
Chrollo | Joined since 2013-11-27

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2014-01-16 12:39 | Report Abuse

Eric faster hold my hand runnnnnNNNNNnNNNNNnnnnnn 100m sprint RunnnNnNnnnnNn *put on superman cap* don't run flyby fFlyyyyyyyy ericccc


2014-01-16 12:25 | Report Abuse

Train handbrake no pull!!!! RUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Eric I kena your disease ady hahahaaa


2014-01-16 12:20 | Report Abuse

This harvard57 looks like the fortunebull hahahaha


2014-01-16 10:57 | Report Abuse

aiya looiks trim muscle ah body overbulky adi? need more hi tea for protein is it haha


2014-01-16 10:18 | Report Abuse

today no action liao de come all go tidorrrrr ZZzZzZz


2014-01-16 09:39 | Report Abuse

Who got such a big appetite?!?!? walao billionaire mehhhhhhh


2014-01-16 09:21 | Report Abuse

within 2 second 48million units are disposed lollll big appetite + big disposer


2014-01-16 08:54 | Report Abuse

What if suddenly will got smth miracle pending announcement ?!?!? Then say ok oil sudah dapat 50 billion metric tonnes .. expected profit jump to rm890 billion. . Lol I dream more than dream hunter nowadays hahahah


2014-01-16 08:52 | Report Abuse

Red alert red alert.. tet tet tet tet.. kangkung anyone?? Today's menu is kangkung belacan campur udang goreng kicik with kari kambing..


2014-01-15 23:57 | Report Abuse

asamlaksa, even if i dont earn, i still donate whenever i have the chance.. if i cant donate in monies term, i will donate my time to help the needy =)


2014-01-15 23:56 | Report Abuse

Scientex (Buffett's 10 screening method)
1)Consistent high ROE > 12% = PASS
2)Consistent high ROTC > 12% = Do not pass (only 8%)
3)EPS upward trend = PASS
4)Is the company conservatively financed(long term debt less than 5 times earning) = PASS *However, the debts increase alot compared to 2012
5)Any competitive advantage? = PASS (Scientex is now the largest producer of stretch film in Asia and among the top three in the world
after having doubled our annual production capacity to 194,000 metric tonnes over the past five-year period.)
6)Does company relies on organized labor force? = Cant find
7)Can company increase price along inflation? = PASS
8)Does retained earnings allocated efficiently? = Someone teach me how to get retained earnings ><
9)Share repurchase = PASS
10)Share price rise over 10 years = PASS
10a)Book value rising over 10 years = Someone teach me how to get book value ><

asamlaksa, i dunno accurate or not just a try try if wrong pls correct me ya.. out of 8, 7 passed the screening test.. its a good stock..
Please advise if anyone has any thoughts.. Thanks!


2014-01-15 23:24 | Report Abuse

okie Asamlaksa will be more polite >< sorry boss! yeap i read both local and also legendary investors.. but local book ah.. they sell their courses and seminar inside the book that's why i am more inclined to those who only purely teaches and not sell their courses in book.. read read half way say only can mention in seminar la, only can use their software all bla bla bla.. Maybe i am still new so emotion easily affected.. but better than my first two months of trading over 20~30 trades waste money ==.. slowly reducing and reducing adi.. btw i still owe u two stocks to lookup on ><


2014-01-15 22:43 | Report Abuse

tewnama, just becareful will do =) everyone wanna make money! hahaha btw, our portfolio how? cut loss when 8%? and invest also suggested a good idea! btw are u all retired? why macam free saje hahaha now im reading Security Analysis by Benjamin Graham, babi giler tebal the book lol.. need to slowly digest it ~_~


2014-01-15 22:39 | Report Abuse

OTB, there is a saying in Buddhism that if people criticise you and u ignore, they are like spitting to the sky and lastly the saliva will fall back on their faces.. dont need to spend your time in being angry and all.. everyone knows how u help and your good intention.. and on top of that, stupid people will drag you down to their level and beat you in their level.. so best way is to just ignore =) *flies away*


2014-01-15 21:17 | Report Abuse

lol.. derrick apasal u main contra =,= put here few years la or until trend reverse..


2014-01-15 21:14 | Report Abuse

And i like to add on that the PE of Ecoworld is 40+ but it does not actually reflect the Ecoworld because it takes into account the earning of Focal which is not Ecoworld for Q1, and Q2.. PE does not show anything unless its over 100 or thousands.. the real PE can only be shown after Ecoworld has a year round of quarter report..


2014-01-15 21:12 | Report Abuse

Yeap true coz i set cut loss to prevent losing too much.. one of my system coz studies shown that uptrending company rarely drops more than 8% altho there are exceptions.. but kichi fish like me no difference de la hahaha but beware also Dsonic director dispose at the highest price which is 2.30.. i scare they purposely push price higher for director to let go.. but based on past trends director dispose is not a big problem.. u can smell blood? better careful then.. double layer teeth fish is coming..


