZzzzz


2014-01-07 18:21 | Report Abuse

We all know that in our lovely country.. Many bodies are set up to "protect public's interest" .. Cakap je sedap dengar.. Protect own interest ada la.. Tengok news pun banyak double standard.. Cakap hebat.. Do work double standard..


2014-01-07 08:30 | Report Abuse

@asamlaksa good morning! Yeap! ok will do ! Lets share our experience and all ok! Hope to learn more from seniors like u all hehe


2014-01-06 22:43 | Report Abuse

MKH boleh masuk tmr? tmr need go out with gf zzz tak boleh tengok market -,-


2014-01-06 22:40 | Report Abuse

Benalec just cleared away the family problem.. and the chart shows reversal with nice volume today added with a breakout at 89 cents.. on top of that i love company with shares buy back.. Benalec just announced a share buy back today.. on top of that, Affin maintain buy with a TP of Rm1.98..


2014-01-06 22:21 | Report Abuse

sien lor got people younger than me =,=


2014-01-06 22:20 | Report Abuse

CT! no la this one no dig oil.. this one is proven only acquire..


2014-01-06 22:18 | Report Abuse

NOOOOOOOOOOOOO i left out T_T tmr i try find chance to squeeze in sobsss wa chinesetea u damn huat adi lor.. actually i got a lot counter i feel wan go into.. but overdiversify mati aku nanti lol.. tmr max im gonna enter is 2.. Benalec and MKH maybe..


2014-01-06 22:13 | Report Abuse

@hayashi, ahhuat is not talking bout u.. tmr will reverse or not depends on whether can stay above 30 cents.. Its highly likely that it wont reverse gear but there is not guarantee rmb that.. No one can guarantee u tmr wont reverse.. and btw good luck for ur exam! Where got people exam at start of the year de =,=


2014-01-06 21:57 | Report Abuse

asamlaksa, careful.. MKH today closing price has already broken the upper bollinger band by alot lot..


2014-01-06 21:52 | Report Abuse

actually what happen to MKH =,= so long one the candlestick


2014-01-06 21:44 | Report Abuse

@strategist ya la ... rmb hire me when i come out work HAHA


2014-01-06 21:43 | Report Abuse

If you all can read unclez's posting, he said give Ecoworld 3 years in the latest posting and see what Liew can show..
And when u read bout about the posting in his purchase of Ecoglade, he mention property will be a hit in 2016 and slowdown in 2014 & 2015.
Sooooooooooooooooooooo, 2014, 2015, 2016.. 3 years.. concidence? or maybe i think too much hahahha


2014-01-06 21:40 | Report Abuse

@asamlaksa.. true story bro.. Grab one for myself? not so high level yet hahahah the starting price there adi can drown me hahahaha later we will see many other developer follow ecoworld like how Liew first brought DIBS into Malaysia and then followed by other developers..


2014-01-06 21:36 | Report Abuse

@strategist not young lor i adi 22 years old =.= damn tua adi working soon T^T hope im 17 HAHAHAHA


2014-01-06 21:34 | Report Abuse

@chinese HAHAHAHAHHA betul! baru 15% dah uma baboon betul ada news lagi bukan apa pun takde.. memang tahi kambing goreng.. But to be frank.. my view is someone goreng this counter up in past few days.. I monitored the buy and sell transaction last week.. keep on got people push the price up plenty of purple transaction in super big lots.. Not sure what they want to show.. Whether they wanna show Ecoworld is goreng counter or not i dunno.. but somehow i feel someone wan ecoworld to have bad image..


2014-01-06 21:30 | Report Abuse

@tewnama sumatec no cuba strike oil.. dia beli proven oil field jer.. tapi buy signal belum wujud lagi.. its 30 cents break out for sumatec added with above average volume today.. but TA only helps a bit.. the new report and all will help more.. halim also kena tipu.. kesian -,- brape billion kena tipu..
@Asamlaksa betul.. we fully support clean and passionate people which do their job instead of waiting for free life and money.. have u been to ecoworld showhouse near the selayang? The concept sibeh imba


2014-01-06 21:25 | Report Abuse

@strategist =.= eeeeeeeee sorry laaaa hahahaaaa


2014-01-06 21:19 | Report Abuse

betul betul.. its not easy for liew if he comes out from Sp.. but i bliff he got smth up his sleeve.. ada banyak ACE.. btw if u all interested can see see into Sumatec.. potential make over.. ;) im holding sumatec too..


