
Chrollo | Joined since 2013-11-27

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2014-02-13 15:26 | Report Abuse

Mati kudasai des


2014-02-13 12:09 | Report Abuse

yeap strategist.. thinking of sell mother share to Convert to warrant

huhuhu it's OK manmin lesson learned is a good lesson hehe


2014-02-13 11:44 | Report Abuse

Ahhuat, BJ shares very risky, if wan play must be very cautious, u wont know when they pull the carpet that u are standing on and make u fall..


2014-02-13 11:43 | Report Abuse

profit a bit only very less.. bought WB average 0.209 sold at 0.22 gain rm100 hehe..


2014-02-13 11:41 | Report Abuse

nono i sold a bit only for money and chance purposes.. 80% of my funds still in sumatec.. hehe..


2014-02-13 11:38 | Report Abuse

in sumatec total i sold 3 times before and after sold immediately up i really tak faham what logic is this.. so i sell a bit then will up alot hahahahaaa


2014-02-13 11:34 | Report Abuse

i think ha.. this is really funny.. i dun sell wont up.. i sell sure up.. many times happen to me in sumatec.. so i try testing this morning sell 100 lots.. really go up! KNS! lucky i didnt sell all only sell 10% !#$@$^$#%@#$!


2014-02-13 11:20 | Report Abuse

yeap true true tested few time support still strong.. anyone entered SCH? seems like a lot ppl kena trapped


2014-02-13 11:13 | Report Abuse

hahaha ya my mom told me im lucky this stock havent jump cliff yet zzz coz remisier ask dont touch this stock.. but i bliff in this stock la of coz just sometimes like to mumble mumble only hehe


2014-02-13 11:12 | Report Abuse

why everyone say older than me alot =.= all young young maaaaaaaa btw are u affialiated with inwest88? lol so similar the name hahuahua


2014-02-13 11:04 | Report Abuse

lol, DH so u are ok if thousand girls come crying to u la.. dude cannot la now.. like this la.. i sad adi i go cry at strategist shoulder huhuhuh


2014-02-13 11:03 | Report Abuse

wa invest u kaya lor =.= so imba..


2014-02-13 11:03 | Report Abuse

HAHAHA walao ermmmm ya lor i rmb chinesetea saying his return also superb =p hehehe btw too much to jaga lol.. 8 is alot! i prefer max 5 but now im holding 2, sumatec and SCH. now the last counter im thinking to put which one.. dsonic? eco? ock? vitrox? pjd? karex? kossan? and the list goes on walao so many to choose!


2014-02-13 10:39 | Report Abuse

DH, nvm la if anyone of us bosan, we support them and support each other marh~ then wont boring liao..


2014-02-13 10:35 | Report Abuse

if it closed at 1.56 its a good sign but still struggling it seems.. lets hope for da best!


2014-02-13 10:29 | Report Abuse

=.= waliaoooooo no way its me la HAHAHHA

U know, yday i heard from BFM on ways to choose super return stocks. However, they only managed to tell 2 criterias and said will resume next week.
1) Do not choose index stocks or highly research stocks if wanna beat the index (Choose the UNDER RESEARCH stocks with good fundamentals)
2) Choose M&A or RTO stocks or those that have big happening going on such as Barakah, Ecoworld, Narra etc etc
3) Research on the directors to see their intention on acquiring the company


2014-02-13 10:13 | Report Abuse

invest1818, yeap i think so coz his blog seems to be so.. maybe unclez is one of us with different name? hehe


2014-02-13 10:12 | Report Abuse

dont mention it bro, i am just sharing with u all and its nothing la just copy pasted.. hehe btw this morning IPO SCH from 40 cents (78% gain) now fell to 30 cents (28% gain) with IPO price at 23 cents.. anyone have view on this counter or know what is it? i checked thru google but only so so info.. entered very little at 30 cents a bit only to take advantage of the panic..


2014-02-13 09:33 | Report Abuse

DH but when I know bout suma it's any ex price =( not my luck.. late half year sobss


2014-02-13 09:17 | Report Abuse

haha haha like main roller coaster ganjiongness lol.. no la DH sometimes must crazy a bit de =p but u are right bout the phasing out of the panicky words


2014-02-13 09:07 | Report Abuse

alamak...okie Thanks for the confirmation Capt Looiks ;)


2014-02-13 07:13 | Report Abuse

Morning strategist! huhuhu lets huat tgt!


2014-02-12 23:55 | Report Abuse

tewnama jgn la kata sendiri tua, semua masih muda2 belaka! skrang tengah belajar invest pastu nak kerja kuat2 untuk kumpul capital! muda susah susah dahulu senang senang kemudian.. macam u boleh la enjoy bersara kan


2014-02-12 23:46 | Report Abuse

tapi kalau main pegang macam u can la.. i masih tengah belajar camne nak hold tight tight..


2014-02-12 23:44 | Report Abuse

tewnama, ikut boleh ikut, tapi boleh tak pegang selama uncleZ.. dia hebat pegang.. saya baru kat sharemarket genap 3 bulan haha macam bayi yang masih bongok hahaha


2014-02-12 23:00 | Report Abuse

83% in 6 months is equals to 166% per annum! this is exceptionally crazy! asamlaksa, i think i saw it before, maybe i should get it.. i believe i can read the fundamentals of a company but of course not as good as kcc or unclez but i feel i lack a very important trait that is high EQ, patience, and also the ability to see the future.. thanks for the book asamlaksa!


2014-02-12 21:32 | Report Abuse
Spectacular gain in 6 months and also good post written for in the Contra post..