2014-01-15 20:02 | Report Abuse

btw, i heard CIMB said in 2H of 2015, it will start to be bearish lol.. anyone heard that??


2014-01-15 19:56 | Report Abuse

Halo bro strategist!! long time no see xD


2014-01-15 19:55 | Report Abuse

asamlaksa, yeap many wanna play high risk ma swim with sharks and then have the excitement.. btw Ecoworld i cut lost at around 4.1 smth as it hits my stop loss so i have to cut no matter what.. Wait for things to cool down first.. btw Dsonic move again.. when Dsonic stagnant, Ecoworld go up, when Ecoworld stagnant, Dsonic go up!
invest1818, it would be a great idea but it will be very hard on coordinating. its awesome ideas of coz even if our stocks are not chosen but we practise to analyze and learn from each other.. i say Yes to ur recommendation haha
Thanks chinesetea for the info! btw today alot of professors, fund managers, professional hedge bla bla bla all come into ecoworld saying how great and accurate they are and stuff hahaha.. Hmm land injection.. Yeap i feel some party wanna kacau Ecoworld.. gut feelings.. the same price that day have tonnes of big buyers pushing up price and now at this same price people are pushing it down.. Puncak i bliff the setback is temporary.. i dont see any problem with just a project not being given to Puncak.. but i guess is surprises many that Puncak does not get the project..
BTW, should we put a 8% stop loss for our portfolio?? or let it run till 2015? let it remain unchanged.?


2014-01-15 17:17 | Report Abuse

Actually hor. .when we subscribe right issue, after subscribing and paid, can we sell the mother share or we must hold it?


2014-01-15 15:08 | Report Abuse

why WB up faster than mother share?? if convert WB to mother share, total cost now is 41 cents le.. WB overprice or mother share underprice??


2014-01-14 23:04 | Report Abuse

invest1818, true bro! Buffet's 10 screening method from The New Buffetology is great to use.. i bliff if we can apply consistently we will not make loss but maybe not great profit also.. keep improving is what i needed to do.. Yeap since day 1 for some reason i like Karex altho i never use before.. LOL still a virgin le T_T aaaaaaa a new and good company good for long term.. yeap Karex has a good moat! and btw i went to a seminar once and the speaker say, if possible buy the stocks that produce the things that you used..
And thanks for the advice provided invest!


2014-01-14 22:30 | Report Abuse

hayashi, i got feeling tmr u exam.. so u better prepare and good luck HAHAHAHA


2014-01-14 22:29 | Report Abuse

Invest1818, i pin it in my tab so i can terus enter this everytime i use internet.. or i bookmark it in my phone.. Depends on the quantity sold by directors, if alot and significant, maybe smth is wrong.. before Dsonic dropped, directors also sold.. Buffet always say if directors are selling, better dont enter.. i think better dont bet on chances.. the announcement may or may not happen.. and May is around 5 months from now many uncertainties.. just my view hehe =p


2014-01-14 22:22 | Report Abuse

i think before that i must go Tanjung Rambutan first HAHAHAH


2014-01-14 22:19 | Report Abuse

i think tmr open will Rm1, then afternoon close Rm1.50 then closing Rm3.. FUHLAMAK then next day open Rm33 @_@


2014-01-14 17:55 | Report Abuse

asamlaksa, from the front look on Scientex,
1) earnings are great, increasing over the year. ROE is the highest out of all years.
2) shareholders are acquiring the shares but they are also disposing at some point dunno what happen
3) there is shares buyback! Buffet love share buyback company lol

i would invest if i have the bullets but not now as its still can be seen that the bear has raped the bull on Monday..

Maybe will look into the annual report later hehe
There are so many good companies in KLSE! and unclez is right.. why people wanna risk and play goreng + no earnings stocks end up kena bakar macam KANGKUNG FRIED CHICKEN HAHAHHAHA..


2014-01-14 16:50 | Report Abuse

@asamlaksa, i still do not know, but for now it seems i like stocks.. There are many parts in broking firm, remisier, chartist, fundamentalist, dealer, etc etc.. I guess i must really go work and check out the jobscope only then i can decide.. But for now remisier would be my aim..

Everyone's opinion is Iskandar is bubbling, but is it really bubbling? yes the price is sky high, but for Singaporeans, its cheap.. and the main targeted population is seemingly the Singaporeans.. whether its bubbling or not i cannot be certain unless i drive there and see the area, drive around the area and survey..

Okie, will take a look at the fundamentals.. xD


2014-01-14 16:46 | Report Abuse HOLY SHIT puncak raw water license to be revoked!
Any effect? will it hamper the fundamentals permanently? should we reconsider puncak??


2014-01-14 11:52 | Report Abuse

@asamlaksa, i always believe in doing what i love first and i believe hardwork will automatically comes because i love the job and lastly when meet with opportunity, money will come.. i also believe big money is the bi-product and not the main product.. can we know the landbanks own by company based on the annual report?