2014-01-06 21:11 | Report Abuse

@OTB welcome abroad!! =DDD


2014-01-06 21:09 | Report Abuse

If today UMA no come, ecoworld would close maybe Rm5.. all counter also green why target this counter? Sendiri tau tau la.. Hibiscus increased so much before a major selldown but satu UMA pun tarak..


2014-01-06 21:08 | Report Abuse

Dah few days adi tewnama haha.. Ok i try to contribute with my TA altho its a bit noobish @_@.. But for tmr ecoworld expect some selldown in morning based on today's high volume in failing to produce any advancement.. Dont rush in buy terus.. This may due to the exhaustion of bull to take a breath, or due to UMA. But basing in demand and supply, its like a selldown but not a major one as the confidence is shown in the reply with some keypoints. I expect the price to move sideways for some time. i cannot guarantee a selldown but its likely the case based on the chart, the gap up when open today and also the volume shown today.. Lets hope for the best!
If tmr goes up i will grab somemore ;D i like to average it up and not averaging it down huhu..


2014-01-06 20:40 | Report Abuse

True story will accumulate more on weakness.. I like the project because it's concept based and the latest trend around the world which is green and eco is doing it nicely.. Liew is very good in being a starter of smth new..


2014-01-06 19:13 | Report Abuse

AT LAST! the patience paid off T_T but still am below my average purchase price..


2014-01-06 19:10 | Report Abuse

@chinesetea how u see whether a company is undervalue or not? can share share if dun mind? for me i use Graham formula to get the intrinsic value..


2014-01-06 19:09 | Report Abuse

chinesetea, as long as it ups its great! i just worry some counter takes too long to shine.. like money gets stuck for long before shine.. so im trying new method of buying only after breakout.. still testing hehe.. Wonder whats unclez gonna say about the UMA..


2014-01-06 18:58 | Report Abuse

Hi Connie, ya I'm starting to slowly make back my losses and learning more.. Hahaha all thanks to you all for advising and pushing me.. Ya actually doesn't make sense..
Chinesetea.. Few days ago many people buy it up in ecoworld .. Suddenly all disappeared..
Yeah Asamlaksa! It would be great if he were to drop by.. I also watching out for this few counters.. Once breakout I will enter.. Ecoworld still hasn't lose its shine yet.. Just some bugger go and splatter mud on it making it lose its shine now.. Wait for it to shine again..


2014-01-06 16:50 | Report Abuse

Its normal lah they make money diam diam. .no make money here query there query


2014-01-06 16:36 | Report Abuse

Wait for the next breakout. .next few days will either retrace or go sideways.. Knn bursa should query de counter don't query..shouldn't query go query lol


2014-01-06 15:24 | Report Abuse

Pelik ah. .takpe takpe kekadang je bagi sikit hahaha


2014-01-06 15:17 | Report Abuse

Limayseng, pls check their number of shares vs ecoworld number of shares..their shares are diluted that's why 2.95..check first check first


2014-01-06 14:49 | Report Abuse

When break 30cent only consider bah. .stagnant so long liao


2014-01-06 14:36 | Report Abuse

Ya I just look at it in case need to ciao..I expect selldown so no surprise.. This stock simply just broke out from its base that's all..


2014-01-06 14:34 | Report Abuse

Those who rushed to sell now rush back to buy in again..funny lol


2014-01-06 12:10 | Report Abuse

I don't think today got anything.. Wait more few days bah..


2014-01-06 11:39 | Report Abuse

Mungkin syndicate mungkin orang yg support liew atau news akan keluar in few days..byk mungkin..mungkin mungkin susah own research read books and do own study paling best...thanks..


2014-01-06 09:37 | Report Abuse

ya lor =/ even disappear from the top 10 trending counter here..