2014-02-12 20:43 | Report Abuse

Actually if there is no invisible hand disposing price any moved.. I worry even tho q report is good but no point if people keep throw and block the advancement of the price.. everything is based on the sharks.. They wan up or down also can block and make us stuck also can. . see see first ..


2014-02-12 20:41 | Report Abuse

okkkk thanks brooooo no la I all in in this counter ady.. no left any capital to contra money.. and I don't wish to learn contra also altho I see Eric keep earning money but dun wan belanja Starbucks hahaha


2014-02-12 19:05 | Report Abuse

DH, ya i understand.. but u see sometimes when hardwork continuously doesnt show any single result, it will only demotivates me.. altho i keep struggling and keep finding and do homework.. at last i kena dabao by my EQ. fear, greed and things like that prevent me to diversify and all.. so stupid =,= i must not give up!


2014-02-12 18:35 | Report Abuse

I never play margin before altho I got the account. . can't even choose stock properly.. If take margin sure koyak. .I also all in sumatec but no profit yet


2014-02-12 18:30 | Report Abuse

sure u can do it Bro! wipe out bad dreams and let the sweet dream cover u like bed of roses with girls


2014-02-12 18:12 | Report Abuse

DH, if I am sitting on tonnes of profit like u maybe my mindset would be different..


2014-02-12 18:10 | Report Abuse

Thanks Chinesetea, invest and asamlaksa.. I wanna trust what I chose coz I have read their plans and their goal, their mission etc.. its my biggest investment to date.. but sigh.. many news and stuff just couldn't move the price.. and more additional listing is on the way.. how also after this week or next I will sell 50% of it to diversify..u are right invest, my opportunity cost has already reached 3 months.. still like this..quite depressing =( but today bfm radio said at least need to have 6 months to 1 year to test the counter but all counter has already gone green so long! MKH went up as much as 40 over percent since beginning of the year and even our portfolio is so diversified, we still have 8% profit with quite a numbers of winners going over 20%.
asamlaksa what u said is right but I feels all things I studied and tried hard on for the past few months still not giving me any fruition.. I'm not sure is it I do not wan to accept the fact or scare to diversify and lose percentage of profit gain.. =( what u said on the last paragraph is what I feared and refused to budge and move to other country and cost me a lot. .
my EQ is very low.. easily affected.. Thanks for the advise bros! wish u all more huattttt


2014-02-12 17:31 | Report Abuse

This week dunno will move or not haizzz if follow January ESOS listing date will drop another 0.5 cents.. director also long time no throw any shares liao no report anything d now dunno who is throwing and buying.. why make esos Le not beneficial to shareholders also..


2014-02-12 17:07 | Report Abuse

Another ESOS? ??


2014-02-12 10:08 | Report Abuse

alamak u people also here chit chat with us ma.. its an irony that u said we are wasting time here to chat but ... but.. kekeke


2014-02-11 23:54 | Report Abuse

so many of the good stocks today shot up again.. but all i can do is just see and feel happy for u guys ;DD
This sumatec is really testing my patience to da maximum level T_T wait until my neck also longer than giraffe lolxxx i wanted to diversify but i do not dare to do so =(
i currently only have 10k capital and most of it inside sumatec. I still bliff strongly that its future is very bright upon sorting out its internal issues. Should i hold on to my belief and just wait?
This made me no money to enter other counter.. can any senior advise me on how to sell it and enter or based on proportion? if i were to diversify my choice is, a) Dsonic b) Karex c) Ecoworld d) MKH 3) Vitrox
Thanks in advance.


2014-02-11 09:53 | Report Abuse

wow dsonic I hope everyone makes money here wuahahah! yes hopefully all of us here achieve a very very good return ! Make that 300% a dream come true.. If we can't hit the moon at least we hit the sky!

Valentine's ah..u all how enjoy?? lol nanti too pamper become materialistic Le.. must teach her that enjoy with company is better than present.. my cheapskate ways of telling her to save money wuahahah

I bliff vitrox is a good counter..


2014-02-11 09:49 | Report Abuse

Eric also lose patience ady lol.. slumberland.. how long more?? pp no news yet haven't approved by bursa yet.. We just know it's used to fund ong field.. sideline for months liao. .


2014-02-11 09:46 | Report Abuse

tewnama I still rmb u r legendary rm10 first purchaser haha. .memang hebat huattttttttt ahhh


2014-02-10 21:29 | Report Abuse

lol asamlaksa, no la no prepare anything, just bring her for a good lunch.. she say no need to buy present so i didnt buy HUHAUAH i hope its not reverse psychology or im dead.. yeap our portfolio main losses come from few dead counter.. and u are right too overdiversified.. winners are only 3 above 20% which is BRAHIM, VITROX and MKH. others are catching up lets see who will win.. huhuhu sumatec sill slumber mode zzz waiting for it to explode zzz


2014-02-10 19:54 | Report Abuse

Wahaaiii ds so positive ah.. what made u change ur mind =p


2014-02-10 18:40 | Report Abuse

DH, when is yr tp date?? if until June also this price what chu gonna do just wanna know he. .He. .


2014-02-10 17:09 | Report Abuse



2014-02-10 17:06 | Report Abuse

Been away for way too long =.= aarghhhh holiday makes me numbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb huhuhu today everything is green green!! my watchlist 95% green lolxxx how is everyone?!? Hope u all are fine and our portfolio it seems stading at 6.5% as to date.. slowly yet surely.. Wow DSONIC! my jaw dropped =.= congrats everyone!!


2014-02-10 17:03 | Report Abuse

today same price again.. =.=