2014-01-14 11:50 | Report Abuse

@asamlaksa, sorry the chinesetea reply in my previous comment supposed to be asamlaksa. HAHAHA typo! drink too much chinese tea yday.. love tea..
btw yeap its my passion.. i will try to enter and do what i love hhaahah! of coz we can share tips as long as there is no breach of code of ethics.. Johor now are all development based on concepts.. No more like build a 20 units bungalow near a terrace house etc etc.. now all are building like own territory with many amnesities inside the area like how mont kiara and desa park city.. big guns are building township adi and not units units anymore.. those who build houses alone will not sell like hot cake anymore compared to township projects..


2014-01-14 10:40 | Report Abuse

Tewnama,betul..if price move according to the asset pricing..pasti fall one day..EPS that factors in the asset sales will not show anything solid on the companies earning.. A company does not do business by keep selling its asset..
Chinesetea, how u see where and how many land they own?? Its a good news if they own a batu kawan land where big projects are going Penang is competing with johor on development..I went to the property outlook conference last weekend and all the speakers emphasize on johor johor johor..maybe we should keep an eye on small companies that own a lot of landbank in johor..


2014-01-14 10:36 | Report Abuse

I just finished reading anothe say what is short term fluctuations compared to long term trend unless of coz the long term trend is mostly I check on weekly chart ady..daily chart has too many factor weekly would be a nice graph to check on.. It factors in the weekly movement and shows you the long term trend which is the important also helps to solve my emotional trading problem by seeing the bigger picture..


2014-01-14 00:12 | Report Abuse

hayashi i cant take ptptn coz i not eligible.. it was my mistake.. =/ if get first honours no nid pay anything also.. but too bad i was not eligible =(


2014-01-13 23:49 | Report Abuse

@hayashi memang kaya u.. but i bliff u sure will be able to use the monies wisely ;D
@strategist.. ya lor slowly build it.. one more semester and im off to working world! cant wait to work hehehaha
@Flybird, ya wei! imba hahaha no la im happy and grateful for what i have now ;) just kacau hayashi oni hehe


2014-01-13 23:43 | Report Abuse

@chinesetea, wow MGO means the director must sell? means like hostile takeover?


2014-01-13 23:06 | Report Abuse

Knn hayashi so rich 18 but buy share over 100k lollllll I also student but why I no money buy so much share..maybe should sell sifat if got imlegend body hahaha


2014-01-13 21:48 | Report Abuse

Wa looiks u play few places tim imba. .


2014-01-13 21:44 | Report Abuse

Hope if I put here for few year can become my marriage fund ady haha haha maybe 5 years later become rm3. .can kahwin ady


2014-01-13 21:38 | Report Abuse

Ya ya just today up a bit from my average at last green ady ^_^ so happy Le...those who got chance to buy at 26.5 lagi happy.. but got profit happy ady hahaha strategist hold with me can mou hahaha?


2014-01-13 21:33 | Report Abuse

I will hold and see the turnover of pn17 company..who with me?!?!?!? My first few stocks is pn17 stocks..memang add ppl say I crazy hahaha


2014-01-13 21:26 | Report Abuse

Oh ya the share float of hlcap is a bit below the 25 percent requirement is it? Nowadays all shares that shoot up is undervalued coz their asset. . Sbccorp is undervalued I think because of their land banks but not because of their earning capabilities..I read before that nta is not a good indicator because we don't buy the stock expecting the company to sell their assets..I think it's buffetology stating that don't depends on the company asset but depend it's earning potential..
Mgo?? Is it the one that day say wan privatise that one?? I am new to market so many things are new to me..but if shareholders reject..I guess they have to offer higher price.. I wanna work in stockbroking firm when I come out!


2014-01-13 19:30 | Report Abuse

Today's list..

Wan to have a bit of question.. If a stock has more cash or nta than the stock price..does it causes increase in the stock price even tho it has not much fundamentals?? I see a lot stocks nowadays keep talking bout nta and all like the company is going to sell and realize their asset very soon lol..


2014-01-13 19:22 | Report Abuse

Ya it's like the share.. like give a sense of fishy fishy macam not right..maybe I never see like that before lollllll why delist them?? Too power ady?? Today eco world jatuh..sobsss


2014-01-13 19:13 | Report Abuse

The question is do you like your job?? Do what u like confirm will be successful except like to do stupid stuff haha..oi Eric knn u sin ka lin ah salary 1450 and 6 years can have 100k in bank..u forgot to tell your parents put in 99k for u is it hahah


2014-01-13 19:08 | Report Abuse

Sometimes we must make parents happy also..not just think of ourselves..If they wan use have degree jus get a degree and make them happy..but rmb choose what u like la of coz don't go choose things you don't degree is like insurance..won't confirm rich but useful when in trouble..wan rich must have financial intelligence and hard work... u see all the board members all full of certificates...I see also scare lol..


2014-01-13 16:52 | Report Abuse

Who let the dog out ouh ouh ouh ouh ouh..